Yetti’s Pacific North West Exploration & Expeditions Picture heavy

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
It is supposed to be able to go in 600ft, however I did not see how that would be possible anymore. It was pretty, and the headlamp made all the ice shine like 1 billion stars. The phone camera could only do so much. I can program a longer shutter speed, and that would have helped. But, obviously I did not.

Like most of them in the PNW, it’s an lava tube. I did not see any bats, and there was no one around. So I put the led collar on Mishka, and we descended the stupid slick, and icy stairs.

IMG_20231231_112319_517.jpgIMG_20231231_112340_234.jpgIMG_20231231_112350_486.jpgIMG_20231231_113036_038.jpgIMG_20231231_113240_214.jpgIMG_20231231_113530_134.jpgIMG_20231231_113611_075.jpgIMG_20231231_114221_655.jpgIMG_20231231_114305_172.jpgIMG_20231231_114427_625.jpgShe did great, and happily followed along. Once it got darker, she would just use my headlamp and follow it as I picked my line, then showed her; hers.

* I can guarantee, she was good. And did not use the restroom in the cave. or harm anything. *

As well as checking for bats prior.
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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
On the way back I stopped at the John Day Dam, and old. Now super fund site. I have a fascination with superfund sites. And the PNW has more than its share. However until today, I was unaware this was one. Colombia Gorge Aluminum. When it was a smelter facility, and owned by Lockheed Martin at one point. Although I believe the majority of the waste was removed by the EPA in 2016. However, I need to do more research.

I was not looking to trespass so pulled across the road, on an open power line access road.

Old Picture, When operational. A large facility.

Dec 31, 2023



Mishka, always close. And willing to explore.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
  • A little out of order*
  • We probably spent less than 30 mins in the cave, and reached all 4 sides/terminations. After coming back up, we hiked back.
I had skipped breakfast, so we stopped at a little café in Trout Lake, and had a great burger and coffee. Probably its because I was hungry, and had just hiked 3 miles. But It tasted like the best food ever. The lady who owns it, says it’s the worst snow pack she has ever seen. And that usually the road is closed at Trout Lake due to snow.

I would like to spend some more time exploring the area. Mishka and I headed back, and were home before it got late.


The truck at the "trail head."


Random of Mt Adams, on the way into Trout Lake.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
It's nice to follow your adventures, especially now that I know a little more about you! I'm taking notes about some of your destinations - thanks for sharing.
Thanks, it goes back quite a few years. If you have any questions about anything, please ask away.

I am happy to help people learn, see and add to their owns lists. As many of the places on mine, are due to the posts and recommendations of others. My adventures have been tame the last year or so, and sticking close to home as life changes. And loops we are thrown.

I was running the InReach the entire time, and it was not shy about the weather alerts. Your program seems to be doing a good job, of tracking, and sending alerts based on conditions.
I need to experiment with the “ D” and “I” commands more.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Due to lack of Snow, the 2024 Eagle Cap Extreme Dog Sled race was canceled. It’s pretty sad, as you all know I have volunteered there in the past. And had taken a break from it when C-19 had me busier than normal/ and or/gone.

It would have been last weekend,

My time with them can be reviewed on page 7 and page 11.’s-pacific-north-west-exploration-expeditions-picture-heavy.188754/post-2583313

I will head to Bellingham Wa, for a week of training/class next month.
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Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
That is a great question, I am not sure. I don’t know that much about how the qualifiers work, or the inner workings.

It’s a stunning area up there though, Joseph Oregon. And the race is worth seeing if y’all ever get the chance.

Snow pack has been bad, its actually dumping today. So a little late, but we will always need as much snow pack as we can get.

A video, of the race from 3 years ago. OPB

I don’t think I have posted it before.

My Brother is in Baja right now, it looks wonderful.

Pacific Northwest yetti

Expedition Medic
Well, like most places. Winter has found us. With -15 last Friday 9 (Including wind-chill)

I like the cold, and generally find is refreshing.

I full time in a 5er, and with some prep I don’t find it too troubling usually. I rent a private spot, on 30 acres, with one super quiet RV neighbor I never see. Apparently when the septic system was added on, for the RV hookups, they did not bury it deep enough. So it freezes and then everything from the house above, backs up into everything and freezes. So that’s fun. Luckily the 5er has big tanks, 40 gal grey and 40 gal black. So It’s good for about a week.

I got out Saturday for a nice short walkabout. Unfortunately, no run last weekend, I have been doing 2 miles, every Saturday or Sunday for the last 2 months.

The upper boat launch, and ice.


The crazy thing, there was a guy in a big lifted dodge and small fishing boat backing in as I left. I did not get a picture

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