Engineer In Residence
It comes down the 4x4 question. If you don't need it, or don't want the extra weight, complexity, and cost the new transit is a good platform. The drivetrain seems to be quite solid, and uses components that have been in service in other light trucks for years.
The high roof and wall profiles of the transit are very nice for a DIY build out. I suggest examining the wall profiles and layout options for the Ford E series with a high top. There might be sections of the metal roof remaining, which can get in the way and make the build out process more difficult. Having the continuous steel walls and structure can be a godsend when doing a DIY build. Identifying your desired layout(s) beforehand (bed size, galley?, etc) will help you make your final choice. Given your desire for shower/toilet, sink, kitchen, a factory high roof van will likely provide more space without going to longer wheelbases/bodies.
Also consider used options. There are plenty of used DIY and professional builds rolling around out there. 40k could buy you a well equipped unit in good condition. They will probably be 5-10 years old, so no shiny new van. The plus side is that you can start using it now!
The high roof and wall profiles of the transit are very nice for a DIY build out. I suggest examining the wall profiles and layout options for the Ford E series with a high top. There might be sections of the metal roof remaining, which can get in the way and make the build out process more difficult. Having the continuous steel walls and structure can be a godsend when doing a DIY build. Identifying your desired layout(s) beforehand (bed size, galley?, etc) will help you make your final choice. Given your desire for shower/toilet, sink, kitchen, a factory high roof van will likely provide more space without going to longer wheelbases/bodies.
Also consider used options. There are plenty of used DIY and professional builds rolling around out there. 40k could buy you a well equipped unit in good condition. They will probably be 5-10 years old, so no shiny new van. The plus side is that you can start using it now!