What is an "Arsenal"


Weapons and other accessories are already regulated. You have to pass a federal background check to buy any firearm at an over-the-counter store. Most states require additional paperwork and permitting for pistols and/or concealed carry. You have to deal with a whole lot more regulation and paperwork to buy and own an automatic. "Shall not be infringed" already has a lot of caveats in place, realistically speaking.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Oh pump the brakes, a 13 year old boy bought a .22.

I see nothing wrong with that at all. And for those that say his parents were not there, well its the parents responsibility to know where their kids are at all times.


Expedition Leader
i also think, and im not sure if its changed. but handguns and "assault weapon" defined guns have an age requirement to purchase. but a hunting rifle or shotgun doesn't have an age requirement in that state. strange i know but i think its true. i tried looking it up only age requirement in this states code that i could find had to do with handguns and assault weapons only.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
i also think, and im not sure if its changed. but handguns and "assault weapon" defined guns have an age requirement to purchase. but a hunting rifle or shotgun doesn't have an age requirement in that state. strange i know but i think its true. i tried looking it up only age requirement in this states code that i could find had to do with handguns and assault weapons only.

A long gun or sporting rifle is not an assault weapon. I assume you are referring to long guns and sporting rifles.


Expedition Leader
yeah that was what i was trying to point out that that state has no age requirement i could find defining a minimum age to purchase a long gun ie. rifles and shotguns. the only one i could find was dealing weapons defined by that state as assault rifles and handguns.


Excuse the quote of myself. The final legislation and subsequent signing by the Governor happened today.

You sure do end up with kneejerk overreactions. Case in point:

October 11, 2017

Today, with no warning, the Massachusetts House of Representatives added an emergency amendment to their budget based on legislation filed by Representative David Linsky (D) Natick. They voted it through with only three no votes.

The language of the amendment was in three parts. The first outlines a ban on components that can be added to a firearm, rifle, or shotgun that could increase the rate of fire, “Whoever possesses, owns or offers for sale any device which attaches to a rifle, shotgun or firearm, except a magazine, that is designed to increase the rate of discharge of the rifle, shotgun or firearm or whoever modifies any rifle, shotgun or firearm with the intent to increase its rate of discharge, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison by not less than 3 nor more than 20 years.”

The second part states that the bill, “shall take effect 180 days after the effective date of this act.”

The third part states, “The Secretary of Public Safety shall promulgate regulations by January 1, 2018 concerning the allowability of maintenance and enhancement of rifles, shotguns and firearms consistent with the intent of this section.”

The budget, including this amendment, will be voted on by the Massachusetts State Senate tomorrow.


Please call your State Senator ASAP at the MA State House, 617-722-2000 and urge them to oppose this language in entirety.


The first part is loosely worded and doesn’t provide definition as to what rate of fire is. As written it will include any gun including a bolt-action rifle. In other words, if a bolt-action rifle is modified so that the bolt can operate with more ease, or less friction, it could be considered a felony.

The third part is extremely egregious, as it will give the state regulatory authority over the maintenance and enhancement of all firearms. Can you imagine what our Attorney General will do with this?

Our RINO governor has already said he'll be signing it. Can't wait to move out of this CommieWealth.

The amendment was made more specific (just applies to the affected items not general trigger jobs, etc. But the penalties are steep and there is no path to legal ownership or transfer.

What a crap hole this place is.

Today on Friday, November 3rd, Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, acting on behalf of Governor Charlie Baker, signed House Bill 4008 into law. A provision in H.4008 prohibits the possession of “bump stocks” and “trigger cranks.” Violations of this provision by merely possessing these accessories carry excessive punishments. In addition to the possibility of life imprisonment, the minimum mandatory sentence is 18 months imprisonment.


Expedition Leader
Would be interesting to read carefully its complete text.
There is all manner of rotary cam and linear motion assemblies what have infinite nongun intended applications what might fall under this kneejerk description & legislation.

like what?

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
i thought assault weapon, wasnt a real definable term.

Sure it is. If it is produced for the military and goes bang more than once with each trigger pull it could be an assault weapon. Civilian versions meant for hunting hogs and plinking are the "sporting" rifles. AR-15s are not produced for military purposes.

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