Kermit said:Back to back The KTM640 and the BMW f650, the KTM wins because of better parts hung from it. I am not saying that because I own a KTM. You have to throw more money at the already expensive BMW. To get it near the KTM's performance. The dollar goes farther with the KTM. Both will get the job done, it comes down how much you want to spend, and how the job is handled.
Like Kermit lays it out. No truer words spoken, IMO.
Having heavily modified a BMW F650 Dakar to make it trailworthy and still ending up short of my expectations, I researched and bought a KTM 950. At only a slight weight penalty, I gained buckets of performance in every regard. The big KTM doesn't do too bad on the trails because it tracks so much better than the BMW and has much more compliant suspension.