Volvo C304 (4x4) Restore and fitout - WR7002


For those who like my stories this is the 22-26 August

Here is an adventure and charity work all in one. I got home 2 days late from this one. The picstorial im still doing.

Roll on the Volvo being finished. We are going back on 5th October to put what will be our standard turnkey generator holding bench in which is currently being built and galvanised.



OK quick update I not been around much

no pics

1. Rollcage is undercoated main coat still to be done
2. CHassis has been painted black
4. Cabin still waiting for us to ind someone who sandblasts here and does not use steel balls to strip the paint - sigh.

Updates from me are few and far between at present im on REST by orders from the cardio after spending 3 days in hospital with ATRIAL FIBULATION again or irregular heartbeat. no sign of heart attack or any heart damage. they just cannot find out why its occurring we believe its to do with the LEPTOSPOROSIS effects from 2 years ago sigh.

been 4 weeks now and 6 days out of 7 are fine its that one day when everything goes to ****. e.g. Tuesday picked up a 196kg drum of biodiesel out of the landcruiser rolled it onto land and tipped it up and move it to its resting place - OMG Heart went to 200 beats (220-my age of 55 leaves max at 165 plus my known extra capacity of 11 beats over normal) and took a few mins to come down to 190 and then stayed nothing under 150 for the next 8 hours while I felt like crap. LUcky I have been wearing a HR monitor it really does show you to slow down rapidly and stop any more damage. Worse is when it varies from 30 to 150 beats you just feel like crap.

All I can do is REST - go to work and come home and REST. Work has made it easier by making me work 2 days a week at home. Hence no jungle trips nothing grounded.
hey don't screw around when it come to the heart ..i have been there 2 heart attacks and an icd defibrillator implant ...if they can get you on the right meds that will control it you will be golden


11 December 2014

Quick visit to collect my new boat trailer and then check on the Volvo at the same time.

Progress has been made.

Chassis has been painted black
Rear cabin frame has been sandblasted and undercoated
Front Cabin is to be split and sent to a sandblaster who uses softer blasting material not steel pellets like was used for the Rear Frame.

Chassis painted - sorry about the pellet etc on top but no time to move it.

The Cabin with more touchup brazing done.

THe rear cabin frame all undercoated

Wiring loom is all tubes up ready to install

Next is top coat for frame and cabin after blasting this week, I have to pass the paint code to paint shop also asap.

2 months they say drive away from workshop.

Heart is ok sort of. On Cardio's orders no more whitewater activities. No more 4x4 Competition driving or wenching, no more endurance kayaking or cycling. Tablets keeping the heart stable.
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Like Pirate said, lovely to see the progress and good to hear your heart is going the right way. Just be patient and you will be out there off-roading the Volvo in notime.


29 December 2014

Dropped into the workshop yesterday on my way home from a wedding to collect a VHF radio, One inverter and on 6' hi lift jack.

Volvo is still being stripped all the under seal still being stripped. 1 more week before painting.

STrange yes the floods here are so bad I spent XMAS day preparing my Landcruiser with goods and headed off as part of my volunteer work with Malaysia Emergency Disaster Rescue Force - Elite 4x4 Rescue squad. Went to Gua Musang late 26th was one of the first vehicles to drive all the way up as the road only opened at midnite. 5.00am Gua Musang was a ghost warzone. MUD and No Power or people no fones no water running no sewage only blue lights from working car alarm systems flickering/

Made our way to the RV house. Morning revealed the full horror. 300+ houses in this little area 8 left untouched. Cars slammed into houses etc Delivered the water and biscuits. THe lady at the RV point cooks me up a meal she is so impressed a foreigner is helping them. The RV ppoint is a hive of activity register done people getting water delivered out. 5 tonne truck turns up turned back from Kuala Krai it cannot get through water too deep. We unload 400 litres of water and 240 packets of biscuits from my jalopy then the 5 tonne truck.

Gave away all my personal food and water leaving me with 2 litres and 26th evening heading back to KL 2k out of guam musang and 3 4x4s coming the other way flash me damn I know those vehicles. Stop turn around and chat. Its my fellow Elite rescue squad guys Cicak come with us we have a group of charity workers missing on the jungle no report for 3 days. OK I go.

being late we get given a church porch to camp under 1 packet of 2 minute noodles is dinner. 1 packet breakgfast and off we go. Our contact a young pastor takes us to the medical centre at the trailhead and there in the medical centre is one of the people we are looking for they have walked for 17 hours after loosing the 2 4x4s in a river. THey are further up the road. WE go meet them and then drop of 400 litres of water the village is awash in a ocean of mud.

Carry on into the jungle next Orang Asli village unbelieveable a safe area is awash in MUD huts swamped some off there foundations. Carry on. Then a recovetry needed vehicle with 400litres of water is bellied out on a uphill I rescue. WE leave 2 4x4's behind and carry on. 3k later a little side track and OMG MUD and devastation. A small village has copped a 15+ meter full force of the flooded river as it sweeps around the bend.

We take stock I decide im coming back in 5 days time 1-4 January. they are literally hiding 3 meters up a bank 100 meters back up the trail. WE give them the 400 litres of water and whatever food we have left we have nothing now.

We give fuel away and get news the next village impossible to reach the log bridge is swept away more new they had on 22/12/2014 1 can of sardines and 1 packet of 2 minute noodles each. We gotta get there asap. Also hear a villager dropped dead with a heart attack watching his hut get washed away.

We leave and take 6 kids to an orphanage 2 hours drive away and I leave the rescue squad they get another call for HELP with their boats I have to be in Penang 700k away for a wedding on 28th.

my BLUE landcruiser (fully kitted) I lent to a mate to go to his wedding 100k away last Saturday night he ended up finish the wedding early and joined the local rescue squad sent the new wife back to Kuala Lumpur and has been there since doing rescues and food relief work. THe town is now isolated from the resot of Malaysia.

I'm fitting the new radio and inverter for the Volvo to my Landcruiser asap to get ready.

Now its the 30th convoy of 7 vehicles and a 3 tonne truck being organized.

PIcs later im just too busy with work today and preparing vehicles and convoy organizing my fone cannot stay charged.
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26 January 2015

Flood relief continues every weekend (and time off work ) has given me some 12 days of time to assist people in the past 30 days till I took last weekend off on compulsory break. Even days back at work are spent preparing and repairing vehicles and organising aid. THis weekend have another 4 days of flood relief coming.

Floods have covered much of Kelantan and a lot of Pahang with whole towns being flooded completely and destroyed.

The Malaysia Emergency Disaster Rescue Foundation - Elite 4x4 Search & REscue SQUAD which I belong to has had 3 convoys out helping

2 to help the ORang Asli whose villages either got wiped out or the ones deeper in the jungle (10k in or more) got cut off by smashed bridges and the rain whacking their traditional crops.

1 to the town of Manek Urai Lama which was 8000 people - was there is nothing left except foundations they are up there giving out food water tents accommodation medical assistance and now heading out to more remote villages to give out food etc

my convoy for past 5 weeks has been to head into the jungle and pass out food parcels to the some 20-30 villages the rest are getting drops by helicopter all funded by private donations. Some days it takes 10 hours to go 10k as we have to rebuild bridges every time we go through and back/

THis video of the bridge building shows the efforts going into to get to the farest village Pos Gob some 90k into the jungle the loggers have 45 days to get there. THey are also getting assistance from the trapped loggers building roads from the other side.

Back for 5 days after 4 spent assisting from Jan 1-4 31st December was spent buying goods courtesy of work giving me the day off to prepare.

I'm working as part of the Malaysia Emergency Disaster Rescue Force - Elite 4x4 Rescue Squad

Took one convoy of 12 4x4's all loaded up those who Know Stiven Sim of 4x4 SHoppe closed up his business to just take goods for the trip 10 tonnes we collected in 1 week - Stopped counting the goods going into the mighty TROOPY at 750kg and then kept filling it from a 3tonne lorry load delivered to my house then loaded up 130l diesel and more goods and then my camping gear and finally loaded up the passenger seat to the roof.

My Convoy took 7+ hours to go 280k traffic was so bad convoy's of 4x4 pickup heading north I counted over 10 and trucks loaded with kit. 8 of the trucks are RFC capable the others soft.

Eventually we reached base CAMP 4pm where 10 tonnes of goods was already unloaded by by STivens convoy the previous morning. There is 7-8 4x4s already there and 1 motor bike in our COnvoy an Aussie on his way from Ozztralia to Iceland but has got stuck in Malaysia for 2 years - woman struck lol.

Friday morning convoy starts 9.16am all reloaded max 500kg for the 2 troopies the rest max 200kg 8 vehicles line up and 2 motor bikes (the other I will not say much he was an annoying idiot who endangeroured our lives which started with i'm going for a ride at midnight just after he arrived into the darkness of the jungle stupid farking fool)

Stivens convoy is also loaded up and going to other Orang Asli villages to the left of our camp i'm going RIGHT goal 20k away to a village called Kg Tohoi which called on 22/12/2014 saying out of food and water rising.

10 hour later we have battled our way across 1 broken bridge bypassed 2 bridges which need serious repair and the troopy has smashed its way across 2 landslides hacked out felled trees chainsawed trees swept over the road (left them cut long for bridge building on the way back) through mud 12 inches deep we are exhausyeand have all the numbers of villages and damage and dropped off food on the way. A group comes up behind us 3 v3ehicles loaded with manual labor saying they are going to fix the broken bridge - I laugh have you seen it - NO - here is the pic as we take a peek in their trucks - 1 new chainsawy - 2 brandspanking new shovels - all wearing brancd new Colombia shirts with pacling creases and new BOOTS, Robo the Kiwi army engineer walks away laughing - THey join our convoy on the bypass route - One bridge bypass takes 2 hours the 3 vehicle rescue squad behind us chickens out and turns back

Everyone is heartbroken. THe last bridge OMG last time through here we ran through the river as the bridge was gone and climbed the 15foot sandbank this time the bank is gone and filled with soft mud. THe water too swift and no anchor point there.

Motorbikes can get through and villages coming back in complaining of exorbitant food prices for 50rm they can barely get a bag of rice and a drink :(. Makes us more determined.

WE write a note and give to a villager to the plantation manager we know is on there come and meet us tomorrow to help with a vehicle if you can we will return.

MEantime the idiot motorbike guy disappeared at 10am and has not been seen since - fark him he never signed my indemnity form.

We head back and decide to miss the 2 hour detour and fix the bridge it's now 7pm 20 mins to darkness. I'm confined to myTROOPY my heart rate is sitting on 160 and had been all arvo The risk of heart failure is too great. 7.07pm the idiot turns up saying he is back to save us he has been in to Kg Tohoi and back to base camp - Hmmmmmm why did we never see him.

Bridge fixed dodgy as I am the first one across and get stuck winch cable out as the 3 wenches get stuck in the thick mud hooking the cable to the power pole 30 meters away lol.

On way back we drop of goods and also find another bypass after the other TROOPY had to rescue a and rover from a busted bridge escorting 2 of them out before rejoinging us.

Back abase camp 8:52pm exhausted hungry and wow dinner is all cooked and waiting for us unbelieveable support

Then we get the story - the idiot rider went back to camp and told them he saved us . What he did not tell us was he told the villages to be at the river at 7.00am to collect the goods from us. Fark idiot some 25 RFc's Borneo safaris 10-25 years of jungle experience each and this idiot on his first trip has saved us bible bashing evangelist idiot. I ask for him to be removed from CAMP and never wanna see him again.

day 3 out we go again loaded up and rolling 9.00am we reach the temp bridge fix from last night quite fast and the bridge builder is there from the loggers. Chainsaw as tall as he is. Man of few words he is waiting for fuel. I give him my chainsaw petrol and 2 stroke. He is happy then they ask for another chainsaw and they have the logs we dragged down yesterday and start splitting them longways with 2 chainsaws into 3" slices. 2.5 hours later we have a bridge repaired. Hey wait a minute why is there some 20 montorbikes waiting for US. then the impact of the idiots visit is apparent he got to the village and told them 7am we would be here. THey left their village 5am :( We send them to base camp to get fuel and food for their families.

I'm first its all ok. THe 2nd troopy at the back wrecks the bridge - repair on way back.

Finally at the bridge I won't mention the 100 meter mudhole and the 200meter logging skid pan sideways fun.

There is a group waiting for us one Hilux pickup and 1 4x4 tractor. We ask them to go get the plantation tractor and come back - we wait and have lunch.

If you wanna see pics before I add them here go to FB and look for elite 4x4 search & rescue squad or you can join me on David J. Stewart on FB

MORE and a better story and some pics later when I am fully rested.

THe FLOOD - River Gallas comes from Cameron Highlands where all the illegal landclearing has occurred for past 20 years. THe rain exceptionally bad this year. 1000mm+ in 3 days. Sungai Gallas runs through Gua Musang up to 40feet rise . THen it runs down past Orang Asli villages this time it rose and went over some 50feet high - terrifying. THen Gallas meets 3 other rivers all of which backed up due to logging - sigh . Places we thought safe camping spots - NEVER AGAIN. It has totally made us rethink our camping places.

Everywhere is either a landslide impacted or 8-12" in mud

No time to rest must help those affected by the floods.


rebuilding the bridge which got washed away for about the 5th time the one we rebuilt on the saturday was pulled out by the loggers to build this one on the sunday

The water camp up to over the hilux on the background and was actually over the exposed clay bank behind it some 60feet high :(

I will do a short story later on our flood relief mission which has been running for 4 weeks later when I get time to relax.
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Thank you for all the work you and your group are doing. Sounds like a horrible situation. Keep an eye on your heart man.


25 Feb 2015

Quick update

After the efforts required for the massive flood relief and now subsequent food drops and the latest supplying clean water I have not had much time to look at the Volvo.

I heard it was sandblasted and then in paint I sent them the paint code for RESCUE ORANGE as I have offered the Volvo to be a main squad vehicle for the Malaysian Emergency Disaster Rescue Force - Elite 4x4 Search & Rescue Squad hence it now has to be orange.

I will get an update this week and post some pics of the rescue stuff and a link to our rescue story from an outsider.

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