Will we be seeing truck prices come down in the near future?


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It's really disappointing to see that people today can't speak to information, be it news like Baldwin being charged for his shooting on a movie set, or car prices, or sports scores without trying to interject some derogatory comment about some news source.

If anyone is really interested in the value of CNN you'll need to use financials and stock prices of Time Warner, but I doubt that was really the question. And, obviously, someone thought there was value to that reporting since they clicked on it, looked at it and passed it on here as a reference. :cool:

Consumer vehicles and commercial vehicles are in different worlds.
Consumers will buy vehicles to fit their needs, then desires and even out of vanity, when those aspects change, so do their vehicles.

Commercial vehicles also fit a need, but the fact that they are depreciating assets in service will be viewed with a profit motive.

Depreciation is an accounting function in businesses and the rules vary depending on the size and price of which type of depreciation can be used. The time period will dictate when a commercial vehicle reaches its full-service life and when to sell it. This is generally well passed the average trade-in time for consumers.

Another point, IMO, personal vehicles are more likely to lack proper maintenance on the average than commercial fleet vehicles. If I were looking at say, 2 F-350s, one owned by an individual that had 60,000 miles and a commercially owned fleet truck with 90,000 miles, price being about 5 to 6,000 less for miles, I'd take the commercial vehicle, especially if it had been owned by government or a large corporation like AT&T.

Saying too, that it is important to keep good maintenance records on expensive vehicles, the next buyer may pay a premium for the better maintained vehicle.

I suppose after manufactures get all the chips they need and more inventory comes on line, prices will be corrected.


Well-known member
Another point, IMO, personal vehicles are more likely to lack proper maintenance on the average than commercial fleet vehicles. If I were looking at say, 2 F-350s, one owned by an individual that had 60,000 miles and a commercially owned fleet truck with 90,000 miles, price being about 5 to 6,000 less for miles, I'd take the commercial vehicle, especially if it had been owned by government or a large corporation like AT&T.

Are 5500/F550s ever used as fleet vehicles?


Well-known member
Are 5500/F550s ever used as fleet vehicles?

May not understand your definition of "fleet" being all vehicles owned, including various types of trucks.

Within a fleet along with other trucks, as used by, rail roads, utility companies, wreckers, sign company, construction etc. Mostly with service beds and cranes mounted or dumps.

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Well-known member
Oh rad! I generally see more 250/350s in service, with 550s being mostly run to the ground by landscaping companies.

given that, is there a good source for finding liquidated fleet vehicles?


Well-known member
Oh rad! I generally see more 250/350s in service, with 550s being mostly run to the ground by landscaping companies.

given that, is there a good source for finding liquidated fleet vehicles?

F550 For Sale - Ford F550 Trucks Near Me - Commercial Truck Trader

You can kill some time going over these. It's also better if you can figure out what fleet a truck was in, or who the owner was.

If you find several of the same make, model and year, these lot purchases usually come from larger fleets, like a utility company.


Western Dirt Rat
I have a friend who owns multiple dealerships. They cannot even get HD trucks onto their lots. The manufacturers divert them into government programs. He used to have 150 to 200 trucks in his lots and now a few dozen. Prices will remain high for a while. Hence used prices will remain high for a while. It will turn around. It always does but it will take longer than many realize.


Well-known member
I have a friend who owns multiple dealerships. They cannot even get HD trucks onto their lots. The manufacturers divert them into government programs. He used to have 150 to 200 trucks in his lots and now a few dozen. Prices will remain high for a while. Hence used prices will remain high for a while. It will turn around. It always does but it will take longer than many realize.

supply slowly playing catch-up with demand?


what’s the deal with that? I’ve seen so many California listings that mention that they cannot be legally registered in the state. I would’ve assumed there was an exception for commercial trucks.

The rule actually applies to commercial trucks. There may or may not be exemptions for RVs, but I don’t know if they are finalized yet.


Expedition Leader
I hear you, but... I've explored various options in the 350/3500 to 550/5500 range, and based on my needs, it unfortunately has to be the bigger truck platform.

We're a family of 4 plus pets. A smaller bed and box is great for a couple. But 4 people, a dog or two, clothes for everyone, bikes, enough water for that many folks, etc... you hit weight and size constraints a lot faster on the smaller platform trucks.

Plus, I've priced things out, and the cost difference between building on an F-350 vs. an F-550 is not particularly significant, based on new vehicle MSRP anyways. Used market + maintenance may be another story, of course, but unless we want to downgrade to a seriously minimal experience, we just can't make it work.

Trust me, it'd open up a LOT more options if I could pull it off!

Same issue only I’m stopping at a heavy
tow pack Expedition. We definitely pack it to
The brim with bikes, dogs, food, freaking pickle ball gear, SUP, life jackets, tennis rackets, and hiking boots. That was a Airbnb 6 day trip ?. You should see us when we pack the boats?‍♂️. Staying small is
Possible but definitely takes effort. Finally looked at a Opus 15 with bunks today. Blehh liked the size, but it misses so many check list items definitely a hard nope. I’m curious to see the version 3-4 sold as the MDC x15. But from what I saw with the OPUS its out..

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