Water Storage

matt s

ive got a couple of these babies that have to be close to 15yrs old and still use em a couple of time a yr.. i am careful not to crease em up though.
another nice thing is you can fill em 3/4's full and throw em in the freezer then top em off ice cold water for days and days...

Now that's a good idea. Pretty unfavorable reviews on these around here, but if I do go this route I wouldn't have all my eggs in one basket, I will keep and use the msr bladder too. Nicely for us, water is really not an issue other than having to much liquid sunshine. If you carry a filter in Alaska you are really never very far from a water source.


Heretic Car Camper
After suffering the failure of one of those folding type water carriers I've been using one of these for ~5 years.


Mine is finicky about getting the cap threaded on exactly right. If I take the time to do that it does not leak. I like the square shape as it makes it easy to pack and to secure from movement. I've replaced the cap & cock once. Age or something caught up with the lever on the valve as it oxidized, got brittle, and then broke. Coleman's parts system is a great service.
I think Big 5 sells the new units for under $10 each.

FJR Colorado

For cost-effective and easy water portage, it's hard to beat the venerable Aqua-tainer...


They're sturdy, strong and cheap. Has a spigot (that can be reversed and stored inward). They easily stack (and even lock together between top and bottom once the spigot is inverted).

I find them much better than the collapsible units or the Coleman units.
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Expedition Leader
Previously I used the Reliance 5 gallon foldable heavy plastic bottles available at REI. But after having numerous failures/punctures I elected for what IMHO is a better solution... and I hate to say it especially in such an environmentally cautious culture but I now simply buy the 2 gallon bottled water jugs. If 1 fails, that's ok because I don't loose half or all of my water. Thus far, I've only had 1 fail in the past dozen or so trips where I typically take 4-6 of them.

As for an onboard system... not something I'm ready for.


Now that's a good idea. Pretty unfavorable reviews on these around here, but if I do go this route I wouldn't have all my eggs in one basket, I will keep and use the msr bladder too. Nicely for us, water is really not an issue other than having to much liquid sunshine. If you carry a filter in Alaska you are really never very far from a water source.
You know what I do is keep one of those collapsable tanks folded up in the back of the rover so if my camp is close to a water source I can fill it with filtered water and not have to tap into the tank in the back. Those things are cheap and they pack down really small.

matt s

You know what I do is keep one of those collapsable tanks folded up in the back of the rover so if my camp is close to a water source I can fill it with filtered water and not have to tap into the tank in the back. Those things are cheap and they pack down really small.

Hey Noah, good idea. Spending any time on the 2meter or are you still having issues with it? I listen pretty regularly to the irlp's and local repeaters but haven't keyed the mic in some time.

Scenic WonderRunner

I found this at a thrift shop for $2 bucks a few months ago. I wish I could find a few more! I think it will last forever! I checked the Rubbermaid website, and I can't find them.

I'm now thinking that I have a like new, antique!




Heretic Car Camper
Previously I used the Reliance 5 gallon foldable heavy plastic bottles available at REI. But after having numerous failures/punctures I elected for what IMHO is a better solution... and I hate to say it especially in such an environmentally cautious culture but I now simply buy the 2 gallon bottled water jugs. If 1 fails, that's ok because I don't loose half or all of my water. Thus far, I've only had 1 fail in the past dozen or so trips where I typically take 4-6 of them.

As for an onboard system... not something I'm ready for.
I tired that on two trips. Failures both times.


American Adventurist
I found this at a thrift shop for $2 bucks a few months ago. I wish I could find a few more! I think it will last forever! I checked the Rubbermaid website, and I can't find them.

I'm now thinking that I have a like new, antique!



I have one that I got about 20 years ago. It is a handy size for short duration travel, the only problem is the cap doesn't seal very tightly and leaks pretty easily. As long as you keep it upright and secure you're GTG.


Expedition Leader
I tired that on two trips. Failures both times.

How are you storing them? Loose or strapped down?
Mine are kept in one of the rubbermaid tubs in back. it's a pretty good fit and I fortunately haven't had any issues. Of course there's nothing in there that might puncture it either.:bike_rider:

matt s

Noah I did, sorry about that, a little slow on the response.

To everyone else: who thought we would get this much milage over who has the cheapest leaking plastic container?! Ha ha kinda funny. We highjacked this well. Still good info and to the couple of people that posted up there actual systems they are very cool and spark some good ideas.

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