Volvo C304 (4x4) Restore and fitout - WR7002


24 July 2016

Sunday run up to IPOH as I did charity work on Saurday.

Take the doors up to IPOH will work on them next weekend.

I work on the Air Compressor tacking in the brackets for the tank

Then I spend time (over an hour) polishingg the door pins to a nice shine and then apply a coat of undercoat to them.


Then it time for home after I lay quickly an locker air hose and shield it and sheild the alternator wiring.


27 July 2016

Collect enough steel to fix the door pin tube I had to cut ready for the weekend.

and the ARB solenoids to remove air locker hoses from the cabin are collected.




29 July 2016

Take a day out of the office and head to IPOH on the Friday morning.

First interruption for the day is the puppy he snatches the rat trap down from the gas bottles with the two rats in it and proceeds to run rampant around the shop floor carrying and barking and pushing the cage. Then I go get undercoat paint and air hose fittin and pucase 3 vaccum hose sets and fittings.

The stainless steel 70mm bends I bought are now being prepared to go from the air filter to the turbo working backwards a lotof cutting and tig welding is required.

Slowly it takes shape.

30 July 2016

I have the taillight brackets they need 2 more bends and they are ready to paint and be mounted permanently.

Brett tig welds in the plugs the ends for me for the door pins so its easier to knock out next time.

The air intake pipe is taking shape

Then I tackle the doors starting to cleanup with the wirewheel and the paint tripper again.

It's going to be a lot of work

31 July 206

Help has arrived so we have 3 working on the Volvo today - Today's todo list.

The air filter's new locaion takes shape

A happy sander knowing the sanding is almost finished

4.45pm the doors look good and sanding with 1000 grit only left

By 6.30pm I have the 2 doors completely painted althouh I only get a pic of 1 pair.

Then we bend up the tailights bracket and its time to get kicked out of the workshop.

it's a long drive home 3.75hours to go 190K a rolled over CO2 truck caused chaos.


8 August 2016

Saturday was charity day with the kids


Took the wife for the 190k drive to IPOH

Only 3 hours on Sunday on the VOlvo arrived 3pm at the workshop and checked the doors etc I undercoated the previous weekend. Finished the tail light brackets off.

Undercoated one of the service hatch doors and a few small issues wih a few high spots on the doors.

The count of painted vs unpainted parts is now looking much better.


Still outstanding delivery of speaker panels, overhead console, steering wheel with race boss. gear lever with new bushes.

6pm time for dinner with mother in law then discovered the puppy had eaten the trailer wiring off the boat trailer I was taking home- oh ****.

and then the long drive home another truck issue caused aus to take over 3 hours to get home again sigh.

Slowly i'm geting there.
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13 August 2016

Saturday one day trip - Sunday I'm in the plane to Kong Kong for 2 weeks

I'm tired long hours I wake up late and step on it the 190K flies past and I arrive outside the workshop 8:57am same time as the owner pulls up.

They are repairing my tire wiring since the puppy chewed it all off.

I see they have finished the radiator inlet piping all nicely tucked away just the radiator outlet to finish.

I have today 2 doors to top coat. The repaired rear panel to strip and undercoat and top coat.

The service panels to apply top coat, The air filter and taillight brackets to paint oh and rubber seal parts to hunt down.

The heat shield will be welded up by the workshop during the week and mounted.

I stripped the rear panel then it was time for the shopping before some of them close 1pm

I received instructions to a rubber shop. Bonus they had the seal for the rear cabin I bought enough for 2 Volvos. The second oh year I bought another Volvo last Saturday after the Kids charity day lol.

Bolts (and RIVNUTS) collected and more undercoat from the paint shop back to the workshop 2.30pm

By 5pm the rear panel is stripped sanded and undercoated along with the rest of the bare metal parts.

By 7pm the tail light bracket and the air filter are painted and the air filtter bolted down

The service hatch doors dry and when they are dry enough I mount them on the truck to keep them safe. A small resand and final top coat need to fix a few little mistakes. Wow they look ace.

9pm and I'm still clearing out parts and trying to clean up

Taillights look ace also then I try to bolt them in. The RIVNUTS will not fit in the holes damn I got the wrong size. I don't bother to try and redrill the holes im too tired.

Then I realise the issue. Oh no the rear panel some paint is lifting despite high pressure hosing and sanding the paint stripper has had revenge. Some of the doors need to be resanded and a few body filler marks fixed. The thunderstorm during painting has left huge amounts of water in the air tank some has come out on the doors also.

Packup the workshop and make a list. To fit the cabin all I need is the heat shield mounted and the radiator outlet completed and the last bend of the air intake done.

10pm Home time - hook the trailer and boat up and its time for home for that long 190k drive home. I stay awake all night prepare 1 car for a charity event for a kids home for a friend to drive and the ISUZU is prepared for the employee to collect and do running around to fix the 8 broken ATV's from our business, packing for HK. I finally fell asleep 5pm in the Hotel in Hong Kong on Sunday.

Progress sometimes is tiring lol.

And that Volvo it's in really bad shape. I know the resort it used to run on taking tourists and saw it being abused.

Right rear cross member ripped off etc.
Awesome work on bad about water in the air tanks,but great progress... The other Volvo looks rough..

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From anothher forum

Cameron said:
awesome that you've got another! what's the plans for the new one?

So this is the idea so far:
- rugged shopping trolley to go to expensive malls and jockey park it beside the farking porche's ferraris's and Bentley's if you think i'm joking i'm not lol.
- Toss the rear tray steel round tube tray with alloy tray and slightly chopped.
- Full restore of cabin covered in a comp spec rollcage - think Dakar truck - Rahmat from Rahmat playhouse garage is already crying after seeing the pics
- 2 winches probably 8274's
- fix missing section of right rear chassis
- rear mounted radiator and intercooler etc
- air suspension and if I can get past road transport a-frame suspension
- 2 sets of doors one with windows chopped off other full doors (handbag days out with wife).
- fit race harness seats and belts
- engine possibly 15B-T and Toyota auto gearbox
and that will be it one big fun offroad truck that I may use in comp to show because I CAN lol

Rollcage made in IPOH rest done in KL at a workshop (or rent half an engineering shop still looking) by me and yet to be found


I love your plans for the new one, especially the parking next to the expensive cars. :D :D :D :bowdown:


That's going to be wild

Sent from my SM-G903W using Tapatalk

Im trying to find a cheap/free cad proram I can use learn and draw up the truck. My friend who's done all the lazer stuff so far is offering to help again lol.

- rugged shopping trolley to go to expensive malls and jockey park it beside the farking porche's ferraris's and Bentley's if you think i'm joking i'm not lol.
- Toss the rear tray steel round tube tray with alloy tray and slightly chopped.
- Full restore of cabin covered in a comp spec rollcage - think Dakar truck - Rahmat from Rahmat playhouse garage is already crying after seeing the pics
- 2 winches probably 8274's with 150 or 200ft of plasma rope each
- fix missing section of right rear chassis
- rear mounted radiator and intercooler etc
- air suspension and if I can get past road transport a-frame suspension
- 2 sets of doors one with windows chopped off other full doors (handbag days out with wife).
- fit race harness seats and belts
- engine possibly 15B-T and Toyota auto gearbox I am alo seriously lookin at a SUPRA 2JZ and auto
- air conditioning
- 36" SIMEX centipede tires
- rear mounted radiator etc
- digital dash
- race seats
-harness seatbelts
- disc brakes including fiddle brakes
and that will be it one big fun offroad truck that I may use in comp to show because I CAN lol

Just gotta finish Volvo 1 first.

However puting it in the restore workshop queue to start the body restore can be done asap

order of work
remove rear tray
restore shop
engine gearbox and make it run
pass inspection
rollcage and tray
underneath brakes etc and steering mods.


4 September 2016

Yes it's a Sunday, Saturday was spent taking the long narrow boat to the boat factory 2 hours north of the workshop where the Volvo is, so hence 4 hours north of Kuala Lumpur (370k away) and along with the new tank and gauge for the boat I'm getting renovated/rebuilt read for the 1-9 October trip.

Unfortunately I arrive at the boat factory 15 minutes after it closes thanks to a truck accident which blocked the highway tunnel off for 60 minutes means I gotta come back Monday morning.

So I gotta crap load of work to do remove the fuel tank there is a pile of diesel on the floor again. is time it's drastic action required.

Tank is removed and washed out an dried ready for Mondays fixup.

Then I find the reason for stuff (food ) disappearing from the back of the truck the errant puppy can climb and walk on beams.

Then we weld up the exhaust heat shield and is a bust it neds to be remade sob as it WARPS after the tacking welds.

Then it's onto the roof I have the remainder of the 5 holes to weld up grind weld up grind.

Eventually its done but the bends in the roof from its life as a police riot squad truck are left.

Tank I'm ready to create a new bung Monday.

5 September 2016 - Monday

Early morning - 7am to be exact I'm back on the road 2 hours or more up to the boat factory drop the boat off and deliver the new fuel tank and see the transformation of the restored boat

Then it's a long haul back to IPOH coming

Big delay on the way back due to this rolled truck sigh another hour lost.


I cut the new bung out of 8mm alloy block and drill the hole and tap the thread and hand it over to be welded to the tank. When we shut the factory at 6pm it's tacked in.

10 September 2016 - Sunday

Work is on the rear panel final sand and preparation. I spend most of the day working on this.

The new bung is in the tank and I re-mount the tank and put 72 litres of diesel in it. Bravo 8 hours later it's not leaking. It's finally fixed. Only the tank cover to go.

11 September 2006 - Monday


16 September 2006 - Friday public holiday

Sunday morning hit the roof with body filler all the tape is where body filler small amounts have to go.


By early evening I have the cabin top sanded and undercoated


17 September 2006

Finally it's painted then I see the mistake the leak in the paint can has leaked onto the valance sigh

Rest of the day is spent preparing a RHD steering asseembly for a guy in Melbourne which I salvaged from a wrecked Volvo.

Now for the long break next weekend is collect the boat a prepare it and my camping for my 1-9 October holiday of camping and fishing.

See you all in a few weeks.

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