No, that's just the "internet feeding frenzy" effect.
It usually starts when somebody on some influential forum starts reminiscing about how great the XXXX vehicle was and then all of a sudden people with more money than common sense start saying "yeah! yeah! That was a great vehicle!" and they start buying them up.
This pushes the price up on the used market (since so many people are trying to buy from the limited supplies of the same vehicle) and when the price goes up,
other people look at it and say "wow, the price for XXXX is going up, they must be GREAT vehicles!" and then
THEY start paying redonkulus prices for them. It's a self-perpetuating cycle.
What you
DON'T see are the hours and hours and thousands of $$ that are spent keeping those old dinosaurs on the road. Which the owners - who have now sunk lots of time and money into the vehicle and thus have a vested interest in believing that they didn't waste their money - justify by saying "yeah, but they last
forever!" Well, sure, a Yugo will last forever if you keep sinking money and time into it.