No offence intended, but looks to me like way to many of you ply with Ji-Joe's a little to much..
I'm not a violent man, in fact I'm very peaceful, but if somebody tryes to take advantage of the innocent and unprotected I will become "Mama bear" and surrender my life in the benefit of my compatriots, study anatomy like crazy to be able to place my shoots (with a 95% deggre of certainty) to avoid the "one in the head two in the chest" that my instructors proclame to be the only way..
Dissemble 7 car bombs, including two school buses full of kiddos..
Build 27 level SEVEN armored cars {and "Semi" bullet Proof} Only one side, because the layers made them much to heavy) and refurbish 62 helicopters) with materials to toxic to be used on US Soil (Darpa right there for you) and one of them had the record of been impelled to a seven story high building with all the doors still secure, sadly the G force sensor got peg out at a 1000'g so we have no idea how powerful the 50 pound of C4 shape charge was..
after opening the doors everything inside was liquidated and had to be clean with hoses to be able to examine the structure..
man up in the caboose of a Suburban handling a "Seven second" (Life expectancy) redundant GAU 134 Mini gun ,that fortunately never discharge in Anger, but trust me just the feeling of the empty Shells filling up the Tub you are in is not exactly fun, very claustrophobic in fact, plus is extremely loud too..
I also saw my best friend flying two hundred meters away wearing a Israeli made Bomb proof suit with similar results, aka a $700,000 "Body bag"
It took 27 Bombs to take the life away of the most patriotic person i have ever made..
If you ever have a itch for real life violence just drive into Tijuana with a DEA hat and see how long you last..