Yetti’s Pacific North West Exploration & Expeditions Picture heavy

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I don’t have many pictures of the obstacles, this hill_ was the starting line. The swinging rings, was the finish. This is not an easy race by all means, and is considered one of the toughest in the " adventure race" market. And for good reason.

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Last weekend I took a friend and her daughter to the aquarium in Newport Oregon, spent a few quick days on the coast and back up the 101. It was really nice to have some company for once, and to see the magic of the world as seen from the eyes of a nine-year-old. Her outtake on everything was hilarious and refreshing, she played run from the waves for hours. She had never seen the ocean before, we all had a blast.

Left Friday night, later than i wanted: but i was now on girl time after all so.. We only drove a few hours in, made it to Hood River,

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stopped for some dinner at Cousins. I had been up since 3 am and was ready to crash, we had a boring night " camped" in the Walmart parking lot. Much to the delight of the girls, who thought it was great. They closed at midnight, and they needed some supplies from there in the morning anyway.

I was originally going to camp at some of the Core of Engineers boon docking spots between the freeway and the river, they have some cool free ones, but they were all packed. My next idea was (although its frowned upon, low key camp at little Stonehenge, but did not want to backtrack.

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Its a favorite of mine, you’re not supposed to sleep there, but its a big lot, and we used to take youth groups there all the time for star gazing and never had trouble. Just make good choices.

The next morning, again was slow (Remember now on Girl Time, new for me….)- I was up at 5:30 like every morning the past 15+yrs. I went into the store to get a few extra folding chairs and tank treatment, I even tried to get the required make up remover.....i failed and got the wrong stuff apparently.

With only three hours to go the remaining drive was fun and entertaining.

We got into Newport starving and had some great chowder, fish and chips, halibut burger.....and corn dog. Other than being packed and slow, they were great I would go again.

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
After a hour or so at the aquarium it was shopping time, the girls wanted sweaters, and some wandering around Newport was in order. Found a really awesome play ground, some sweaters and some beer and more fish and chips! Some more time on the beach for pictures, and exploring! It was also, packed and windy.

The aquarium was cool, spendy and packed though. 22/piece for adults. Give yourself plenty of time, and be ready to be patient with people, and crowds. Its also worth planing it to attend all the keeper talks, and feeding that are included with normal admission.

Killed a few hours like that, went back up to the camper we had found an awesome spot to park it right along the beach park, and played some games of dice while waiting for the wind to die down( it never did)..the girls tried to teach me not great.. I was surprised at how many people stopped and stared at the truck and camper! I forgot, all the stickers of where its been, they were reading them. Turns out people really do!

The sun was going down, and we decided not to risk just camping there.....although there were not any signs that said not to, and it was a quiet street where we weren't even blocking any views. I decided we would do something i never do, and get a pot at a park. in this case South BEach State Park. IT WAS INSANE< PACKED, PPL everywhere. But nice facilities, staff, spots and another play ground. And it was late again after we had some more good food.!8m2!3d44.6070975!4d-124.0620087

However the EMPTY beach in the morning was worth it, turns out all those people were to lazy to do the 1/2 mile hike to it, Spent about 3 hours there just playing, taking picture and having a blast. It was an earlyish morning, I must of been rubbing off on them. That also may of helped. we were there at 7am, and NO wind. Not to mention no wind in the park.

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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
We started the drive back, up 101 until about Lincon City and cut across to the gorge. Stopping o Eat at Cascade Ale House

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Had some good pizza, french dip and Grilled Cheese. This is also the end of the Pacific Crest Trail, so lots of backpackers.

We decided it was worth the 5 minute back track to the Bonneville fish hatchery and sturgeon center ( it was)!8m2!3d45.6332912!4d-121.9576674

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Herman, is a 70 year old 11 foot long 500# Sturgeon. And pretty cool, he is kind of a legend around these parts.

They have a pretty good gift shop, we found a few stickers to add to the camper. And started the 2 hour drive home- Made it in time to drop the ladies off as I still had a camper to unload.

NOTE TO SELF, for future- When there is an option: always let the 9 year old pick the road snacks!

This weekend another, MEd contract beckons,B 8.jpgB 9.jpgB 10.jpg

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Well another successful Sparta weekend in the books! 7500 runners and about 120 patients, lots of ankles- one broken clavicle and one who most likely fractured a disk. As always, truck and camper were flawless!

Day one was " The Beast" a 13 mile 30 obstacle race,

day two was the sprint 4 miles and 23 obstacles- Times for the Elite were 40-50mins.....


Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
We had quite the team for this one-

Our Team Lead Meg- Joe( a friend a convinced to come up for the weekend) and myself

there was a bit of a pattern with this crew - Lisa would kill me, It was hard to get pictures when we weren't laughing

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I read it and enjoyed. But i just saw it today. Congrats on the new 5er, whats it weigh and how does the ol 6L like towing it?

BushCoat- Thanks!! How are you liking your truck so far?

The GAWR is under 9600#'s on it. 33 feet including the box, 29ish on the ground. The 6.0 handles it well, its taller and wider but i have pulled heavy loads with it. As long as you arent expecting good mileage, she will pass everything except a gas station- I average 10mpg when towing, bad days 8- since its a short box and only a 25 gallon tank, about 200 miles. I would like to put a bigger tank in it, but have not done it yet.
When i bought the truck, the D-Max was a 10k$ Option, and once i did the math I just was not willing to go that route. And then added expense of maintenance, oil changes, and diesel being more the gas..extra wear and tear on front end parts, etc.

Figured I can get a lot of gas for 10k.
If i were to do it all over again, id get the one ton single rear axle but still the 6.0-maybe the 8l.

Its a 2015 Open Range 318RLS, nice model, I even have a stacked washer and dryer, fireplace, etc

Square Feet 313
UVW 8220
Hitch Weight 1570
Axle Weight 6650
GAWR – All Axles 8800
Gross NCC 1775
Net NCC 1300
Exterior Length (Box) 29’10”
Exterior Length (Overall) 33’10”
Exterior Height 146”
Exterior Width 100”
Water Heater (Gal.) 6 Gas/Elect.
Fresh Water (Gal.) 50
Gray Water (Gal.) 57
Waste Water (Gal.) 31
LP Gas (Lbs.) 60
Furnace (BTUs) 34,000
Tire Size 15”

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
I use google maps, to keep track of places visited, or that I want to go, not only is it color coded, but it syncs across all my devices. Makes it easy to plan last minute trips, etc.

Green- Places to go
Blue- Visited

a rough outline of Argentina, route ish. The Poder showed up a few days ago- this * Should allow me to import it from Chile, to Argentina. A tiny cook set/ for the bike, etc Helmet and bike parts should show up soon, Capture 1.PNGCapture 2.PNG


Active member
Enjoying the write ups! Had never seen this thread.

I'd love to hear more about your time in Colombia. Having spent 9 days in Medellin I found it to be an amazing city with super friendly people. Everyone thought I was crazy for going (typical american "South America will get you killed" mindset, IMO. We ventured all around and far outside the city and not once did I feel even remotely threatened. Some military folks we met were even going to let us shoot their weapons but we were headed in opposing directions.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic

Columbia was Great! The only bad thing about it, was that I was only there for a week and had to get to Bogata for my return flight. Never once did i feel unsafe, nor did my brother and sister in law. MExico the winter before, same thing. Everyone was friendly, and wanted to make sure we were safe, and well taken care of. I have learned even places where the locals may experience, violence, the expats, or tourists generally do not. That being said, like any where including the States- there are some places you should probably* stay away from. That being one of the largest misconceptions is " its not safe" thanks Media. However if you were to use the crime statistics of LA, etc to represent all of USA, it would be the same. For the most part people are people, smile, be friendly, make an effort. Dont be a ********, goes a long way. Medellin was impressive, the transit system and trams along were pretty awesome. I think it has 4 million people. I dont think I have one negative memory from South America....

I enjoy writing them up, but do it so fast I need an editor. haha

I need to go back and fill in Columbia on this thread, but dont know when ill make it happen. I am planning on being better for Argentina though!
You can read a partial right up here though

I have some gear starting to get in, as im at 12 days wheels up, and 13 in country.

Got my helmet, I was worried about the fit so ended up driving up to cycle gear in Portland ( about 3-4 hours on way) glad I did, picked up a jacket and ordered some pants as well. Ended up staying with the helmet, they told me to watch a movie or netflix with all the gear on until it breaks in. As weird as it sounds, and as bad as it looked they were not wrong. My neighbor may be scared of me now as he walked in with me sitting in my recliner with full gear on haha watching Buffy. ( im a 90's kid)

I am extremely new rider, ill either come back a great rider or in a box. Honestly it will be fine, but i find the joke funny. My brother came over yesterday and i took his bike for an hour or so on some of our local fun roads to get practice in. I never missed as beat, had no problem with 70, shifting, or cornering.

Still have bits of kit that should be arriving into work the next few weeks. ( rear tire, spedo cable, water filter, etc)

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
And yes, I am using my retired structure fire fighting gloves- they are awesome, but due to a hole/separation of the pad i cant use them in life or death situations anymore. They worked great so far!
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