I don’t have the answers all I seem to have are the questions.
The answer is simple. We need wage and benefit boosting laws for the low-end. Not the high end like we currently have! In the US union membership was high enough to set the playing field. Non union workers usually made more than union because companies really wanted to avoid dealing with union BS. I did hate the way unions operated in this country (in most it is way more civil and efficient), but look what happens when they are gone. Median wages have been stagnant for 40 years (maybe 10-20% gain in that time). In the prior 40 (when unions were strong), real median wages increased nearly 300%! Most people just compare how they are doing to the people around them and think they are doing alright. They don't realize how f'ed our wealth/income distribution has become.
But as a small business owner I think this is beside the point. Low labor rates certainly aren't hurting your business. You have a great deal of competition and it's tough. Many elements need to come together. You need great design skills, fab and manufacturing, people management, finance, marketing, etc. Not to mention a sizable hunk of cash at the outset to get established. In XPCamper's case, Mark seemed to be good at design and fab, and good at dealing with customers (unfortunately a lot of it was BS and con), but atrocious at running a sustainable operation. Didn't have enough investment to start, then did stupid stuff like digging an ever bigger hole... like that would ever turn out well. Wouldn't the first step be to get sustainable with his first camper model rather than constantly expanding and developing new ones? Let demand and profit fuel expansion? But I get it... design and development was the part he really *liked*; not running a business. He needed someone in control of the finances to tell him *NO*.