who daily drives there rovers?

Sean VHA #60013

My wife drives her 1989 Range Rover all over the place, bone stock except for 1" lift HD springs and Bilstein Shocks & stabilizer, and kept well tuned, gets 17mpg,


and I drive my highly modified 1997 Discovery I about a third of the time to work [62mile round trip] to keep everything lubed & functioning, and especially I drive it if there is snow or an impending large storm like Sandy getting ready to hit us, then I throw the chain saw in the back with other gear in order to get through [I am a third shift ER charge nurse and cannot call in due to something one can be prepared to overcome like weather, downed limbs, etc]. Gets 12-14mpg,


otherwise, I typically drive my 1989 Dodge W250 LE Cummins Turbo Diesel 4x4, gets 16-19 mpg depending on time of year [winter blend gets 15-16, summer blend gets 18-19] :ylsmoke:

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I am driving the LR3 daily, about 38 miles round trip, 4 days per week. Hope to start driving the classic at least once a week as we get it running a little better.


I used to drive my '95 D90 on the days I'd drive (2 or 3 days a week, took subway other days).

Drove my '04 D90 often when I was going somewhere not easily served by train.

I still swear my '95 NAS felt better-built than my '04 (UK market)... no idea why that would be, though.
I use my well modified 04 disco everyday as both a DD and a work car. I'm an architectural photographer and use it to ravel the west on assignments and have since it was new. He's now coming up on 160,00 miles and still looks good. Yes, I've replaced a few things over the years and I now carry a Spot with me when I explore the more remote places here in Utah. It's my second D2 (the first 00 was retired w/ 120,00 on him). I'm thinking it's time to move up to a late Lr3 now and it has been a hard decision to think about letting him go.


I drive the Discovery about 70 miles a day, 5 days a week. At 165,000 miles now. Only time I'm not driving it is when there is a mechanical failure or a sunny weekend when I pull out the M45.

Wife drives the LR3 about 55 miles daily 5 days a week, it is also our weekend car. Been a fantastic commuter so far.


New member
I drive my ROW 110 SW 2.5 NA every day -- commute 1 hour each way. I'd love to have a tdi in it, but for now it works just fine!
Driving the '94 Disco again this morning...guy hollers at me and points at a low tire...dang that CO2 tank is handy :)

...plus, it just confuses the heck out of folks in the bank parking lot :)

David Harris

Expedition Leader
I used to daily drive my Rovers year round up until a couple of years ago when I bought my Jaguar. Now I daily drive that except in winter when the Rovers take over again. I also use the Rovers for trips if I am planning off road or need the carrying space.


drove this Disco four 4 years Daily but it didint always look like that 96 D1 3" RTE lift

and I currently Daily Drive this 97 D1 5" Custom Lift



I drive my LR3 19 miles in the morning to exercise (for the gas mileage) and then my DII to work a mile from the house. I'll actually take her to get coffee so she can warm all the way up.

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