For that amount of money you only get a 24V inverter/charger (one like in the OKA camper elsewhere in this subforum), 12V is a bit cheaper, but in my case a bit more complex with everything being 24V. With 24V you can also reduce the thickness of the wires. Some equipment can be a challenge tho...
Making 12VDC out of 24VDC is relatively simple and cheap, step-down converters in all sizes/prices available. I'm not planning on using a generator/aircon maybe some solar power in the future.
Haven't worked out the electrical system yet. But the big lines are visible inside my mind.
When the TGB is back from the garage I'm first going to make a 3D model to check how/where I want to fit everything.
And being an Electrical Engineer I'm surely going to make some nice schedules of the electrical part