Volvo C304 (4x4) Restore and fitout - WR7002


8 February 2016

Chinese new year Holidays

Arrived monday morning to the pleasant sight of the rear cage and all parts painted that I had left the week before.


Brett stuck the engine and gearbox on the forklift and then left for CNY lunch and said you can install and oh yeah learn to drive the forklift lol.

2 hours later I had it all installed but need new gearbox mount bushes.


Then started on the 18,500lb winch install. Success again took me about 2 hours plus searching and cleaning up parts areas to get stuff out.


9 February

Had assistance from the builder all day and we managed to get the cage installed and bolted down after installing the WARN 12,000lb winch and tightening the 18,00 bolts down correctly.


Then dinner time for both of us and we packed up at 5pm after getting the fuel tank reinstalled yet again and the gear change installed and bolted it. A whole pile of parts washed and a list of parts needed to buy.


10 February

Morning starts with washing the dusty parts and yeah playing with the puppy.

And the finl result is washed parts eventually and a half washed puppy

Lunchtime and I have the radiator and the intercooler bolted down everything is connected except hose clamps it all takes time including cleaning out threads etc.

Then late arvo it's all hands on deck to mount the two rear panels while I have been testing that all the front panels are fitting and doing final trimming and I take the second hand 80 Series muffler out for a scrub


At the end of the day what do we have well it's starting to look pretty good. It's time to head off to my chinese mums place and collect wifey for the longg drive home.




19 February 2016

Friday morning dashed up the 190K to the workshop and arrived just after the workshop opened at 8.10am

Idea was to run arround and get parts etc ready for Saturday and Sunday

After much running around and forgetting parts I pulled the wiring loom out after shoving the wire eating pupppy outside we layed it out for the morning.

So a the end of Sunday what do we have apart from my employee ringing me and saying my RED truck as funny noises from the rear after they took it offroad. So we pack up early for the 20k run down the road to check it out then another 175k home. Fark TOW TRUCK back to Kuala Lumpur turns out the rear locker
tore itself apart after it was stripped today (Wednesday).

We have a wiring loom sitting in the truck all cable tied up and a few connections done. Rear taillight has a broken bolt and rsuted insides so I need new ones from sweden first.

All the wires hanging out of it. The cabin is not on as there is still issues with the engine area. The 12 alternator took me a day to get it to fit properly and belts fitted inluding 2 trips to the spare parts shop to get them correct.

Little Joe has some fun with the puppy after spending 2 days stripping paint.

Then we have a pile of parts to paint or electropaint and anodize.

Oh yeah then the 2 weekend helpers the stripper and the wire man.


Was it the bracket for the alternator giving you all the stress

yes the 12V made up alternator bracket.

Yes after they welded it up properly it didn't fit properly then the bolt hols did not line up. Then the belt clipped the backet then it had to be heated and whacked etc and then the holes needed to be driller - al 4 of them etc this went on for afternoon and a morning. sigh.

then i got the wrong belt and had to race back at 3.45pm 15 mins before parts shop closed saturday to get another belt lol

totally wasted day in terms of progress.

4 more parts to fit and I can drrop te cabin on finally.


Sunday 6 March 2016

A quick dash up to IPOH. 1hour 15 mins a new record time and the 190k slides by early in the morning air - go ISUZU.

Finally I have the pesky alternator installed after a couple of days effort

Then it's time to lower the cabin bottom onto the chassis after lunch.

And hey 2 hours later we have it sitting on the chassis

The junior driver Joe

OK so I'm happy is installed

Then we install the service ladder for fun

Monday 7 March 2016

I decide to cleanup the items I have been cleaning up at home and get them painted. Grill, Engine cover, PEdals, Air cleaner, front prop shaft etc

Es gives them a coat of axle undercoat black

Then the cabin had to be removed as the turbo cooling sill not worked out properly and the power steering hoses need to be installed.

I pack the doors to take them back to Kuala Lumpur to work on next weekend. Then it's time or the long haul back to KL.

Sunday 12 March 2016

Doors sitting in the ISUZU at home. I am in 2 minds strip the complete outside of the doors or and and add another coat off paint. I decide strip and reunderccoat and top coats as I don't want 6 layers of paint

Doors ready for stripping

A pair of doors now ready for final sanding and a minor repair and then painting.

Stripping the paint revealed 2 war wounds from it's days as a RIOT squad truck I assume from the grills. They will be further sanded down as part of the character being left on the truck.

I have a growing list of parts to get or deal with. Tomorrow is the dash parts to the powdercoaters.


16 March 2016

Managed to get the dash parts to the powder coaters last night turns out its 26k from work so they will be ready next week. For the princely sum of $25USD I get the 3 parts powdercoated.

Have a friend who will cad design the service doors covers for me so we are looking at a cool design for that then it can be laser cut and powder coated at another little engineering shop I had recommended to me from a friend.

Have got some rust kill converter for the two issues I found on the front doors then I can final sand and undercoat the doors.
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19 March 2016

Saturday morning finds me and an assistant Rob at the workshop before 8am collect the keys

greet the happy puppy an then go have breakfast and discuss the plan as Rob has to be back in

KL by 4pm.

Rob preparing the dimensions for the cutting out of the service hatch panels and the

surprise. They are to be laser cut and prepare in the coming weeks.

By lunchtime I have quite a bit of the soundproofing done in the cabin.

It's too hot for the workshop puppy he just lies around stealing stuff and breaking it. 39c

is very hot lol.

Then it's time to take Rob back to KL and then dinner refuel and the nite drive back up. End

of the day 570k travelled.

20 March 016 (Sunday)

I also apply paint stripper to the one door I have to work on and commence to get rid of the

body filler. The black is the rust converter.

More soundproofing work continued.

I gotta get rid of these holes. ooks like the welder has to come out and I have one more to

fix and the roof needs a repaint we found a istake which needs fixing.

Even the front of the window is being soundproofed.

The dogs collection of damaged kit.

Then I mounted the doors and checked alignment - opps some bending required.


Then I install the front windows again and try and find the seal rubbers cannot.

21 March 2016 Monday

The overhead instrument console is layed out getting it ready to take to Rob to get measured

up to get laser cut.

Then it's time to do the console instrument layout check with the new steering wheel. The

console will be remade its not right.

I move onto the overhead console and lay it out until im happy with it. It's also to be

laser cut.



Then the afternoons progress is slowed by the arrival of Nazir who has come to collect the

Volvo's old engine for his C303 restore project. Happy restoring Nazir I will come and visit

you in Taiping soon. That is a cool old Chev pickup he has.

Then the final task for the day is to swap the sneakers and empty more junk from the

workshop wow 7 pieces removed in one day.

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