what happened to Sierra4x4 trailer tread.

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What a lame excuse. Your customers did not delay their payments because they were soooo busy. Ever think about hiring more people to meet your obligations? I know several talented fabricators that are out of work and I'm sure the situation is similar in your area. I hired a laid off welder to build 2 trailers for me and he was easy to find, eager to work, reasonably priced, and highly skilled. Truth is, you are a lousy businessman but a good hobbyist. Sorry, but I call it like it is. Delete all you want, there only one way to repair a bad reputation. People on this board know what that is...amazingly, you don't.
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Very pathetic indeed! Let me post up a picture of my family an I on a recent vacation... Yes, recent. That baby in the picture looks to be close to 1 yr old...


Expedition Leader
What a lame excuse. Your customers did not delay their payments because they were soooo busy. Ever think about hiring more people to meet your obligations? I know several talented fabricators that are out of work and I'm sure the situation is similar in your area. I hired a laid off welder to build 2 trailers for me and he was easy to find, eager to work, reasonably priced, and highly skilled. Truth is, you are a lousy businessman but a good hobbyist. Sorry, but I call it like it is. Delete all you want, there only one way to repair a bad reputation. People on this board know what that is...amazingly, you don't.

Lots of truth here......good insight. These folks won't really enjoy your "amazing " quality and "exceptional attention to detail" while they watch the snow pile up pn their trailer. They'll wonder why they didn't go w/ AT or someone else and had a wonderful summer. Just apologize.

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Well, I am going to stick my head out here and just say, at least HE IS COMMUNICATING. That is the first thing. Secondly, none of us NONE know what his situation is. I too am fighting the good fight, trying to make my way in this world by my own wits and talent. Yes, he is behind, and YES perhaps he is a BAD business man (I am too). I build a different product (artistic, commissioned one off furniture, smithing,welding,sawying, designing). I am particular, and when it leaves my shop I dont know many people around that could do what I do at this level for this money. All I am saying is give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I know I have, and continue to, stretch folks patience with delivery dates, and yes sometimes it run into months.....I work alone, I too have a young family, hopefully his dedication will payoff in a great product for those waiting. I have gotten more eccentric over the years, it HAS to be right when it leave the shop, it is more about being true to my craft than meeting a deadline. I dunno, that just how it is for me. The more folks are understanding the harder I work to create something they can be proud of and pass to their heirs. Kinda like West Coast Chopper's for your home.

Just saying, perhaps he could/should communicate better, but noone REALLY knows what is going on in his life (everyone deserves a little time off, reference the vacation) I too am doing all I can to keep the customer, regulators, tax man, insurance man, and everyone else happy. Anymore the only thiing that ruffles my feathers is childrens illnesses. Spent sometime at a Children's Hospital in the ICU with a 4 month old, heart opereration, and a BAD infection. Not much upsets me anymore, even the tax man......

Nickmimi, nice way to just stay focused on the job/issue at hand. Just get her done and communicate.......


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[OTE=Sierra 4x4 Trailers;1174495]I deleted it......

I am a family man and am working HARD to Finish all the trailers.

The thread was nothing but pick on Sierra 4x4 Trailers, due to we build a great product and are stupid behind on build....WE KNOW THIS....

All these pick on us threads do is slow work down due to the stress of the thread sitting on my shoulders, and truly feeling bad about the back log issue, which is almost over.

Here is the deal I want to get these trailers done and NEVER be back logged again. I am the only bread winner for my Family three kids: 1 yrs old, 4 yrs and 10 yrs, and my wonderful wife who stays at home to raise our kids.

So if you want to pick on me and my family, think of it this way, your hurting a small business and the wonderful HARD working Loving Family that helps out in the shop all the time!!!!!!! This is the American dream, and you guys sure do like to destroy family's with dreams that work 100% harder then most and want to make something of themselves with the a product they love. This back log issue is not a joke, and we are working!!!!!

Thank You.

View attachment 118374[/QUOTE]

It's Angela, I to along with John work hard and are family people, I to would love to post pics of my family with a trailer we should've had months ago..We ordered the trailer in November but we did make modifications in January at that point you stated we would have the trailer in February then march, April,may,June,July,august...still no trailer we made every attempt to work with you on this. The most aggrrevated of it all is you don't communicate, all we want is the trailer. John and I have made attempts to have the trailer shipped we missed several bids because you failed to return numerous email and phone messages. I know you spoke with John today and stated once again the trailer would be delivered and you would call tomorrow so now I wait patiently with MY FAMILY for a trailer I expected to have months ago. SO hopefully we will here from you tomorrow regarding delivery but truthfully Im not standing by the phone waiting. Just my two cents , I hope you prove me wrong.



New member
My 2cents. I believe this guy is under capitalized and short staffed, those can be some reasons for backlog. He's got to explain his backlog to his customers, not just say "I'm backlogged". Word spreads. He's got to communicate promptly to his customer concerns. Someone mentioned hobbyist, not businessman, could be very true. If his business truly multiplied five fold, he should have temporarily stopped taking orders til he caught up. Again no communication/explanation. Also put a hold on marketing til he catches up.NEVER EVER promise a customer something you can't deliver. Maybe his prices are too low and his margins too narrow causing a high volume?


Expedition Leader
I'm amazed at how nice these folks are! They put up w/ amazing lack of caring by the vendor who has the balls to whine about his family life and yet they continue to give him more time. Geez since evidently they didn't use a credit card
.....plan a little family trip and go get your trailer if its there and camp your way back home. Of its not there get a lawyer! Sue! And at least you would know. Something is really wrong. Those of you who believe the vendor sits at the right hand of God.....insert face palm here.
Doesn't anyone's patience run out?

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I basically agree with what your saying. Some commentary though.

My 2cents. I believe this guy is under capitalized - I don't think that's the problem, because he takes payment up front. If he's out of money, then he's got a spending problem.

and short staffed - He's had way too much time to address this issue. As someone previously stated, there's plenty of fabricators available these days.

those can be some reasons for backlog. He's got to explain his backlog to his customers, not just say "I'm backlogged". Word spreads. He's got to communicate promptly to his customer concerns. Someone mentioned hobbyist, not businessman, could be very true. If his business truly multiplied five fold, he should have temporarily stopped taking orders til he caught up. - A good businessman never says no. If he's got too many orders, then he needs to raise his price. This will thin the heard and not leave money on the table.

Again no communication/explanation. Also put a hold on marketing til he catches up.NEVER EVER promise a customer something you can't deliver - HIS BIGGEST MISTAKE AND HE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE LEARNING HIS LESSON.

Maybe his prices are too low and his margins too narrow causing a high volume?


Expedition Leader
Chris, I've been a supporter and encourager of yours on the various threads about your company. I truly think you are missing the forest for the trees.

You need to be responsive to your customers. The single consistent complaint is not that you are months late, it's that you are INEXPLICABLY late, meaning that you fail to inform your clients of the fact that you are late. You need to respond to client emails! If you need to keep staff to a minimum, have your wife assist by responding for you. That will placate most of your customers, reduce your stress and frustration level, and probably have corresponding positive impacts on your family because dad is no longer bringing his stress home.

Do your job, get your work done, but RESPOND to people with REAL answers.


Just stop taking orders/people's money!

.... If his business truly multiplied five fold, he should have temporarily stopped taking orders til he caught up. Again no communication/explanation...


Someone once told me "if you find yourself in a hole, quit digging!"
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