What do you use for a truck gun?

Truck guns. This aways a fun and controversial subject .

I agree they should be responsibly cheap,versatile in use and easily accessible.

I never leave home without my S&W Shield plus, in 9mm of course it's my EDC pistol.

But to back it up in the cab I have a full size canik tp9 ,dirt cheap but 100% reliable locked up but very easy access. Incase I might need more capacity than 13rds in the shield .

The dedicated long gun locked up ,but also quickly accessible is a mossberg 500 that was bought years ago at a pawn shop for $99 with a few modern upgrades.... streamlight pump, fiberoptic bead sight and a magpul stock.

Probably a little strange and frowned on by some, but the mossberg is set up with a opsal device and can reliably run mini shells that basically doubles the capacity of the shot gun.

When only in Texas or other free states I'll have a 7.5in ar pistol. It too is a dirt cheap but 100% reliable palmetto state pistol kit built on a new frontier arms poly lower. Super light, short and accurate. And yes God forbid I ever need it in side a vehicle without ear pro, but better off deaf than dead.

Obviously I prefer everything have a light.. because bad stuff has a tendency to happen in the dark.

It ought to go without saying of course there are spare mags for everything that has magazines

And a few have noted it looks like some of us are ready to go to war...

Well there's a old saying it's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.

And if you live a free state... exercise your right to be prepared. Contrary to popular belief these days there is nothing unsafe or wrong about that.

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Kapitis Indagatoris
Oooooh......End of year trade-in deal find.

I've always liked "working guns", guns that have actually been carried and used and show signs of wear/patina.

Found this little gem at the local gun/LE store and picked it up as another "Truck/Shop" gun.

12 ga. Remington 870 "Police Magnum" with rifle sights and wood hardware....old school and, a "Larimer County Colorado" inventory sticker, a trade-in from the Sheriff's Office. It's seen some miles and shows some wear but, runs perfect and goes boom. If only it could talk......

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New member
I keep a sig 365xl with Winchester silver tips for everyday carry, a Ruger American in 7.62x39 with a scope or 30-30 for "if" I need food and of course a fishing pole haha, I also take my S&W 69 in .44 mag for bears (Grizzlies are fairly abundant), 3" barrel and plenty of stopping power with 240gr Hard cast. If I really need to stop something, my 12ga shockwave with slugs and 00 buck will do the job plenty, just depends where I'm going and what the situation will be, but I always have at least 3 guns in the woods with me. These days have me always carrying though, show of force usually keeps the idiots away and I have had to do that with some tweakers while out fishing. Never seen someone drive away so fast when just showing my gun, they tried to pin me in while I was unloading my gear.


Well-known member
Truck guns. This aways a fun and controversial subject .

I agree they should be responsibly cheap,versatile in use and easily accessible.

I never leave home without my S&W Shield plus, in 9mm of course it's my EDC pistol.

But to back it up in the cab I have a full size canik tp9 ,dirt cheap but 100% reliable locked up but very easy access. Incase I might need more capacity than 13rds in the shield .

The dedicated long gun locked up ,but also quickly accessible is a mossberg 500 that was bought years ago at a pawn shop for $99 with a few modern upgrades.... streamlight pump, fiberoptic bead sight and a magpul stock.

Probably a little strange and frowned on by some, but the mossberg is set up with a opsal device and can reliably run mini shells that basically doubles the capacity of the shot gun.

When only in Texas or other free states I'll have a 7.5in ar pistol. It too is a dirt cheap but 100% reliable palmetto state pistol kit built on a new frontier arms poly lower. Super light, short and accurate. And yes God forbid I ever need it in side a vehicle without ear pro, but better off deaf than dead.

Obviously I prefer everything have a light.. because bad stuff has a tendency to happen in the dark.

It ought to go without saying of course there are spare mags for everything that has magazines

And a few have noted it looks like some of us are ready to go to war...

Well there's a old saying it's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.

And if you live a free state... exercise your right to be prepared. Contrary to popular belief these days there is nothing unsafe or wrong about that.

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I don't have any lights on my guns right now. I struggle with them because once you turn it on the criminal knows exactly where you are.
2 modes on my lights constant on and hold on release off.

Train to hold light up identify release and move.

I just blinded who ever it was good or bad with 600-2000 lumens.

If they shoot where the light was I ain't standing on that x anymore.


Part time fulltimer
Just got a TLR-1 HL for my fullsize carry, never had a light on a pistol and I must admit I like it a lot. Quicker now to acquire the open sights but also with the tight center beam I could just use the flashlight beam at self defense range for 'close enough' aiming/rapid fire.

Need new holster now however


Well-known member
2 modes on my lights constant on and hold on release off.

Train to hold light up identify release and move.

I just blinded who ever it was good or bad with 600-2000 lumens.

If they shoot where the light was I ain't standing on that x anymore.
Thanks for the response.

So this assumes you actually get the light in their eyes. I assume if you are using a flashlight you don't know where they are.

Also, last I checked a finger pull and a bullet are way faster than most people can move.

But I don't have any gun training so what you describe may be more realistic? :unsure:


Part time fulltimer
I don't have any training with lights specifically and am new to one. But from just trying it out, it seems it would be much faster to ID your target positively, and a bit faster to get plain iron sights on target than it would be night sights without a light assist. I could hit my target with night sights but wouldn't be nearly as positive about the details of that target.

With the added bonus that while ID'ing your target you're probably blinding them.

Without drills and training, just guessing.

I guess it's my truck gun because my truck gun is just my current carry ;-)


Kapitis Indagatoris
There are a number of "Pros and Cons" to a weapon mounted light (WML). Whatever you do, make sure to do your research, then train with what you carry to learn and exploit it strengths and weaknesses and then keep up on the f@#$& batteries because they are always dead when you need them!

Working through a time of having no WML, to having a light on every friggin thing (weapons, helmets, harnesses, belts, robots, drones, sticks, K9's, etc....) there is no single perfect WML scenario. The only thing you can absolutely count on is the batteries to die or already be dead, at the worst possible time. So, back to training without a WML.

Cheers.......and, the dark can be your friend.
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Oooooh......End of year trade-in deal find.

I've always liked "working guns", guns that have actually been carried and used and show signs of wear/patina.

Found this little gem at the local gun/LE store and picked it up as another "Truck/Shop" gun.

12 ga. Remington 870 "Police Magnum" with rifle sights and wood hardware....old school and, a "Larimer County Colorado" inventory sticker, a trade-in from the Sheriff's Office. It's seen some miles and shows some wear but, runs perfect and goes boom. If only it could talk......

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On early 870s (I’ve had mine since about 1961), you could jam the receiver when loading if you didn’t get the base of the shell past the keeper. I learned this when a young state game warden checked me for magazine capacity, then handed me back a jammed shotgun. I pulled a nail from a fence post and pushed out the two pins shown under the Laramie County sticker to drop the trigger mechanism and clear the jam. When it goes to the field, I have a pin pusher in the bird bag.

Don Gray, if you’re still living, I haven’t forgiven you for that.

They are otherwise good, strong shotguns.


Kapitis Indagatoris
On early 870s (I’ve had mine since about 1961), you could jam the receiver when loading if you didn’t get the base of the shell past the keeper. I learned this when a young state game warden checked me for magazine capacity, then handed me back a jammed shotgun. I pulled a nail from a fence post and pushed out the two pins shown under the Laramie County sticker to drop the trigger mechanism and clear the jam. When it goes to the field, I have a pin pusher in the bird bag.

Don Gray, if you’re still living, I haven’t forgiven you for that.

They are otherwise good, strong shotguns.

Cool. Thanks. Never heard or experienced that but it's always good to learn something new.
Just found this on Wikipedia

“The 870's production for over 30 years had a design whereby a user could fail to press a shell all the way into the magazine when loading - so that the shell latch did not engage the shell - which could result in tying up the gun. This was caused by the shell slipping out of the magazine under the bolt in the receiver to bind the action, requiring rough treatment of the action or even disassembly. The potential issue was resolved with the introduction of the "Flexi Tab" carrier. Guns with this modification can be identified by the "U"-shaped cut-out on the carrier, visible from below the gun. The cut-out, combined with a modified machining on the underside of the slide assembly, allows the action to be opened with a shell on the carrier.[15]

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