Well, I am going to stick my head out here and just say, at least HE IS COMMUNICATING. That is the first thing. Secondly, none of us NONE know what his situation is. I too am fighting the good fight, trying to make my way in this world by my own wits and talent. Yes, he is behind, and YES perhaps he is a BAD business man (I am too). I build a different product (artistic, commissioned one off furniture, smithing,welding,sawying, designing). I am particular, and when it leaves my shop I dont know many people around that could do what I do at this level for this money. All I am saying is give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I know I have, and continue to, stretch folks patience with delivery dates, and yes sometimes it run into months.....I work alone, I too have a young family, hopefully his dedication will payoff in a great product for those waiting. I have gotten more eccentric over the years, it HAS to be right when it leave the shop, it is more about being true to my craft than meeting a deadline. I dunno, that just how it is for me. The more folks are understanding the harder I work to create something they can be proud of and pass to their heirs. Kinda like West Coast Chopper's for your home.
Just saying, perhaps he could/should communicate better, but noone REALLY knows what is going on in his life (everyone deserves a little time off, reference the vacation) I too am doing all I can to keep the customer, regulators, tax man, insurance man, and everyone else happy. Anymore the only thiing that ruffles my feathers is childrens illnesses. Spent sometime at a Children's Hospital in the ICU with a 4 month old, heart opereration, and a BAD infection. Not much upsets me anymore, even the tax man......
Nickmimi, nice way to just stay focused on the job/issue at hand. Just get her done and communicate.......