Wonder Wash Portable Washing Machine



Anybody used one of these? I think it would be pretty slick for saving some space on longer trips - you know, wear one/wash one instead of trying to pack fresh clothes for the whole trip. Don't get me wrong here, I spent 10 days on a motorcycle in New Zealand with only two spare changes of clothes, so I'm not too picky about being clean while out and about, but there is something to be said about fresh socks and undies in the morning.


Expedition Leader
pretty neat. And for that price, I wouldn't mind test driving one.

For us, with three kids, I could see being able to bring a LOT less clothes if we were able to wash say 2-3 days worth, when they got soiled.


Expedition Leader
I'm curious too. I've seen those advertised but never tried one. I know some sailors who have said that putting dirty clothes in a 5 gallon sealed bucket with water and detergent, then sailing for a day will accomplish the same thing.


Expedition Leader
Thinking out loud here but I would imagine on shorter trips (week or two) with access to fresh water it should be fine but if out camping you may need to carry the water required to use it. If so, the added the weight and bulk for the water may offset any space savings benefit of this device.


I've used one. It does a good job but is not worth $40. The secret to the wonderwasher is that there is positive pressure inside from the hot water's steam. This forces the dirt out of the fabric.

You can achieve the exact same results but using a 5 gallon bucket with a screw-on gamma lid. You'll save $35 and you can use the 5 gallon bucket for other things like a seat, storing things in a waterproof container, carrying water, washing dishes, etc. etc. The wonderwasher is fragile and is a single purpose tool.

There is even a youtube video out there comparing them:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33OHmWckcDc"]Washing clothing with out power pt.1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sby4M9LLs-c"]Washing clothing with out power pt.2[/ame]


Expedition Leader
Sorry, but I've got to tell a story here...

Several years ago the girl I was dating signed a short-term lease on an apartment on Strasbourg, France, sight-unseen, largely based on the ad stating that it had a washing machine.

When she moved in she found one of those things sitting in the kitchen.

Boy, was she peaved.


Tail-End Charlie
largely based on the ad stating that it had a washing machine.

Reminds me of one time when I went to look at a house, and the listing said it had a dishwasher. When I got there, I couldn't find any bloody dishwasher. I mentioned it to the realtor and she points at...


A dishMASTER...a really OLD dishmaster...


I have one at my cabin and it actually works very well. You wouldn't want to do a whole lot of laundry with it though. Just be VERY conservative with the amount of soap.

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