VOLVO TGB Expedition Camper

XLZs are virtually priceless in the US as they are not imported. I read on the G forums that they are even somewhat hard to get in the EU regardless of cost.


On my Michelin publication "Michelin Truck Tire Characteristics" 9.00R16 XZLs are marked as "L", meaning limited availability, which means they can be or are imported. I bought a set in the US a few years ago. I bought a set of 8.25R16 XZLs more recently. You have to LOOK hard, though, and make some phone calls to Michelin HQ.
Also; regarding Wankels, I apologize for being doctrinaire, but a petrol Wankel will never even approach the fuel consumption figure of a conventional diesel in the same application; it's not thermodynamically possible. Their advantage lies in high power to weight ratio and high rpm characteristic.

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Indiana Drew

XLZs are virtually priceless in the US as they are not imported. I read on the G forums that they are even somewhat hard to get in the EU regardless of cost.


On my Michelin publication "Michelin Truck Tire Characteristics" 9.00R16 XZLs are marked as "L", meaning limited availability, which means they can be or are imported. I bought a set in the US a few years ago. I bought a set of 8.25R16 XZLs more recently. You have to LOOK hard, though, and make some phone calls to Michelin HQ.
Also; regarding Wankels, I apologize for being doctrinaire, but a petrol Wankel will never even approach the fuel consumption figure of a conventional diesel in the same application; it's not thermodynamically possible. Their advantage lies in high power to weight ratio and high rpm characteristic.


No worries re: the rotaries ... The thought for the Wankel was in the space savings, power to weight ratio ... No question the diesel would do some great stuff in the application. The size of the Mazda engines seemed theoretically quite appealing as I had imagined the engine areas in Pinz and Volvo C30X to be narrow. If it were possible/money no object, an MB Bluetech or the BMW diesels would make a great power plant. It has been pointed out to me that especially if I ever imagined an automatic transmission in the C30X that the length of the engine/tranny setup would be at issure ...

As far as the Michelins, I have never looked for them myself, some of the folks on the G forums say they are difficult to fine in the US in those sizes. I will have a look around for some now out of curiosity if nothing else ...




2 photo's I took the day I got the C304, no license plates at that time.
On the right hand side is my Vitara/Sidekick.

As you can see, it fits perfectly in a parking space.
The tree on the left wasn't happy today, broke some branches because the only parking space left was under the tree :eek:

Failed the Dutch MOT, but now I have 2 months to fix the fuel filler hose, fuel tank breather hose and get me 6 new tires (2 didn't pass the inspection)...

Plans for this weekend: taking some inside measurements of the ambulance box (the ones on internet are different then the ones I took really quickly a couple weeks ago) and make some quick 3d drawings.


At least I'm welcome to come back with the Volvo to the garage, the owner thought is was something fun/challenging/different to work on. He even had to use tools/supplies he didn't had to use in a while :D



Been busy this afternoon :)

- No windows yet, have to measure the locations for them
- Back wall, right side wall and roof are made invisible
- Red square's is the service hatch for the engine, made it red to make it easy to recognise and remember me not to block it in any way.
- The small thingies on the left wall are hinges for the seatbelts (not in the correct location and missing 2), have to measure the exact locations.

The hinges on the left wall will be used to hinge the bed.
On the right side I'm going to make some seats, the table wil be made flip down style on the underside of the bed.
So when the bed is up I have a row of seats and a table, when the bed is down I will have a bed of approximitly 2.00x1.60m. The bed will "connect" to the seats to make it full size, the hinging (is that even an existing word?) bed will have a width of approximitly 1.15m, any wider is impossible due to the heigth of the roof.

Indiana Drew

If you are not taller than 1.65m then you've got a chance.
I can't stand in it because I'm 1.85m tall.

AutoCAD 2008

Considering I am 1.82m I guess I might as well continue to consider the lower roofed version and a "pop-up" for walking around inside and so on ... :coffee:


Any one made some progress yet?
I temporarely stopped working on the 3D model since I can't finish anything I draw in it before going on holiday :coffee:

This time everything will be installed in the most basic/easy way.
Bed will probably be a sheet of plywood with a matress on top, electrical systems are going too be screwed in one of the closets, etc, etc.

So I started making a schematic diagram on how to wire everything.
Making diagrams/drawings is easy for me, doing the actual installation.... uhm well... no comments.... :D


Hi All

Well, we have moved ahead and are installing the 1KZ-T engine as we speak! I removed the roof and cab and took out the Volvo driveline.
Fitting the 1KZ-T was like stuffing a chicken with a turkey! (I exaggerate, qactually it's bot that bad).
I have lined it up so the crank pulley is in the same location lenghtwise as on the B30 but I had to move the engine over towards the passengerside because of the dieselpump being on the drivers side. The rear transfer box flanges lines up like original crosswise. But the one for the rear driveshaft is about 12 cm further back than original. I might have to relocate the tube behind the engine.
I have made new engine and gearbox mounts, but haven't started it yet.
motorbytte 075.jpg copy.jpg

Ps Fotovalpen I can see that you got "a few" pieces from JP, really nice guy with a lot of knowlegde and stuff, thumbs up!
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JP at is a really great guy to deal with!

The Laplander will be brand new when it is done. JP is renovating an entire body for me and it should be done and painted sometime this coming spring. I CAN BARELY WAIT! When it is done I will be driving down to him to swap the bodies. How far are you from him?


New member
Hi I am a newbie with Volvo c2o2 that I am looking to convert into an expedition Camper. I am debating whether to build a camper for the truck or
or build an offroad trailer for behind the truck. The hope is eventually to use the Truck to travel in the American west, the Alaskan Hiway, and the Canadian North. Any pros, cons or comments at all that would help in deciding what to design and build would be appreciated.

Tks.- Canadian Camper
To build a new Camper HT with full hight on a 202 is not so much jobb first camper for my 202 was bulided just before a new long trip, under 2 months to build 1990 and used for over 10 years of camping and now rebuilded again. This car has a intercooled turbodiesel and 5-gears
Photos and more info can be found here.


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