XPCamper goes out of business, files for bankruptcy?


We met Marc at an pop up rally a few years back. We toured one of his XP campers that was there owned by a couple off to explore South America. We had thought about ordering one but the cost, wait and hassle didn’t seem worth it. I am very sorry for those who lost their deposits.

We ended up buying a Hallmark and the owner told me that he had trouble finding good workers. Young people were told for so long to get a college degree. Often, they find their degree useless unless it is in a practical field like STEM or financial. A career in the trades is rewarding because it is hands on and well-paid.

We have a friend who owns a machine shop. He has a financial partner while he tends to the orders. He has a small outstanding well-trained workforce that mostly graduated from our local vocational ed school. He said he is lucky to have them and pays and treats them well.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Might want to get that sorted out.

I find Marc’s document quite puzzling, he doesn’t and hasn’t worked for AT in any capacity and the document says he has worked for us as a contract employee since July. The document looks like a standard experience resume from someone who is seeking employment, yet he mentions nothing about what he was supposedly doing at AT. It’s as if the contents have nothing to do with the heading “ Consultant Adventure Trailers Inc”. I would like to think that Marc’s LinkedIn account was hacked as I have know Marc for over 10 years, we were always on good terms, and he seemed like a good person.

Marc seems to have gone to ground since declaring bankruptcy so we have not been able to get hold of him to find out what is going on. If anyone on the forum is in contact with Marc please ask him to remedy this situation as soon as possible. It’s just confusing and no one benefits from this situation.


Yep...I remember that one time I accidentally filled out my employment profile with completely false information. It was a total mistake, I think I had been drinking a bunch and then had a dream that I was hired at another company. Or maybe I was just lying to try to feel better about myself and make people think I wasn’t a total dirt bag.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Yep...I remember that one time I accidentally filled out my employment profile with completely false information. It was a total mistake, I think I had been drinking a bunch and then had a dream that I was hired at another company. Or maybe I was just lying to try to feel better about myself and make people think I wasn’t a total dirt bag.
I think many of us have done things after we had a few drinks that we later regretted. The thing to do is correct the state of affairs when you are sober.


Young people were told for so long to get a college degree. Often, they find their degree useless unless it is in a practical field like STEM or financial. A career in the trades is rewarding because it is hands on and well-paid.

Poster "hairy apple" stated earlier in this thread in regards to XPCamper: "I was offered a job there a few years ago, and had to decline... I am a welder and fabricator, and had some experience with composites as well. They offered me a job, for $12 an hour. I had 6 years of experience, with MIG, TIG, steel aluminum, etc. Everything they wanted, plus some... and they offered me $12 an hour."

I think anybody who is looking for skilled tradesmen for $12/hr in CA (or anywhere in the US) will have trouble finding "good workers". Thank gawd! Over 40 years ago when I graduated HS, guys in my class made $10/hr at a local factory (plus good benefits) in the cheap and sparsely populated midwest. Inflation has gone up 4x since then, so it's $40/hr in today's money. Who makes that coming out of HS at a factory job today? In those days life was good for anyone who wanted to work. Amazing how far we've fallen...


Poster "hairy apple" stated earlier in this thread in regards to XPCamper: "I was offered a job there a few years ago, and had to decline... I am a welder and fabricator, and had some experience with composites as well. They offered me a job, for $12 an hour. I had 6 years of experience, with MIG, TIG, steel aluminum, etc. Everything they wanted, plus some... and they offered me $12 an hour."

I think anybody who is looking for skilled tradesmen for $12/hr in CA (or anywhere in the US) will have trouble finding "good workers". Thank gawd! Over 40 years ago when I graduated HS, guys in my class made $10/hr at a local factory (plus good benefits) in the cheap and sparsely populated midwest. Inflation has gone up 4x since then, so it's $40/hr in today's money. Who makes that coming out of HS at a factory job today? In those days life was good for anyone who wanted to work. Amazing how far we've fallen...

Refinery welders and machinists make way north of $40 an hour now. . My husband was a machinist who made $32 an hour in 2008. Refineries are sometimes dangerous and unhealthy places to work. However, they do offer protections.That wage who were quoted is totally incommensurate with your qualifications.

It seems the American consumer won’t pay for quality RVs. They are a niche market. You hear horror stories about new trailers and motor homes falling apart. At least this group on ExPo are handy and need quality campers and such to withstand going off the pavement. i shudder when I see people hauling fifth wheels and trails to boondock.


Kapitis Indagatoris
It's always crazy when you have that one or two or three ex-employee that lists you as a reference and you see their CV/resume and your like, "who is this and how did the accomplish all that when they worked here? Heck, I didn't even know we did that!"


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
It appears that the contents of Marc’s page have been amended.
I'm pretty sure I know who he was trying to get a job with, and it wasn't these guys.

Apparently he is currently busy being sued by a group of his former customers.


Hillbilly of Leisure
As others have said a hundred times. Never pay any more money upfront than you are willing and able to comfortably lose.

I would think that $1000.00 would buy a slot in any queue for items that cost that much. What kind of deposits were involved with this company?


As others have said a hundred times. Never pay any more money upfront than you are willing and able to comfortably lose.

I would think that $1000.00 would buy a slot in any queue for items that cost that much. What kind of deposits were involved with this company?

Almost all of the money was required up front. When I contacted Marc back in 2015, I was told it would be:

$5,000 - Initial deposit upon signing contract
$30,000 - When materials were ordered
$30,000 - When flatbed AND shell was completed
(Presumably at this point you could go and pick up the flatbed and see the full shell completed)
75% remaining balance - Due when interior is completed
25% remaining balance - Due when pickup

From what I can tell here, a lot of people had probably put 75% down and owed 25%.

My question here is... if you paid Marc for materials and a shell, and he had completed it, doesn't that shell BELONG to you? Even if it wasn't complete, don't you own the materials etc?And if the shell never existed, but he took payment for it, is that fraud? That's my only question.


Hillbilly of Leisure
Almost all of the money was required up front. When I contacted Marc back in 2015, I was told it would be:

$5,000 - Initial deposit upon signing contract
$30,000 - When materials were ordered
$30,000 - When flatbed AND shell was completed
(Presumably at this point you could go and pick up the flatbed and see the full shell completed)
75% remaining balance - Due when interior is completed
25% remaining balance - Due when pickup

From what I can tell here, a lot of people had probably put 75% down and owed 25%.

My question here is... if you paid Marc for materials and a shell, and he had completed it, doesn't that shell BELONG to you? Even if it wasn't complete, don't you own the materials etc?And if the shell never existed, but he took payment for it, is that fraud? That's my only question.

My god! Those amounts make me realize just how poor I am. I hope the customers wind up getting something back.


To Infinity and Beyond!
Good to hear. I had a former employee go around town telling everyone he was my business partner, frustrating.

If I buy a conversion kit or have your shop do a conversion on my van given the cost of either of those options doesn't that make me your business partner?????

Seems reasonable to me!



Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Almost all of the money was required up front. When I contacted Marc back in 2015, I was told it would be:

$5,000 - Initial deposit upon signing contract
$30,000 - When materials were ordered
$30,000 - When flatbed AND shell was completed
(Presumably at this point you could go and pick up the flatbed and see the full shell completed)
75% remaining balance - Due when interior is completed
25% remaining balance - Due when pickup

From what I can tell here, a lot of people had probably put 75% down and owed 25%.

My question here is... if you paid Marc for materials and a shell, and he had completed it, doesn't that shell BELONG to you? Even if it wasn't complete, don't you own the materials etc?And if the shell never existed, but he took payment for it, is that fraud? That's my only question.

Really good questions/points.

First, progress payments, done correctly, help everyone to manage risk and is nothing new for custom work. We do it at British 4x4 (my business in Durham, NC), and in my experience pretty much every custom builder does it. Why? The alternative is for us to build something at risk of not getting paid when complete. As a little guy I'm not going to be taking on that risk because it could absolutely put me out of business. When that (former) customer decides that they aren't going to pay me for work I have invested time, money, and resources in, my only recourse is to look at litigation (and I'm going to be over the small claims limit, so it is going to cost me serious time and money to go that route). Nope. Nope. Nope.

With respect to beneficial ownership of work in process, it all depends on the language in the contract - and unless it specifically calls out that ownership is transferring during the build then the answer is no. There's a good reason for this:

As an example, Marc closed his doors owing his landlord around a half million dollars - so why should the customers who made a million dollars in progress payments be given preferential treatment over the landlord? If the landlord's building and the electric company's power were used to help build that partially completed camper, they would justifiably feel that they have a claim on their prorated portion of the assets of the business as well. Generally all unsecured creditors (yes, including customers who made deposits) have to be treated equally. Yes it sucks, but the law says it gets to suck for everyone equally and nobody gets special treatment.

If Marc had just been a bad businessman, it would end there, because it is not against the law to be bad at business. The difference in this case is that Marc was flat-out lying to customers about the amount of progress, and then collecting money from them for work that wasn't being done/progress that wasn't being made. Marc could be a really convincing guy, especially when his back was up against the wall. His customers should be angry because he lied to them and took their money. (It's also my understanding that some of those customers are now pursuing him in court, though that is second hand information.)

Disclosure: I'm one of a number of people that invested (i.e. lost) hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours in Marc and XPCamper, so yeah I'm a bit angry about it all too.

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