So I took a break from building the beds to finish the cabinets. I built the drawers and doors and counter top
The doors did not turn out like I wanted but I don't have time to redo them. I am supposed to be done with this thing in 3 weeks for my 4 weeks of testing and then 4 weeks of travel and I really don't want to travel 3200 miles in a just built van with out testing it. I will however redo the doors when I get back
This is what I am using for the counter top
I cut a couple of pieces of oak to use as trim for the counter top. The trim serves two purposes it keeps the edges of the formica down and also stop things from rolling off. I stained them with some cherry stain but the wife wanted black( actually she took over the whole inside) which is fine it keeps her mind off of how much money I have put into this project.
Next on the agenda was the back splash
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