Given the hysteria and anti gun political climate here in CA, I can almost understand the AR owner's concern. You have to understand that the liberals have a super majority in Sacramento. They have a 2/3 majority and a Democratic governor so they can pretty much do whatever they want to.
Was it just this year after the 'ban' was put in place on sales of the AR on Jan 1, 2017? We can't buy them here any longer and unless modifications that are coming out are done to them, the 'law' says that beginning in 2018 they have to be registered with the state as an assault weapon. Hearing most won't register them as the next 'logical' step that's likely to be taken is to ban/confiscate them like another law here is trying to do with lawfully purchased/owned magazines over our current 10 round capacity! Say for instance Don that you move from Arkansas to CA and you'd legally purchased and own magazines greater than 10 round capacity. The law here says you have to surrender them when you move here! It's being challenged, but who knows!
Was it just this year after the 'ban' was put in place on sales of the AR on Jan 1, 2017? We can't buy them here any longer and unless modifications that are coming out are done to them, the 'law' says that beginning in 2018 they have to be registered with the state as an assault weapon. Hearing most won't register them as the next 'logical' step that's likely to be taken is to ban/confiscate them like another law here is trying to do with lawfully purchased/owned magazines over our current 10 round capacity! Say for instance Don that you move from Arkansas to CA and you'd legally purchased and own magazines greater than 10 round capacity. The law here says you have to surrender them when you move here! It's being challenged, but who knows!