Installed OME 3" lift on WK
Pretty standard install. Suspension had been swapped out for Bilstein SRT street suspension a few years ago, so most bolts turned out easy. Inspected ball joints, CV cups, etc. Found a few things that will now be added onto the basic maintenance before expedition rollout.
This link was my main guide, as well as the youtube video, although he uses a spring compressor in the video to fit his rear springs in.
Notched gas tank guard with reciprocating saw to allow rear driver's lower control arm to drop down for easy spring access.
Cleaned up rust with wire wheel, sprayed metal with either aluminum color, or black color paint to protect form oxidization. Took off rear callipers, cleaned up breaks, and used silicone lube on the calliper slider pins. Cleaned up aluminum wheel spindle with wire wheel and made it shiny and precious. Didn't bother clear coating it as I don't want to add the extra weight.
Oddly enough biggest problem I had was with lower bolt on rear shocks. Should have been an easy one, but I think previous install had given it full power with an impact wrench and the little 15 mm head bolts would have twisted off before coming out. The Bilsteins had lots of travel, but I want the OMEs in on all four corners. WIll likely use a cut off grinder to take the nut off the outside of the bracket and buy a nut and bolt combination for the shock bottoms if the penetrating oil has not worked any magic by week's end. One of the heads felt like it gave a little under the force of the breaker bar, so I will likely have to do that one anyway.
Once nice thing about doing this job was being able to inspect, remove and put anti seize on a lot of the major suspension bolts.
There was lots of travel, so I was able to drop the axle after taking the shock top bolts out. Disconnected the stabilizer bar and passenger side brake hose bracket and was able to slip OME springs in with no problems, just a bit of down pressure on the rotor from a neighbour, and turning the coil the right way so it would slip in without having to compress it.
Painted 17" wheels with Duplicolor Graphite and Clear Coat Matte. Five wheels took 3 cans of color and two cans of clear, with a bunch left over.
Tires have been ordered and will hopefully be put on next weekend. Went with Cooper Discoverer A/TW. LT235/80-R17. Will likely have to do the pinch mod in order to fit them in.
Good Pinch Mod explanation:
Didn't photograph the hole thing as it is all pretty straight forward and well documented already on Jeep Forum.
Here are some before and after photos.
Was a pretty good weekend overall. Definitely need an 18 mm deep socket with half inch drive. Torque Wrench, breaker bar, spring compressor, and normal tools.