Why does "size matter" in N.America???


I thought I read somewhere that the gross energy required to manufacture and operate a Toyota Prius for twenty years is equivalent to the gross energy to build and operate a fullsize SUV for the same amount of time. If this is true what have we accomplished by substituting gasoline for rare earth metals like lithium, etc.?


SE Expedition Society
I like big trucks that are used but not a fan of the chromed out show ponys that have never seen dirt.

That said, I met a guy at an offroad event that proves overkill comes in all sizes: Family of 5

2 Land Rovers, offroad trailer w/RTT, 4 season dome tent, 15ft canopy(open), 12ft canopy(enclosed), astro-turf for under canopy

comfortable as this must have been it is a waste of money, you can travel just as comfortable in a suburban with a $200-$300 tent that the whole family can sleep in with rooms for kids and adults, with room for all supplies and a canopy or two, real grass feels better than fake also.

But I'll admit when I saw it I would have killed for that setup...Then I saw him take it all down, with no help from the family and I thought "Oh hell no!" I wouldn't want to get stuck like that.


Viking with a Hammer
Kinda depends on your camping style. I'm only at camp to eat my dinner (maybe), shower, and sleep. I hit the road as soon as I'm awake to go sightseeing or whatever we planned. So I just use Mountain Hardware or Henry Shires tents. I also mix a couple hotel stays in as needed. whatever is more practical and quicker/easier to accomplish while we travel.

Some people just sit around campgrounds and do nothing for days. I'd like a bit more of a plush setup if that was me.


I believe that one of the biggest problems with the world today is people not knowing how to mind their own business....if somebody wants to drive an aircraft carrier to work, who am I to judge. If it doesn't fit into "your" agenda, then it's time to form a group to ban whatever that may be. Yeah there's other countries that drive smaller vehicles, but I'd be surprised if they didn't harm the earth in other ways, i.e., trash disposal, manufacturing plants, water regulations, etc. Everyone "should" be good stewards of the natural resources that we have been allowed to use, but endless bitching and finger pointing is a waste of energy IMO. Reminds me of the Trout Unlimited guys working so hard to close down any off-road trails because they are "hurting" the fish, yet some of them drive large vehicles that put out more pollution and hurt the environment as well. I'm all for having clean water, especially since I'm a kayaker, but there's ways of accommodating all the different groups, but instead we chose to finger point and battle each other in the name of all that's good.....

I guess what I'm trying to say is......I wish everyone would mind their own ********** business sometimes. Drive a stupid little Prius, or drive a stupid big F-450, bet I can find more than one way that you're still not living your life as environmentally efficient as possible, that goes for me as well.

That is all :ylsmoke:.


American Adventurist
I know this is the Internet where, you know, anything can be taken as gospel and believed, but the day that people drag out claims from subsidised market research companies in defense of their argument I think it is time to close the thread down.

That was an interesting read.

I don't know... I'm just a simple guy who has a reliable "daily driver" 2003 Prius with 184,000 miles (296,100 kms sounds even more impressive) and the on-board computer showed I was most recently getting 50.2 mpg in the metro Washington DC arena of battle.

That'll probably change though when I do the SAC and put on the RTT and 37s...


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Seems like most of these drivers can't seem to stay in their own lane on the narrower city streets and are always riding or crossing over the yellow line.

In my experience, US drivers are a joy. Driven in, say, Italy lately?


this is the good ol' USA and children and posers will continue to make poor choices as is their right.

And pose I shall.

Air pollution from automobiles is quickly becomeing a non-issue.

I lived in LA in the 1970s, so please get that I can comprehend pollution, but here are a few random recent pics (are you saying this is not primarily automobile-caused):

New York:

Tucson (yes I'm aware of the dust particulates):


Grand Canyon (the power plant nearby does NOT help, but can often come from Westerly winds):


Expedition Leader
I believe that one of the biggest problems with the world today is people not knowing how to mind their own business....if somebody wants to drive an aircraft carrier to work, who am I to judge. If it doesn't fit into "your" agenda, then it's time to form a group to ban whatever that may be. Yeah there's other countries that drive smaller vehicles, but I'd be surprised if they didn't harm the earth in other ways, i.e., trash disposal, manufacturing plants, water regulations, etc. Everyone "should" be good stewards of the natural resources that we have been allowed to use, but endless bitching and finger pointing is a waste of energy IMO. Reminds me of the Trout Unlimited guys working so hard to close down any off-road trails because they are "hurting" the fish, yet some of them drive large vehicles that put out more pollution and hurt the environment as well. I'm all for having clean water, especially since I'm a kayaker, but there's ways of accommodating all the different groups, but instead we chose to finger point and battle each other in the name of all that's good.....

I guess what I'm trying to say is......I wish everyone would mind their own ********** business sometimes. Drive a stupid little Prius, or drive a stupid big F-450, bet I can find more than one way that you're still not living your life as environmentally efficient as possible, that goes for me as well.

That is all :ylsmoke:.


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Expedition Poseur
That photo is ALL dust particulates, hardly a accurate photo of the daily sky in Tucson.

View attachment 79603

While I agree that Scott's photo is of almost pure dust particles, and that your photo is much closer to the daily reality of pollution in the old pueblo - there is a visible layer of smog over the valley on my daily commute in from the west side (Ajo Hwy). Even from the top of Tumamoc Hill or Sentinal Peak, you can usually see the haze between you and the Catalina's.


I think it a shame that we are deprived of the option of buying a durable, simple, smaller-size truck or SUV here in the US. I understand that some of the complexity comes as a byproduct of government meddling (tire pressure sensors, emissions controls, air bags, etc.), but even setting that aside I fail to see the need for all vehicles to be as wide (both in track width and interior space) and bulky as they tend to be these days, yet that's all that is made available to us anymore. Ford is dropping the Ranger. Toyota Tacomas have turned downright spacious, and are priced accordingly. The small SUV market is comprised primarily of car-based vehicles. If I wanted to buy a small, sturdy SUV or pick-up that can tow a trailer and mount a winch, what options do I really have anymore?

I've got 12 years (13 in May) of driving a SWB Jeep as my daily driver, trailer-tower, camping vehicle, and all-around useful ride. The new Wranglers are nice, but they're BIG, and so have their price tags. My next vehicle will be a Jeep CJ.

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