Volvo C304 (4x4) Restore and fitout - WR7002


Incredible build. Really enjoyed reading the thread.

The mud there is unreal. It's strange to see--it's so arid where I live.

Do you think the Buckshots will be able to match the mud performance of the original set (Simex, I presume)? You would think they'd be hard to beat!


Incredible build. Really enjoyed reading the thread.

The mud there is unreal. It's strange to see--it's so arid where I live.

Do you think the Buckshots will be able to match the mud performance of the original set (Simex, I presume)? You would think they'd be hard to beat!

The tyres on the Volvo were 34" Simex Jungle Trekkers - useless on side slopes. The MAXXIS Bighorns 762 (Buckshot is crap sidewalls too weak) are ok and will take you 90% of the places a SIMEX XT (Centipede) will take you and they last a lot longer and are more road friendly.

Simex XT's useless in SAND or gravel only good on MUD


5 March 2014

yes there is no updates.

No progress for past 6 weeks. Waiting for the workshops new employee to start (last Thursday) to finish the welding up of the water tank and the rear seat frames and the side rails then the rear frame can be removed, sandblasted and painted so the alloy panels can be attached finally.

I have had delivered the new VDO speedo which is driven by a GPS and a VDO tacho (max revs 4000 ) :) it will sit with the Digital Tiny Tach. I also picked up a few bits for the VHF radio triple ariel switch and cables so they can be installed when the overhead console is made.


Speedo cable - GPS


The cat ("Trouble") is not impressed with the Volvo progress and is lying on the keyboard in protest lol.

I await the next update from the workshop


I must say that you named the cat perfectly, knicking the measureing tape and now stopping you from doing updates. :)


I must say that you named the cat perfectly, knicking the measureing tape and now stopping you from doing updates. :)

Thats Cat no 1. the other cat No 2. Chesire is the tape stealer they are both ginger cats and both were strays we picked up of the street mine at a bar sitting outside in the rain he came up to me and sat on me the whole evening lol sharing my food etc. He lies on keyboards and pushes laptop screens shut and climbs/jump way up high to places number 2 cat cannot reach. He has destroyed rooms chasing geckos around the walls.

The other my wife found outside a restaurant crying in the rain tiny about 4 weeks old and spent 3 months in confinement with me with ringworm. He attacks TVs and screens and any thing which looks like a piece of string including pencil and glasses cases.

For starting out as strays they have turned into the most wonderful pets.


7 March 2014

Got a call from Brett - how many type of seat belts you sending me. So far I have 3 types - oops. Looks like the last set I sent up were 3 point and he does not want them in the rear so he selected a SPARCO 4 point which I had spare. Now I have to go buy 5 more oops at a cost of $150usd each lol. So the rear seat frames are now finished and all the harness mount points set for SPARCO harnesses only. and he received the TAcho and Speedo. The TACHO looks so good im going to put one in both my other DIESEL trucks.

Still no pics I will push him for pics next week maybe by end of next week the rear frame will be ready for sand blasting and painting.


Naah! :) Lovely to hear rescue stories. I think strays that become pets somehow know were they came from and therefor are thankful to their humans. :)

Looking forward to see the progress. :)



14 March 2014

The steering column is being done this week they have not worked on the Volvo Monday-Wednesday

They are fitting it and then fitting a alloy casing around it and the power steering part.

I await pictures of this.

More pre-occupied with what has happened to MH370 this week.


21 March 2014

Quick call to the workshop progress.

  • Rear Floor finished
  • Seat belt connections all done for the 6 rear passenger bucket seats.
  • 100litre water tank contstruction started today.
  • Air intake/snorkle being built and is 1/2 completed once this and the water tank completed it will be sandblasted (late next week)
  • Wiring clips all added this week ready for the wiring loom to be laid through the truck next week
  • INstrument panels and overhead console will be laser cut and weleded up in the coming 1-2 weeks
  • Wiper motors and wiper arm lengths yet to be worked out
  • Steering column still being worked on.

Pictures to be sent to me next week when they reinstall the seats to drill the holes into the floor to mount the seat frame retaining bolts.

New Maxxis 37" Trepadors ordered for it collection in April


26 March 2014

Got some pictures today from someone who was collecting the rims from the workshop for me.

Looks like its very close to sandblasting and painting time the wiring is being laid out.

Wires sticking out of the headlights as the loom gets laid.


Workers working on the wiring

Stripped down no seat belts nothing left inside.


28 March 2014

Got these pics sent to me while I was preparing for a 3 day 4x4 trip so no time to upload.

Wiring loom layout is about 70% complete

Water tank (80 liters) is complete.

Wiring loom down through the engine bay

Water tank in place

Rear underfloor wiring loom

Rear roof wiring loom

Water tank


5 April 2014

Quick visit took another Volvo owner up also to see the restoration process - yup he fell in love with it and wants the same lol.

Power steering mounted on top right of the underneath.

The new console ready for the Tacho and Speedo only rest of the gauges will be at head height.

Side view of the inside doors off ready to be painted

The central locking locks in place for the rear.

Skeleton side view

Skeleton view from the top wiring loom visible

Wiring diagram is now complicated

3-6 months for completion I'm told.

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