Volvo C304 (4x4) Restore and fitout - WR7002


4 June 2016

One day trip up to the Volvo. Starts bad and 2+hours drive for the 190K does not help I arrive 10am and with my list of bolts to buy head off. I realise someone has kindly installed the BUNG in the fuel tank. But everything is closed the wife informs me it's the Kings birthday everything is shut.

Everything has gone wrong today. The centre console and other parts from the laser cutting have failed as the shop ran out of steel lol. No plugs for the injector pump still. The weekend is a bust.

Back to the workshop so I start working on the winch cabling then I realise I have left the terminal lugs in KL curses. 2 hours later I have finished getting the WARN winch cables layed out and cut to proper lengths. The winch controller box is tight and I redrill one hole to stop the cables having severe bends. Now next weekend I can crimp the cable ends and connect up the WARN winch and start on the T-MAX.

I work on the doors stripping more paint pressure wash them down and leave out in the sun for a repeat cycle.

Brett turns up and fixes up the radiator leak. Then we turn to whats left to start the engine very little next weekend if the plug turns up I can start it.

Once started the CABIn can be installed provided:
- The rear window frame is installed.
- The air compessors are installed
- The fuel filter new brackets are added to the roll cage

The doors drying in the sun after pressure washing.

The winch controller box with the WARN cables layed out. Grommets and crimping to be done next weekend.

The location of the winch controller box close to the winches.

Radiator remounted and bolted in just in time for 6.30pm lockup of workshop.

I load the doors into the pickup and head off Mother in laws for dinner with the wife and then back to KL I hit the highway and floor it the little ISUZU fly's the 20" LED blinding cars outta the way. 1 hour 20 minutes later the 200K has gone and I'm home feeding our 3 stray cats.

Sunday I get a spare 2 hours and the finish stripping 3 of the 4 door halves.

and planning next weekends trip to the Volvo.
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Holidays suck when you need things to be open. are getting closer. ..

When it finally starts thingss will happen very quickly. Im also working on bottom up rear to front to that I finish the rear upwards and frontwards as well as getting the cabin on. Then the rear floor can be put on making it safer inside to work on it.


New member
Nice build, I've built cars, trucks, motorcycles, I salute your patience, I don't think I can wait 4 years, the hardest part of a build is the last 5%


18 June 2016

First the doors are in Kuala Lumpur in a shop being repaired. I picked the right shop they had a old DODGE pickup a mustang and a fiat 500 in their all being restored. No idea when I get them back.

After last weeks screw up where the gate was locked when I got there. The LAZER cutters screwed up no one panel ready. Rob was down there supervising and rung me wanting to pull his hair out. They had bent the overhead console wrong and he guy was trying to flatten it again. Rob got pissed and told then to recut the panels so we missed the Friday night delivery date they promised. They are not getting any more business from us.

So I fitted the new gas stuts I had made up. Wow the doors fly up and stay up now wih 400N struts.

I go out to the parts shops. Obtain the neessary LED rear lights, bolts, breather hoses for the DIFFS, Silicon to finish the fuel tank sealing

Then its onto the WARN cables on the contoller box - 3 hours later it's wired in and it makes a noise when I hook the battery up. One WARN M12000 converted to 24 volts. Next is the T-MAX then I realise I did not pint out the wiring diagram. I finish one side of the fuel tank sender and pump sealed up. I have a small leak from the fuel tank bung sigh.

Still got the nylon cable protectors to add and the albright to pin in next weekend.

So I go time I have till 9.30pm tonight in the shop. So I fit the new top LED tail lights. And work out ssomeone has tossed the bottom tail lights brackets and the police protector grills sigh so I design ones to be lazer cut and bent.

The doors look ace now and stand about 3" higher than with the other struts.


19 June 2016

Refill the radiator and discover the new radiator cap does not fit the radiator is USA made it needs a big cap.

Fit the fuel filter in its new location. However, it needs grinding a the filter will not come out.

Make up wires for the Injector Pump and make earth wire for engine and fit the starter motor wire and check everything 3 times. including jacking the car up and checking it's in neutral. Clean the tuck all loose bolts etc cleaned off it. Seal up the second fuel tank lid and it ready to go almost. I check and find the IP signal wire and finally hear the CLUNK as the IP ses hello.

Fit the compressors and damn one will not work looks like wiring issue. Need to still fit something to stop them rocking too much will get the shop to work it out.

1 hour to lockup and I run out get more fuel and the tank now has 55 litres in it and is only still not 30% full lol.

30 mins to lockup. Test the starter contact. Connect the starter wire. Turn the engine over it turns so I do again longer each time and run it about 20 seconds. Then I prime the filter and try but still it will not fire. Home time load up the fuel tank cover ready for etch priming back in KL.


Home time 6.00pm happy bit sad it did not start. The cabin can go on next Sunday now


22 June 2016

Public holiday on a wednesday so I decide a day is a day on the Volvo the 190k whizzes past in just under 90 minutes and arrive before the workshop opens. They are all working today.

First I work on geting the engine started. First I decide stuff the plug and deftly cut it with the angle grinder and rewire it.


Reprime the fuel filter filling hoses manually check all my jury rigged loom and at 11.30 I'm ready for a start we rig up a oil pressure switch and roll the enggine over until we have oil pressure. Then we start it first time it fires up run for a few seconds and stop - try again run it longer. It smokes white smoke pouring out of the exhaust into the workshop.

After lunch first we deide to look at the stupid compressor pull the control box apart find the short. Low Export quality China **** work. hen we retest and it works OMG. The shrink wrap not shrunk it's all loose. The wiring soldered to the RELAY. No isue we will cut it all off and start the wiring again


We get visitors to the shop while they getting their trailer wiring done the Volvo become the centre of discussion for over 2 hours. Time lost but friends made. We start the truck again after they leave and then make a few calls. It's decided fuel injectors and fuel pump and then last turbo gone.


Fuel injectors I don't have enough time to get them all out before closing so I take the gear change linkage and head to the part shop and they searh for suitable replacement. All japanese of course. Some engineering will be needed to make a new rod to match the Toyota parts.


Then head for home with a rapid trip home. Smiling but that white smoke sigh! It's a hell trip 3 hours trees down poured down rained for 150k waited 40 mins at the downed tree.


25 June 2016

Bad Day lunchtime wedding in IPOH to attend with wife. Unpack the new upright toolkit and load tools and parts in it and get to work. No sooner start work on Volvo realise I time to get ready for the wedding.

Return 5pm with 1 hour left before lockup - remove the injectors and that's it for the day - Wasted day

26 June 2016

Have help this morning and we start with the service hatch panels mounting.

This side takes us 2 hours sand the edges down from the lazer cutting drill the holes properly remove the door frame drill the hole in the frame remount etc. The lazer cut out pieces are being recut so I can weld them in next weekend. Then will sand and undercoat ready for the top coat

The other side the two panels don't fit so well the top half needs trimming and the bottom well start again. No pics they are so bad.

Then it's a quick look at the air cond condensor, intercooler and fan setup. Damn more issues for the workshop to correct before I mount them.

Then I try and mount the overhead console which is a bust it's 8mm too long I cut the 8mm out but we run out of time and I do not have the 4mm hex impact driver to drive in the RIVNUTS damn curses. It still needs to be welded up and the stereo and ICOM radio mounted inside and the doors made.

The new gear change tierod setup is left for them to engineer a new bar so I can use Toyota parts which are plentiful here and oh cheap.

Home time bye bye to the workshop puppy - there is always next weekend.
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2 JUly 2016

That drive the 5.45am waking up on a Satuday morning and the 190K drive to the workshop in Ipoh is getting to me I just floor it the poor little Isuzu just soaks it up.

First work on the engine sort out this smoking thing iv'e been told to run it till it stops smoking - it's running and smoking for about 4 minutes and then it revs up and DIES. A mekanic is organised for Monday morning from the factory behind.

Then I look at the fuel tank leak its gotten worse since last week more parts neded from the hydraulic shop to fix it.

Next job try and install the speaker panels. Make a template for the ends and cut the shapes out. Then a fitup it ain't right. I realise it's 30mm missing in height. Next I get the angry hammer out and flatten the top bend out then realise the top is where the bend should be sigh 30mm is missing.


Then it fits. The panel will be retuned to Rob's Sunday night to fix the measurements and be cut at the new lazer cutting shop sometime in the next 2 weeks.

The overhead console is next it' to heavy for me to handle like this and it won't fit well so I trim 13mm off the front and reshape the angle then it starts to fit. However, I need to cut it in 2 its just heavy for me to manage by myself. I select the cutzone and slice it in 2.

I fit all the RIVNUTZ to the roof recycling old holes drilled for something before and the 4mm RIVNUTz eventually are all fitted. Time for workshop close and go collect my SUnday helper. A pleasant night at hawker stalls drinkin beer and ordering chinese food from the food stalls is a welcome relief from the travelling.


3 July 2016

First fit the speaker panel and pose for a pic

We start on the overhead console and get it to fit bolt the rear half in
and take a pictue later in the day

Then we work on the left passenger dash panel Joy's job is to make sure it all bolts in clean and bolt down the centre console properly.

We cut the centre console top into 3 pieces as it's realised the panel cannot be removed once the front windows are in and drill out new RIVNUTz

Then the wanna be apprentice I say make a template for the exhaust heat shield. Why not cut it out now he asks why need a template. "Perfection/Quality" is the response.


It will be cut from stainless steel next week and install on the 16th weekend.

The workshop owner turns up and we decide I will stay Monday and get the engine worked on as he is away for 3 weeks from Tuesday morning.

We fit the centre console panel but I forget to take a pic until monday night.

6pm home time floor it to Kuala Lumpur there is no traffic its all heading north for the coming holiday and we visit the lazer cutting contact with the overhead console and the speaker panels and now the exhaust shield.

The console will be cut from alloy and welded up for me by a local expert alloy welder.

Then I turn around head home collect clothes say hello and goodbye and head back to IPOH and find a cheap hotel close to the workshop.

4 July 2016

Cleanup the truck and put everything not needed on the workbench and my new mobile toolkit and reprime the fuel lines.

The workshop guy turns up about 11am and he looks over it all inspecting vaccumm hoses and my home made ignition etc Then he ses start it up. It coughs and splutters and then it idles away slowly no smoke nothing huh what the hell its working fine. I offer the mekanic compensation he sees I love diesels too no need to pay me and heads back to his workshop behind ours. I let it run checking cooling hoses

etc it's all fine. We suspect the injector pump was slightly stuck.

Progress finally it runs properly.



So next tasks alternator plugs to be obtained

I work on the undercoating the new welded on parts with primer then top coat using a brush - rough but it turns out ok.

Try and fit the air filter. Won't fit I cannot work out why even looking up old pics until we realise we added a 45 degree brace to the frame just before we sandblasted it. I need to find a new location for the filter.

Rear cabin panel can now go on I will get a rubber seal next friday. The cabin install gets closer and closer.

The air compressor tank gets a location for me to install it.

The battery box will be redesigned to allow the smaller batteries to fit side by side.

Fuel tank cap organised I need get a PROTON one and cut it down.

I take the drivers dash and look at how to make it removeable as the clutch and brake fluid

containers are in it.

Next weekends list is ready
- Alternators wire up the batteries.
- Rear tail lights fit
- T-MAX winch sort out the wiring
- Fit the air filter
- Fit the air conditioning condensor and refit the
- Blank out the air cond blower 3rd hose
- Make a y pipe up for the air cond ducting
- Finish the air compressor bolt lockdown
- Fit the air cond tank
- Fit the rubber seal to the rear window panel

6PM home time
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9 July 2016

We head off the night before for the long 190K drive to IPOH as it's holiday week and the traffic could be rubbish. We arrive 1am on schedule in IPOH however, we cannot find a spare hotel room everything Is full. 2.30am sick of searching we decide sleep outside the workshop. The puppy goes ballistic with glee as he hears the Isuzu pull up. Bad move we get no sleep mosquito's plague us and the guard dogs from down the road keep running up to the truck barking.

Workshop unlocked after 9.30am as two tired people work on the truck. Little Joe from the orphanage is my assistant this weekend.

First job for Joe is to undercoat the galvanised fuel tank cover with galvanising primer paint.

His second job while I tackle the 4 holes in the roof which turns to 5 when a pin hole hole is revealed. Joe takes stock off the wiring loom ends to count the wires at each end point so I can purchase the necessary waterproof plug sets.


The roof welding is ready for cleanup next weekend.

Then it's time for a visit to the hydraulic shop to convert the fire extinguisher into a air tank.

We burn 4 hours while explaining to the hydraulic shop what I want they look sceptical but tell us to come back in 60 minutes. Lunch at KFC. Then off to the paint shop to order more paint. The girl behind the counter looks at the tin and says for Brett's shop - yes - Ok come back Monday this colour takes a while to make up. Ok next Saturday then. Joe says that girl is HOT - I laugh yes she is lol.

Then we run off and get some clues for finding a good wiring shop for alternator plugs. We find it The guy says what are you building shows me pic's of his 1950's cadillacs and chryslers. The pic's of the Volvo make him happy . We show him pic of the unknown Nissan Alternator. Ah Nissan Sentra I have the plug. Then the 14B-T - I have the plug. Wiring and connections for the alternator cables is organised we are set. Back to the hydraulic shop to collect the tank.


We get back to the shop 4.30pm however a successful day.

We wind up work 6pm and go buy Joe some clothes and a decent meal we are both dog tired and then to my mother in laws to stay for the night.

Sunday 10 July 2016

9.15am we roll into the workshop. Joe's first job start the truck show him how to jump start a Diesel. Let it run no leaks etc. all perfect and fix the air leak from the injectors.

He is given the job of making the wiring loom for the reversing camera and spare wires and 2 earth wires right through to the front of the truck. Takes him to lunchtime and we fit it after lunch.

Then we clean the truck out and install the floor so we can work on the roof wiring and then work on the air filters new home and finally finish the intercooler and air cond condensor bolt down.



The intercooler has an issue the bottom bolts do not line up quite a bit of force to the right is needed to make them line up not good. will take time next weekend to fix. I fit the new air condensor fan since the last fan fell off landed on Peters head then the floor and broke sigh. Cut allen bolts to fit the fan to the air cond condensor and that is almost ready for painting have 6 little holes to TIG up first and make a bottom bracket to hold the fan etc next weekend.


Then the air filter needs a new home. Location is found and it will be a next weekend job also.


We have spare time so we get out the plastic dip kit and Joe prepares the door handles with the polisher.

They look ace - top part to be done next weekend.



6pm Lockup time - dinner before we head into the Holiday traffic - good job as it's 4 hours home.
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16 July 2016

Quiet drive up to IPOH

First fix the intercooler as only 3 bolts fit easily the 4th needs pressure to make it fit. I spend all day running up and down fitting and drilling the intercooler holes and lowly make headway.

Start working on making a bracket for the Air Compressor


Then it was hometime again as the 6.30pm lockup time arrived.

Then monday night going to dinner we collect this little treasure off the road a little injured and a little sick. It's name is now Rocket.

I collect the doors from the panel shop they are really well done. Very little body filler will be needed.


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