To the original posts question about where the threshold is exactly where ever the media can quantify it. The media can proclaim a guy with a single firearm, a pocket knife, and maybe a spare magazine- has an "arsenal"-IF such a description will enhance their objective. (Which is usually anti-gun sentiments.) It is the media's job for self-preservation to flower up someone's "label" as much as possible in order to sell their trade. Many of the problems gun owners are having in regards to public perception, and consequently laws- is the gun owners NOT fighting back.
The frog in the boiling water story applies here.
An arsenal? I own somewhere over 100 firearms, and well over 400,000 rounds of ammunition. Admittedly, yeah, I own an arsenal. Ain't never been in trouble, just retired after 24 years as a SWAT sniper. Imagine if I got a speeding ticket and the local newspaper found out? Call it what you want.