A note on seat height:
Comparing seat heights by looking at the advertised number won't give you an accurate picture of how tall the bike will *feel*.
My 800GS has a seat height of just under 34", and my Husaberg is just shy of 38" - but I can get just as much foot on the ground with the 'berg as I can with the BMW. Why? The Husaberg seat is about 1/3 the width of the BMW seat.
On the Husaberg, I'm straddling a 2x4 that is 38" off the ground, on the BMW, I'm straddling a barcalounger that is 34" off the ground . . . so don't go off of the seat height alone - look at how wide the seat is, too.
Absolutely! Bottom line: You have to throw a leg over a bike to understand the seat height. If it's "THE" bike and it's almost there in the height dept. research lowering options, such as seats, links, etc.