XJ netbook mount


I have not tested it on rough road yet. Probably Friday since I have the day off and the kids are in school :sombrero:

The netbook has rubber feet, but at the front, where the edge is turned up (touching the front of the netbook), I added padding. Also, I added padding to the 4 "clamp brackets" which I haven't posted pictures of.

I've had a lot of comments regarding the ability of the clips to hold this setup, so I will probably add some long screws through it, into the stronger part of the dash, BEFORE it becomes a problem.

Yeah, Navigation, Movies, Music, Surfing at hotspots (probably not, but I could if I wanted to) and Writing trip reports on the road, instead of trying to remember highlights after the fact. I'm excited!! :wings:

Looks very "well-thought out"... :26_7_2:


My little net book, has survived 2 years of Houston area test track. a week riding the roads of Big Bend, trips to Barnwell mountain and assorted mental health rides on the beach. I think they have gotten tougher over the years out of necessity. since it's not bolted to the frame, with a bit of padding Ya should get a couple years of service.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Yeah, if the HDD fails, I would look for a SSD swap. The netbook is of no importance to me, so I'm not really worried about it.

The tough books have the solid state drives in them for sure and I think pretty much all of the netbooks on the market today do as well. Vibration isn't so much what kills mechanical hard drives, it is when there is a big thump like if you hit a pot hole or something. Inside the hard drive there are disks called platters that spin at a couple thousand rpms, and just about that extremely close (the seperation is a fraction of the thickness of your hair) is an armature that moves back and forth reading data of the drive as the platters spin. If this armature jiggle and comes in contact with the platters while they are in motion that is called "head crash" and it means the death of your hard drive. The newer solid state hard drives have no moving parts which means no head crash.


I don't think SSD's are very prevolent yet, most people are waiting for the price to come down. a 250g is more than the price of some full sized laptops. But between the durability and power savings, I'm itchin'.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
I know a lot of the problems with the SSDs is heat management too, which could be a bit of a problem if you leave it in a vehicle with the windows up in the summer. The hot interior of the vehicle with the heat created by the drive would be pushing it.

Really though, if you are using it mainly as a navigation unit and for internet connectivity you wouldn't need a whole heck of a lot of hard drive space. Its when people start getting movies and their entire itunes library and stuff on the computer when they realize they are running out of space.


SE Expedition Society
Nicely done... You will love having that much tech power at your finger tips. I did mine about 4 months ago, and use it constantly. I love my touch screen! Mine pivots and locks in the driver or passenger position, I like the way yours is more centered. Any problems with glare and being able to see the screen at a slight angle?

~ James

Unfortunately I don't know yet. I did this project right in the middle of a roof rack project that I'm still not done with, so it hasn't even been out of the garage. I'm planning to take it for a spin tomorrow though. I'm just going up to Greeley for bowling with family, but I'll "navigate" my way there :coffeedrink:

Naturally a full report will follow. :sombrero:


Just picked up an ACER ONE Netbook from a guy on craigslist for $200... Still figured its either for my kids to use, so I can take the laptop into my Jeep, or put the Netbook into the Jeep instead...

Just haven't decided if Netbook's 10" screen is large enough for me to use it for GPS purposes.

I've got Overland Navigator Topo maps, which come in really handy when going through the backroads, but larger the screen, better view you have...:coffee:


Just picked up an ACER ONE Netbook from a guy on craigslist for $200... Still figured its either for my kids to use, so I can take the laptop into my Jeep, or put the Netbook into the Jeep instead...

Just haven't decided if Netbook's 10" screen is large enough for me to use it for GPS purposes.

I've got Overland Navigator Topo maps, which come in really handy when going through the backroads, but larger the screen, better view you have...:coffee:

Yeah, yeah,yeah. there you go with that whole "bigger is better" thing:coffeedrink: It does help If you have no navigator. My excuse is, if she wants to go somewhere to take pictures. she better be able to tell me how to get there. The Jeep doesn't care where we go, just as long as we go.


Yeah, yeah,yeah. there you go with that whole "bigger is better" thing:coffeedrink: It does help If you have no navigator. My excuse is, if she wants to go somewhere to take pictures. she better be able to tell me how to get there. The Jeep doesn't care where we go, just as long as we go.

Well, my last trip to High Desert in East Oregon, I've used my 15" laptop for GPS. Thought it was great, but really liked to have the touchscreen capability.

So what I figured may be to use this Netbook and install a 2nd larger screen with the touchscreen on it for that specific reason...


After looking at some of the other write-ups. I think MAYBE a monitor for the back of the sun visor or instead of it. like a repeater display, just quick glance up . for those times she's typing with both hands and I'd like to look at the map real quick.

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