What do you use for a truck gun?


In Wyoming a firearm isn't an option in the truck it is part of the truck. I always have a Marlin 1895 lever action in 218 Bee, good for almost any vermin you might run into. If things ever got close and personal I also carry Taurus Titanium 41 magnum, you would more than likely be totally def when it was over but it would get the job done. Dave


I'm surprised to hear that so many other states allow loaded firearms to be carried in vehicles. In NY, while you can CCW with a loaded sidearm, you're not allowed to carry a loaded long gun or shotgun (in NY's eyes, "loaded" means rounds loaded into magazine or tube and/or a loaded magazine located outside of the firearm).


I'm surprised to hear that so many other states allow loaded firearms to be carried in vehicles. In NY, while you can CCW with a loaded sidearm, you're not allowed to carry a loaded long gun or shotgun (in NY's eyes, "loaded" means rounds loaded into magazine or tube and/or a loaded magazine located outside of the firearm).

And here I thought CA had the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. As far as I know, we can have loaded magazines, just not in the gun for transport or in the same compartment 'touching' the gun unless you are CCW. For instance, I have a small carry bag. One pocket for the gun zipped closed and main compartment has slots for 5 magazines. It's lockable, which is a requirement here in CA, but I do carry the magazines loaded. Anyone here on the left coast know any different on this?


Loaded long gun in vehicle

in the Midwest you will find many trucks with a rifle or shotgun/both during hunting season. Was in a small town in Southern Missouri not long ago when a guy in a new bodystyle F250 pulled into a restaurant parking lot. Several guys walked over to take look including me.

He had a S&W M&P Sport 15 on the back seat, by the time 5 guys got done talking to the F250 owner and there were three AR variants, lever action 357, Mossberg 590A1, and a Benelli M2 short barrel amongst the six of us. In addition there were six pistols and two revolvers. One guy laughed and said his co worker would tell us we had a "good start"!

We were composed of three sales guys, physician, contractor, and a retired HS shop teacher. We were all laughing that complete strangers in a parking lot were all fairly like minded!

By the way that new F250 is a pretty nice truck!


Gun Toting Gearhead
My truck gun is a 10.5" AR pistol purpose-built with quality but inexpensive parts so it's not a complete tragedy if something were to happen to it.



I always have the Sig P938 in an IWB holster, and an extra mag, every time I leave the house. When I'm going out into the woods, I usually also have the Springfield Armory MC Operator 1911 w/tlr-1 in the backpack with a few extra mags and ammo. Inside my van lives the Remington 870 Marine Magnum XCS (Extreme conditions shotgun). I like that one in there because it won't rust with the protective coating, and with slugs and buck-shot, it can handle most anything I come up against. I have been tossing around the idea of building a budget 10.5" AR pistol ($700-$800 range) to also keep in the van with the 870, something that I really don't mind getting banged around and exposed to the elements, yet still reliable. But for now, the two pistols and the shotgun get it done for me on a regular basis. I also carry a TOPS Armageddon (11" camp knife), a Fiskars pro chopping axe, and a folding shovel. I'd hate to be the person (or thing) that decides to try and sneak up on my son and I while we're out in the woods...
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Regular Dude
Just a plug here for proper training and sustainment training. If you have never shot a firearm inside a vehicle, or deployed from the vehicle with a long gun and had to shoot/move, it requires some training and lots of practice. Additionally, shooting from a moving vehicle is also challenging. Just make sure you're taking the time (and spending the $$$) to get some proper training.


Expedition Leader
Two things, besides training, that you really need if you are going to fire a gun out of a vehicle- eye protection and hearing protection. Notice in pictures of folks shooting through the vehicle's glass that there are small pieces of glass and a cloud of glass dust going everywhere. One piece in your eye(s) and you are now sevrely handicapped whether you are trying to drive or shoot. Even a tiny piece will cause a lot of tearing which makes it difficult to see and it's very distracting. It's also un-Godly loud, especially a rifle and even worse a SBR. There's a reason you see pros fire a round to create an opening then poke the barrel outside of the vehicle; besides the glass and hearing issues, the muzzle blast can be quite disorienting.


Lost and loving it...
Stoeger Coach Gun; dbl barrel, 3" 00 buckshot, 12 ga., scarab holster attached to back of the passenger seat, mated with a 1911 sidearm on person, inside a AEV Prospector. If I can't go over it or through it, I have a fighting chance. It sounds redneck but it works for me.


Remington Model 7 in .243 with a long eye relief scope.

Occasionally a Mossberg Mariner.

I rekon I am old now, lol.

I would like to get an AR variant but have not begun the research.


New member
For the truck gun concept, I have always liked the Tavor. I haven't gotten the coin up to buy one yet, so I still just have my carry piece and then a Canik TP9 that's inexpensive so I don't worry about it.

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M6 scout - outta sight, outta mind with 2 loads for the .410 - not powerful but generally enough
Glock 19 - in easy reach
sometimes a Mossburg 590 - depending on where were going - easy to keep in the RTT and never move it

adding/replacing the 590, a take down lever action (avoid the black gun drama and the questions) 350g bullet for fuzzy's or going through stuff

I think kinetic energy is good.


No handguns in Canada, but we do have SKSs for as low as $150US, about the only perk we have firearm wise.

Good enough for black bear and cougars, even with 5 shots (our mag limit), cheap enough to ding up. If I'm going into griz country then 45-70 Marlin, trying to work up some +P rounds w/ 405gr.

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Well-known member
For the truck gun concept, I have always liked the Tavor. I haven't gotten the coin up to buy one yet, so I still just have my carry piece and then a Canik TP9 that's inexpensive so I don't worry about it.

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I haven't had a chance to fire a tavor, but I find then interesting as well. Have you spent any time with one?

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