What did you do to your Expo Jeep today?

Land Runner

Continued the endless process of trying to find the cause of the infamous Death Wobble on th JKU. So far I have replaced ball joints, drag link, steering stabilizer, tires rotated and balanced, and replaced wheel spacers. Everything is tight and my next step is replacing front shocks, is it possi nm le that they are just warn out? I don't know and am about to give up on the "Land Runner"


Ordered a 20lb CO2 system today. Piece meal due to shipping costs, so I had to find a beverage supplier in Canada for the tank. But looks to be around $280 all said and done. One company wanted $170 just to ship the tank!! Oh the joys of living in butt **** nowhere.


Last week I installed my 2'5" AEV lift and this week I installed my Poison Spyder Brawler Lite front bumper.




Continued the endless process of trying to find the cause of the infamous Death Wobble on th JKU.

Also check the front trackbar mounts. The holes on the frame side bracket can wallow out. Have someone turn the wheels while you're under the front and look for odd movement.


Did you replace the trackbar bolts? From the factory they are too small, smaller than the hole the factory drilled. So although everything is tight the trackbar will have too much play/movement you generally can't dedect standing still. Just a thought.

Continued the endless process of trying to find the cause of the infamous Death Wobble on th JKU. So far I have replaced ball joints, drag link, steering stabilizer, tires rotated and balanced, and replaced wheel spacers. Everything is tight and my next step is replacing front shocks, is it possi nm le that they are just warn out? I don't know and am about to give up on the "Land Runner"


Continued the endless process of trying to find the cause of the infamous Death Wobble on th JKU. So far I have replaced ball joints, drag link, steering stabilizer, tires rotated and balanced, and replaced wheel spacers. Everything is tight and my next step is replacing front shocks, is it possi nm le that they are just warn out? I don't know and am about to give up on the "Land Runner"

I feel your pain dropped mine off at the shop for a alignment and to get another opinion on what could be causing my DW. Got tired of replacing a piece of the front end every day when I got home from work only to have it try to shake itself apart on the drive in the next morning. All I know so far is the caster is off a bit from the PO installing a 3 inch lift. If this dosent work I'm ordering a set of rustys control arms and new bolts.

Good luck.


What is that? I have never heard of that before. Will you please explain a little, it would be greatly appreciated. Thx
Caster is one of the three adjustment done for an alignment. The other two being toe and camber. Caster is usually regarded as being the least important of the three, but it's what returns the wheel to center after a turn. Larger wheels can require the use of more camber to increase the stability of the steering system. It could be that your camber has been affected by your lift and needs to be corrected or increased over stock.

For a more visual look at camber, look at a bicycle's fork.
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Well the shop gave me a laundry list of parts to change although they admitted they haven't dealt with a lifted jeep before. I have now replaced the stabilizer, the sawybar bushings and mounts, ball joints, tie rods, track bar and checked the upper and lower link bushings. I rotated front to rear on the tires tried positive negative and zero toe and tried over stock and under stock caster.
seriously questioning if I should pack it in or order a new better lift so I know its done right.

Mine hits right around 50 mph every time the suspension cycles on a hard bump like a pothole or bridge approach and dosent stop till I slow to 15 mph or yank the wheel a bit. Acceleration and braking has no effect.

I pity anyone fighting this DW!!


Some sort of lost...
Continued the endless process of trying to find the cause of the infamous Death Wobble on th JKU. So far I have replaced ball joints, drag link, steering stabilizer, tires rotated and balanced, and replaced wheel spacers. Everything is tight and my next step is replacing front shocks, is it possi nm le that they are just warn out? I don't know and am about to give up on the "Land Runner"

The track bar and frame side track bar mount is the most common problem. The bolts are sized incorrectly and threaded the full length where they should be shouldered. This creates slop for two reasons, once you get death wobble once or twice the mounting holes get wallowed out and it's even worse. The factory track bar is garbage anyways, bends and flexes, and has soft bushings.

I took a video of my stock track bar and 35s, with the jeep parked in the garage I turned the wheel back and forth and observed the track bar bend and flex, and a lot of deflection in the bushings. With 6k miles on a 2012.

I installed a synergy track bar brace (frame side) with a sector shaft brace, and synergy track bar. HUGE improvement. The synergy track bar mount brace will fix wallowed out holes, and their track bar is much more solid.

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