It really is, they just never took care of it. The stove, was never cleaned. The windows I thought were limo tint, nope just filthy. The definition of rode hard and out away wet, in this case no longer in reference to horses.
I coated the entire under body with a rubber sealant, turned out great; unless you were that one big horse fly. I will add cleats ( so it does not sit on the fiberglass tube) and on the overhang I will add another coated piece of plywood for extra support and protection.
I have a little more clean up, to do in the entrance. But all the white is rubber coated paint, and I may do the same about 3 inches around the entire bottom of cabinets. I have yet to hear back from the mfgr, about the replacement cabinet doors.
They plate had been secured using anti tamper screws, it had obviously never been removed nor washed. I had to grind a grove in the heads so i was able to remove them with a Flathead and drill.
where, they had punched through the rear wall with the ladder I sealed the holes with silicone and covered with flex seal tape, then bolted and sealed some flatiron to it. The flat iron will distribute the weight and should prevent any future problems, from becoming a weak spot. It did not turn out as well as I would of liked though, but it fully functional. I will have to replace some of the rungs.