A good read, thanks. The events you do, are they tours through beautiful/interesting country with competitive sections along the way. It was said that the speed limits are enforced but in one image you have a helmet on. We don't have them here, it's more one or the other not both. Some clubs run observation trials which are a bit like that but only short runs, maybe 150miles return and mostly on bitumen. I'm interested in your wrap, I looked it up and it's available here but AU$6,000 (about US$4,000). Does that sound right, I wouldn't pay that but I do like the idea if it were cheaper.
Most of our travels are with small groups going off-road at slow speeds to prevent damage, enjoy the experience, and for safety. Backcountry Discovery Routes is a Not-for-Profit organization that has planned routes through many states. They give current trail reports, maps, etc. Here is a link to their Washington state route that goes from Oregon up to the Canadian border.
https://ridebdr.com/wabdr - these are off-road trips.
The BDR folks have routes in • North East USA • Southern California • Mid Atlantic • Nevada • New Mexico • Idaho • Arizona • Colorado • Utah • Washington • Wyoming Check out their web page
We have done BDR trips and others as overland trips lasting 2 to 3 weeks. Slow pace as we like to enjoy the beauty of the backcountry. Some BDR routes offer 'easy' by-pass options, our Cayenne has never had to use these. Another example is the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route (IDBDR) we did including the Magruder Corridor and the Lolo Motorway. One section of this starts at ~3,000 ft and climbs to 8,000 ft then down to 4,000 in about a mile.
We also do remote environmental surveys collecting data in both public and private restricted areas. This requires being alone in remote locations.
Another activity we do are Time Speed Distance rally events like the one we posted above that included going to the Arctic Ocean last week. Our 2nd time doing this rally event that has run since 1984, it alternates every two years between summer and winter. Usually ~5,000 mile one way that includes an Autocross on ice, thus the helmet for safety. Below is a video of our 2016 event, 'Otis' is at the 4:08 mark. For this run we had an entry from New Zealand, another from South Africa. Duel sport bikes come along for the summer run - over 20 entries already for summer 2022. For TSD events all speeds are at or below the speed limits with precision driving as the objective.
We have the self healing wrap made by Expel - the cost of the material is much less than the labor. Depends on who installs and how much they do. The full meal deal includes removing then replacing all door handels, trim, etc. Very pleased with the Xpel product. Much less expensive than a re-paint!