What is an "Arsenal"


Given the hysteria and anti gun political climate here in CA, I can almost understand the AR owner's concern. You have to understand that the liberals have a super majority in Sacramento. They have a 2/3 majority and a Democratic governor so they can pretty much do whatever they want to.

Was it just this year after the 'ban' was put in place on sales of the AR on Jan 1, 2017? We can't buy them here any longer and unless modifications that are coming out are done to them, the 'law' says that beginning in 2018 they have to be registered with the state as an assault weapon. Hearing most won't register them as the next 'logical' step that's likely to be taken is to ban/confiscate them like another law here is trying to do with lawfully purchased/owned magazines over our current 10 round capacity! Say for instance Don that you move from Arkansas to CA and you'd legally purchased and own magazines greater than 10 round capacity. The law here says you have to surrender them when you move here! It's being challenged, but who knows!


I'm originally from Cali, Atascadero, Central Coast. I left the state back in 2000, got tired of all the bureaucratic BS. Watching a small community that I was born on a farm, went to school, learned a trade & started a contracting business to contribute to my community went from decent country life to horrible left leaning dictatorship that made it tuff for businesses to survive through there regulation & restrictions. When I started my business here in Arkansas I had to contact state DOJ's for shipping & state firearm regulations. I couldn't start a business like I have here in Arkansas in California, because of the type of weapons, classification of weapons NFA, magazine capacity to firearms from original foreign origin I work on. 40% of my business is tactical. I built a huge shop on my farm here, contacted ATF, State of Arkansas, Local Government, it was easy & everything went threw w\o zero hassles. I followed everything they wanted me. The shop building went up, electric Co Op changed out the transformer for the equipment I purchased, re zoned for shipping purposes. California? fat chance anything like that could ever happen.
For someone or identities to dictate or passes laws what you can not own as a legal ligament citizen as of firearms, quantity of firearms, the amount of ammo you can have in ones possession, type of ammo, quantity of reloading supplies is nothing more that a authoritative power.


Couldn't agree more with you Don. At least they haven't limited the amount of ammo we can have on hand...yet! Guy that runs AllSafe Defense out here is 'concerned' as are all of us about the state's ability to now track how much ammo we do purchase. They'll probably be soon along with what constitutes an arsenal of ammo too. There will be a run on ammo here come November/December.


Sounds like a business opportunity for us enterprising no sales tax Oregonians who frequently travel to Goldiestan.

LOL!!! I'll take that shipment in a plain brown package please Verkstad!

Really don't know how they'll 'regulate' us inmates here that travel out of state and purchase ammo either! Declare it at the agriculture checkpoints as we drive back? Another law aimed at making otherwise law abiding citizens felons! It'll be very interesting to see how many out of state internet retailers that'll insist on shipping to an in state licensed retailer for delivery in state. Of course the in state retailer will institute a handling fee that'll probably negate any out of state internet price advantage. I'll give you a for instance. I can buy 1000 rounds of a 9mm online out of state for 'around' $200. A local retailer where I live wants $280. If I follow the law to the letter, I can either visit my local retailer or purchase it out of state for shipment to a participating in state retailer and pay a yet to be determined handling fee.

I think most of us may be traveling to our favorite border state a little more frequently or beef up our suspension in our vehicle for a bulk pick up! :Wow1:


Unfortunately, the original premise/question of this thread may become a very hot topic soon at both state and federal levels.


Expedition Leader
bump stocks, bipods, "long range hunting scopes" all tools of war according to the articles I've seen the past two days......
Bumpstocks, hellfire triggers ect are a gimmick toy to play with at the range. I've played with a few that freinds bought. They are frustrating junk. If the gun is not held firm then it jams. These devises let the gun float and kick back freely. They found jammed guns in the Vegas hotel room and is probably why he brought so manny guns. Token legislation regarding them is already being endorsed by the NRA. It's hard to believe people buy these things and I bet if the shooter in Vegas had a clue then he could have gotten off a lot more rounds without the hassle of dealing with jams. That's probably why they have not been banned to begin with. They are junk.

2025 deleted member

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Bumpstocks, hellfire triggers ect are a gimmick toy to play with at the range. I've played with a few that freinds bought. They are frustrating junk. If the gun is not held firm then it jams. These devises let the gun float and kick back freely. They found jammed guns in the Vegas hotel room and is probably why he brought so manny guns. Token legislation regarding them is already being endorsed by the NRA. It's hard to believe people buy these things and I bet if the shooter in Vegas had a clue then he could have gotten off a lot more rounds without the hassle of dealing with jams. That's probably why they have not been banned to begin with. They are junk.
Some are junk, some aren't. In a target rich environment its about a lot bullets down range, not aiming. I enjoyed my friends echo trigger enough that I ordered one for a DDM4A1 I'm going to get soon. I don't think they will outlaw them. If you listen to the NRA and the politicians they were specific in their words when they said "we need to look at devices that turn semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons". Bottom line these products do not turn the guns into automatic weapons by any definition. I'm not sure what ammunition he was burning thru, but my guess is heat from rapid fire was melting the primers causing buildup on the gun, or cycle issue from DI gas because of faster trigger pulls.

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