To go anywhere fun (read - ocean - Oregon - California) I have to cross the mountains so it could be painful on the way up and hard on the tranni.
Biggest tires on any of my Jeeps have been 33s with no re-gear but I keep eyeing my buddy's Jeep with 35s.
Thanks for the info.
No worries. Honestly, this is the first time I've run something bigger than 33s, and I've had a JKU since Jan 2010. And while I've managed to get my jeep stuck many times... I can probably count on one hand how many of those times was due to having 33s vs 35s. Almost every time I was stuck it's been due to me picking a poor lin... I mean my spotter giving me a bad line

, or me just going somewhere stupid where I was going to get stuck regardless.
The plan all along (since I bought this JK) was to run 35s, however I got such a wicked deal on my 33s that I ran that I couldn't turn that down, so I ran those... and honestly, they served me very well since I put them on 2 years ago. And most of the times I was stuck with those on was likely more due to me not having lifted my JK until last year... or umm... my 'spotter' giving me a bad line
Now I think the JK looks more proportional and better with 35s or 37s... but I didn't have complaints over my 33s.