Hey that's a good idea about the rear bumper. I will look into that. Because I really want to remove my spare tire from the undercarriage and put a water tank or something there, lots of space. And I really do need a place to stick a propane canister.
Also I definitely want to remove that bulkhead but was planning to keep a driver side panel like you mentioned, because that is where my kitchen area is going to go. Plus it will help prevent flying missiles and stuff.
I am going to enclose all of my high value electronics in one bay. My inverter, controller, batteries, plus space for my laptop, GPS, camera, etc. And a separate partition for important paperwork. A silent paging alarm seems like a good idea, especially for urban environments where break ins are more likely to happen, I'd also like some way to track a stolen vehicle. They make those little dog trackers, maybe I could stash one somewhere. A paging alarm will be kind of useless when I am miles from my van hiking though.
Also need to look into what is covered on my insurance. I will probably get some more coverage to prevent theft. Because ultimately if someone wants my stuff, they will get it.
The person who was interested in my bulkhead turned out to be some kind of phisher or something. I really want this bulkhead gone.