Which Gps? Garmin 60csx, Delorme Earthmate, others??


Expedition Leader
It's time for me to buy GPS, been considering it for months...

I'm really having a tough time deciding which unit, I want it to be useful for road trips offering turn by turn directions, capable of running topo maps and be combatable with software like National Geographic.

The Garmin 60csx seems the most popular and gets good reviews, it's on sale right now for $350 -$50 rebate. But I'd have to buy Streets $100 and Topo $60 Bringing the total the $460 AND it's recommended that I buy another topo software for planning on my laptop since Garmins software isn't that good (NG topo $100)......a total of $560. This unit seems tried and true. I'm not usally the type of guy who needs the latest and greatest, but is the technology becoming outdated?

I really like the idea of the Delorme Earthmate unit, it comes with topo and street software and the maps seem to be really good. But reviews have been mixed, I've heard it's slow and not good for using on streets because the auto-route function is not good. On the other hand some have said it’s great.

The new Magellan Triton that comes out in November and it looks sweet but, I need one sooner than that.


I've got a 60Cx but I like my Zumo muuuuch better for the same uses you want it for. You can run Topo and City Navigator on the GPSMAP 60 series, but switching between the two is a cumbesome process of scrolling through a list of hundreds of maps and unchecking the one City Navigator map of the location you are interested in to be able to see Topo.

A Zumo 550 would run a $couple hundred more that what you are looking at though. Add in the cost of Mapsource Topo and an SD memory card to store it.


I've tried the laptop mapping deal, the maps are excellent in NG TOPO!, Delorme's Topo looks pretty but isn't as accurate and I couldn't figure out how to do auto routing.

Does the Magellen Triton do autorouting? I couldn't find any mention of it. Nice topo maps on a tiny GPS screen are difficult to use to actually find a way from here to there, I consider autorouting essential for real world GPS use.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
I have a Garmin Map76CSx which is identical to the Map60CSx, just different packaging. I have been very pleased with mine, extreemly accurate and very sensitive receiver. I have never lost a sat lock unless I entered a tunnel or was deep inside a concrete parking structure.

Once you get the hang of it, it's easy to switch between map sets. You just go to the map set up menu and select show or hide for the street or topo maps you want to be able to view. They toggel as a complete set so there is no need to scroll though them individualy.

I have a 1GB uSD card in mine and it holds all of the US street maps and all of the topos for the western US. I do run the NG Topo on my PCs and like their mapping software a lot.

Can't offer an opinion on the other brands since I have not used them. You won't be disappointed with the Map60CSx.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
will there be testing of oziexplorer?
I am finding that I really like ozi and while you have to run a laptop...or on a pc and then load on a pda with ozi ce..the free maps are excellent...especially if yo u get them setup by whitethaiger.
I am runing Iguidance for turn by turn on the laptop and ozi for offroad and it all runs great on a ebay toughbook...I know I have under $500 total in my setup...
and that includes the really cool jeniko.com laptop mount ($50)...
just something to think about


Expedition Leader
Garmin 60csx wins!

I bought a garmin 60csx at REI for $350(-50 rebate). I also got city navigator and topo 2008, so I have A LOT to learn.

The guy at REI told me there is a 3rd party software that you can load your Garmin Mapsource data into and transfer to Google earth. This sounds promising so I held off on getting the National Geographic topo. Does anybody have any tips (or what the name of this software might be?) on how to do this?

Looking forward to the comparison in the journal, I love that mag!


Expedition Leader
For the price Delorme Earthmate is very hard to beat. I like it and the turn by turn directions have improved immensely since the earlier versions. I am using 2007 currently.

I like the Magellan SporTrak Pro for the hiking, but I don't see a good option in their line now. The Explorist series does no impress me.

I think If I were looking for a handheld unit, I would consider Delorme's new unit the PN-20.

This would be compatible with the Earthmate and interchangeable.
$70 for the Earthmate with Street Atlas 2008 and $450 for the PN-20 with Topo and all the travel goodies.
That comes in at $520 for a pretty darn flexible solution.


Ryanmb21 said:
I bought a garmin 60csx at REI for $350(-50 rebate). I also got city navigator and topo 2008, so I have A LOT to learn.

The guy at REI told me there is a 3rd party software that you can load your Garmin Mapsource data into and transfer to Google earth. This sounds promising so I held off on getting the National Geographic topo. Does anybody have any tips (or what the name of this software might be?) on how to do this?
Garmin Mapsource already has Google Earth capability. If you don't see the option in your "view" menu than you need to get the latest Mapsource update. It is available for free here:


While you are there you may as well see if there is an update for your 60Csx too.


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
expeditionswest said:
We have an eight-unit shootout in the Fall issue of Overland Journal

what units were tested? that is if you can divulge that info :arabia:


2008 Expedition Trophy Champion
expeditionswest said:
We have an eight-unit shootout in the Fall issue of Overland Journal

:jumping: :jumping:

That's great news. I've been casually shopping for a new GPS, but can't make up my mind. A relevant, comprehensive review is just what I need!


Overland Journal's Fall Issue 2007 Eight-Unit GPS Shootout

expeditionswest said:
We have an eight-unit shootout in the Fall issue of Overland Journal

Hi Scott,

What are the eight units in the shootout?


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