I get in a mood every now and then and shoot everything in black and white for a while...
O o0synge0o Adventurer Sep 18, 2010 #406 I get in a mood every now and then and shoot everything in black and white for a while...
Tucson T4R Expedition Leader Sep 21, 2010 #409 About the only "wildlife" we saw other than deer on our camping trip last weekend. Pretty scary stuff. :elkgrin:
About the only "wildlife" we saw other than deer on our camping trip last weekend. Pretty scary stuff. :elkgrin:
Pathfinder Adventurer Jan 26, 2011 #413 A few animals I have been fortunate to see over the last couple years... Western Kansas Orlando Raptor Rehab DisneyWorld, Fla Bosque Sitka On the way to Chaco Canyon Yellowstone Buff
A few animals I have been fortunate to see over the last couple years... Western Kansas Orlando Raptor Rehab DisneyWorld, Fla Bosque Sitka On the way to Chaco Canyon Yellowstone Buff
T the judge New member Jan 26, 2011 #414 Pathfinder said: A few animals I have been fortunate to see over the last couple years... Western Kansas Orlando Raptor Rehab DisneyWorld, Fla Bosque Sitka Nice photos, care to share what camera you use? :victory: Click to expand... Click to expand...
Pathfinder said: A few animals I have been fortunate to see over the last couple years... Western Kansas Orlando Raptor Rehab DisneyWorld, Fla Bosque Sitka Nice photos, care to share what camera you use? :victory: Click to expand... Click to expand...
Pathfinder Adventurer Jan 26, 2011 #415 Canon DSLRs of some sort, I doubt they were all with the same camera. The eagle from Sitka was caught with a 7D and an EOS 100-400 IS. The pronghorns at the top were caught with a 20D with a 500 + 1.4 TC. Pronghorns tend to be reluctant to hang around. The cara cara was shot with a 1DsMkII that belongs to my son. Lenses are more important than bodies, usually, at least if the light is decent. Thanks for the nice comment.
Canon DSLRs of some sort, I doubt they were all with the same camera. The eagle from Sitka was caught with a 7D and an EOS 100-400 IS. The pronghorns at the top were caught with a 20D with a 500 + 1.4 TC. Pronghorns tend to be reluctant to hang around. The cara cara was shot with a 1DsMkII that belongs to my son. Lenses are more important than bodies, usually, at least if the light is decent. Thanks for the nice comment.
FlyJester Adventurer Jan 26, 2011 #418 If you couldn't tell from the pictures, I love me some flyfishing!!
Tucson T4R Expedition Leader Jan 26, 2011 #419 Devin, Sweet photos of your passion. :wings: A wonderful hobby and great captures of your bounty. :victory:
Devin, Sweet photos of your passion. :wings: A wonderful hobby and great captures of your bounty. :victory:
DorB Adventurer Jan 28, 2011 #420 Attachments PICT0011 (Medium).JPG 64.6 KB · Views: 161 PICT0063 (Large).JPG 173.1 KB · Views: 163 PICT0110 (Medium).JPG 30 KB · Views: 162 PICT0211 (Large).JPG 68.7 KB · Views: 161