All I can add here is that we owned an 80 Series, a rather rare trim combo of triple-locked, sunroof and 3rd row seats, but cloth upholstery on non-power seats. Added an OME lift, joined TLCA and did the Rubicon twice in the ‘90’s … probably the first 80 to do it, certainly the first at a Rubithon event. Also daily drove it for years, took many road trips and even more kiddie carpool runs, taking advantage of its 8 seat belts. But by 2008 when we sold it, it felt old, slow, thirsty and not super safe as a family vehicle (though our son did learn to drive in it). And - get this - it took a long time to sell, even in the heart of the SF Bay Area, and for WAY under $10K with 140K miles. For a long time I didn’t miss it, and think my current Tacoma is better suited for what I want, but when Toyota came out with the Anniversary?Heritage? 200 Series I was very tempted.