
Watching the boats float down the Rhine, the ruins of Burg Rheinfels on the other banks of the river
A few leisurely hours later, we arrive in Karlsruhe and ring the doorbell of our friends Simon and Anne. Like most of our European friends, we also met them on the Stahlratte. You may remember them from when we hung out with them while in Colombia when Simon got dengue fever. They were on their honeymoon and backpacking around the world the last time we saw them (two years ago!) and now they're back in Germany: new apartment, new jobs and... new kid!!!

Hanging out with Simon and Anne and brand new person, Selma
We've met a lot of backpackers on this trip, we seem to have a lot in common with them because of how slow we travel. Normally when we meet other motorcycle travelers, it's a very quick hello and goodbye since they're always on the move. But backpackers seem to stay a bit longer in each place which is exactly the way we do things as well. I guess we're motorcycle backpackers!
Among our many topics of conversation, I had to ask them if they missed traveling. The answer, even with a new baby, was... of course.
Neda and I are at a point where we've pretty much stopped touring and sightseeing for the last month and a half now and we're in no rush to get back to it. But still... I don't want us to call it quits, get a home, get a job, be sitting on our couch staring at the TV after work and suddenly realize that I miss being on the road. I want us to be sure that we're done and not just travel fatigued.
But it's been so long since we felt really enthusiastic about seeing new places...

The next morning, we bid farewell to Simon, Anne and Selma

Time to hit the road again!
The plan is... keep on doing what's made us happy over the last week: See more friends!
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