Holly **** are you still in you have got you a nice rig.You'll like the color scheme I think i plan on matching the color of are hard back is in 06 the coyote and flat black. I been good started my own shop when I got out working on diesel trucks called the diesel doctor
moving on with the build after I got the floor and roof done I decided finish the insulation on the inside I used R-max closed cell foam board and sound deaden-er and foil bubble wrap all of this combined should give me an R factor of 17.5
I came to this number by the sound deaden-er has an R value of 2.5 the R-max foam board has an R value of 5 @3/4 thickness double layered the foil bubble wrap with a 1/4 air gap has a R value of 5. I wanted it to be a efficient as possible so my air conditioner would not have to work that hard to cool of the back originally I planned on using a roof top unit so I cut a hole and stuck it up there. Well after I put the lift on I did not like it it was up to high, I wanted to stay under 13.6 for the height of the vehicle.
after I fished the insulating portion I cut the hole for the roof top fan (I must say these things pull some air i bet half the time I will not even need a/c )
Has any body installed a fantastic vent fan and not put one of those fan vent coves on i don't like they way they look but am worried about water when it rains