What do you use for a truck gun?


It seems like there are definitely two philosophies on this. One, and this seems to be the traditional one, is that you carry a cheap, beater type rifle or shotgun. The other is that you carry the best you can for defense. People subscribing to the former seem to be more concerned with four legged targets of opportunity, while the latter seem to be more concerned with repelling boarders. The concern with theft is significant, but I carry weapons I would want in my hand if I need them: a Glock 20 that also accompanies me on hikes, and a Ruger GSR that provides a longer range option. While that's not cheap, I can't quite bring myself to leave my AR in the truck all the time. If I had one, I'd probably think pretty hard about a .300 AAC pistol with brace and red dot. Between capability and legality (state lines and all that), that is a pretty good package.


Gentleman Adventurer
My new "Truck gun" besides my Glock 26 is a Rock River 5.56 pistol . It fits perfectly in a helmet bag. Takes up little room in my Cayenne.

Grab and go with 40 rds of Federal 62 grain Tactical loads. No need to double tap with these babies.IMG_20190222_203021863.jpgIMG_20190222_203045655.jpgIMG_20190222_203101706.jpg


What hand guard is that? Blast deflector? I like the A-Tacs style camo in the optic.

Handguard is a manta wrap sitting overtop of a generic MLOK clamp on, basically the same as this 9mm (which is also a contender to throw in the truck, I'm still finalizing it though-it now has the same wrap b/c I'm finding I like the purchase better than just putting covers or AFGs on there);
2018-11-26 18.45.52.jpg
Manta Wrap, you can see that I cut it down since it technically needs ~6" of rail space to clamp to.

The muzzle device is from kineti tech: two piece muzzle devices

Camo is a wrap since I have decided if I want to keep the RDS on there or not, and didn't want to paint it b/c once you leave black...and as you noted, it is A-TACS AU since that was about as close as I found for my rattle can fun on the weapon itself.


I usually travel with a Glock 17 or FNP-45 and a spare mag. Sometimes, I take a 10/22. Often, in my pocket, is a Ruger LCP in a Mika holster. Most of the time, my travels are in the Intermountain West.


Expedition Leader
Handguard is a manta wrap sitting overtop of a generic MLOK clamp on, basically the same as this 9mm (which is also a contender to throw in the truck, I'm still finalizing it though-it now has the same wrap b/c I'm finding I like the purchase better than just putting covers or AFGs on there);
View attachment 501282
Manta Wrap, you can see that I cut it down since it technically needs ~6" of rail space to clamp to.

The muzzle device is from kineti tech: two piece muzzle devices

Camo is a wrap since I have decided if I want to keep the RDS on there or not, and didn't want to paint it b/c once you leave black...and as you noted, it is A-TACS AU since that was about as close as I found for my rattle can fun on the weapon itself.

Cool, thanks. I'd never seen the Manta products before.


My new "Truck gun" besides my Glock 26 is a Rock River 5.56 pistol . View attachment 501243

That looks sweeeeeeeeettttt! Of course up here in Canadaland, our local / federal constabulary and politicians would melt down if anyone was to consider using something like that as a standard carry in a veh. As I live up here this is how I store my spare lower. That's right a lock has to be on this if I want to take it to the range. This is a stripped lower and this is what we have to do up here


Gentleman Adventurer
That looks sweeeeeeeeettttt! Of course up here in Canadaland, our local / federal constabulary and politicians would melt down if anyone was to consider using something like that as a standard carry in a veh. As I live up here this is how I store my spare lower. That's right a lock has to be on this if I want to take it to the range. This is a stripped lower and this is what we have to do up here
View attachment 501427
That is a deadly piece of metal . Very scary.


:mad:Bloody rights:eek:. Well I could go on about our laws up here, but thats a thread that would soon be locked anyway. As Nanny as our laws go, they are consistent from coast to coast to coast. Except for our adopted redheaded cousin,who gets beat up alot Quebec, another story altogether .


Most of my time is spent hiking, so weight is important to me. I usually carry a handgun (smaller caliber and compact, to keep weight down). But, for those times when I need to leave my firearm in my truck, I just ordered the Console Vault for my Xterra. It mounts within the existing center console, so it looks stock & requires no modifications. Unsure if I can link to a non-supporting vendor, but you can just Google Console Vault and you'll find their website.


Always a pistol on my person. If I choose to take a long gun with, I rely on my Marlin 336 or Ruger AR556.




Tail-End Charlie
Most of my time is spent hiking, so weight is important to me. I usually carry a handgun (smaller caliber and compact, to keep weight down). But, for those times when I need to leave my firearm in my truck, I just ordered the Console Vault for my Xterra. It mounts within the existing center console, so it looks stock & requires no modifications. Unsure if I can link to a non-supporting vendor, but you can just Google Console Vault and you'll find their website.

Of course you can link to a non-supporting vendor. Hell, there's even a forum topic for deals found on eBay and eBay certainly is no supporter.
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Retired Explorer
Most of my time is spent hiking, so weight is important to me. I usually carry a handgun (smaller caliber and compact, to keep weight down). But, for those times when I need to leave my firearm in my truck, I just ordered the Console Vault for my Xterra. It mounts within the existing center console, so it looks stock & requires no modifications. Unsure if I can link to a non-supporting vendor, but you can just Google Console Vault and you'll find their website.

I have had 2 different Console Vaults in my Tahoes. First was keyed and other had the 4# combination. Both have worked great. Fit and finish was good and installation was very easy. You will be very happy with yours.
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Just swapped out my 357 lever action rifle for a Ruger PC Carbine. My truck pistol is a Ruger Security 9 so the magazines are the same. Now one caliber and one set of magazines for both weapons. Simply SD / Get home weapon. I travel the Midwest on business 85% by vehicle.

Hunting trips, road trips or camping I go back to a lever action rifle and shotgun.

At 40 yards the PCC keyholes the target consistently.


Depends on where I am and where I'm going. I generally don't want to leave an expensive rifle in my vehicle if I'm out of it for a while, so it's usually a bagged Rossi combo (.22/.410).

If I'm around here in the Southeast, and gonna be in the woods a bit, I might take my Marlin .44 levergun. However, if I'm not planning to hunt, my EDC pistol is pretty much it.


Expedition Leader
Just swapped out my 357 lever action rifle for a Ruger PC Carbine. My truck pistol is a Ruger Security 9 so the magazines are the same. Now one caliber and one set of magazines for both weapons. Simply SD / Get home weapon. I travel the Midwest on business 85% by vehicle.

Hunting trips, road trips or camping I go back to a lever action rifle and shotgun.

At 40 yards the PCC keyholes the target consistently.

I don't think "keyholes" is the word you're looking for, key-holing is the oblong hole in the paper caused by a tumbling or unstable bullet. Touching, one ragged hole, cloverleaf, a hole covered by a {insert coin type here}, etc. are more commonly used for close holes. On the other hand, if they are key-holing I'd send the gun back to Ruger so they can fix it.

The reason this post actually caught my eye is that I handled one of the Ruger carbines the other day and really liked it other than the weight. I'm trying to justify buying one (I have no real reason, just thought it was cool) but I probably ought to sell my Sub2000 first- I tried to like it but no, I just don't like Kel-Tecs.

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