is it possible to get a replacement solenoid cover for the 8274, just the plastic cover?
From the sounds of it the winches have a great reputation, hopefully better than the air compressors. Looking at the Web site it looks like y'all have dropped your air compressor line. I had bought one little over 18 months ago and it never really worked well at all. Tried several times to contact Customer Service during the first year by email and phone but never could get it resolved so I gave up.
My truck had a Warn 8274 mounted on the front bumper when I got it, but it wasn't wired up. I'm getting ready to start working on getting it back up and running, hopefully I'll have better luck than I did with the Air Power SPC.
Sorry you had bad luck with our Air-Power line. We did discontinue the products. The M8274 is our oldest, most tried-and-true winch. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it. If you've ever got questions/concerns, you can PM me here or call our Customer Service at 800-543-9276.
- Andy
Do you have any photos of the Warn skidplate for the superduty? there are no pics on the website. And do you have any info on ground clearance loss, material, thickness? any info would be appreciated.
Interested in mounting my spare tire on my trans4mer, does WARN make one?
I want to replace my current Mile Marker E8000. I need something that can be clocked, if you look at my attached photo, the winch is on it's side, foot forward with the solenoids seperated from the winch and mounted under the hood. I would prefer if I could find something like a powerplant setup, where the feet can be mounted foot forward and everything else clocked upright. Any way of doing this with the power plant?