Expedition Americas November 5, 2007


The time has come for me to fulfill one of my life's dreams. I've been working on this for over a decade but preparing seriously since I had a chance to chat with Scott Brady back in May at Cruise Moab. I think I was one of the first 20 people to sign up for Expedition Portal but a job change disconnected me from cube and PC addiction. I was able to chat with Brian and Scott during Outdoor Retailers here in SLC. I'll be writing about my trip in Overland Journal (www.overlandjournal.com) and Toyota Trails (for those of you in the TLCA.)

www.expeditionamericas.com has all the info, I'm currently working on a page for truck specs but my html skills are limited so it takes longer than it should. The truck is pretty close to being ready to go as it is. Adding an Ezi-Awn tent, rack, 4:88s and a bunch of PM. I have RSS and email subscriptions to the blog if you'd like to receive updates. I am really struggling to focus on anything but this trip, November 5th can't come soon enough. My goal is to document the process well enough that it can be used for a guide for others hoping to attempt similar adventures.

I'm also hoping to glean some info from the experts on the board regarding overland travel. My two biggest concerns now are shipping around the Darien Gap (i'm leaning toward VZ) and the time frame from Belize to Costa Rica. I'll post up those questions later. I want to thank you all for the info I've already been able to gather from the site and also to Scott, who after I made my decision to go, sort of pushed me over the edge to fully commit.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Fantastic! I am very eager to read and experience your adventures if only through your writing and pictures.

Also, pray is this two RTs atop the 80? :)



ExPo Original
I was huge fan of the ULCE, I'm sure I'll be a fan of Expeditions Americas too.

Congrats Dave for being on the cusp of realizing a dream. We'll be watching.... :beer:


pskhaat said:
Fantastic! I am very eager to read and experience your adventures if only through your writing and pictures.

Also, pray is this two RTs atop the 80? :)


That would be awesome and very dangerous at the same time if it were two roof top tents. That LX belongs to Jason and Christie Call. We found constant entertainment making fun of them for 10 days but they managed to haul themselves, 4 kids and all their gear through Baja with that set up. It took them an hour to unload and load each time we moved camp. I call that dedicated parenting. For the bachelor truck we could be ready to go in about 5 mins. quite the contrast. The top bag is made by a local SLC company called Kirkhams Outdoor Products. (http://www.springbar.com/shop/products.php?cat=18) It held up just fine to the abuse and made for a great sail to augment poor fuel economy. :)


kcowyo said:
I was huge fan of the ULCE, I'm sure I'll be a fan of Expeditions Americas too.

Congrats Dave for being on the cusp of realizing a dream. We'll be watching.... :beer:

Thanks, UCE was indeed an amazing trip. Still hard to believe we managed 1200 dirt miles and barely left Utah. Should be a write up soon in Trails about the Baja trip in March.



So my route is pretty open right now for the most part but I was hoping someone may have some insight on my timeframe for Central America. This trip is primarly about South America, I can easily return to Central America on future trips. So CA will be rather quick. I will have a friend joining me from Cancun, Mexico to San Jose, Costa Rica. Anyone have a recent knowledge of border crossings etc that can confirm the agenda below is doable?


Nov 5-Mexico might change according to what friends may be doing during the Baja 1000. I may drive the peninsula then ferry to the mainland. I’ll make that decision in late October. Mexico will be mainly a quick sprint, as quick as can be had, through the country. It is too close to spend time/money on this trip.

Nov 16 - Mexicali to near Los Mochis via Mex 2 and 15

Nov 17- Route from Mazatlan may very well depend on mood. If I’m sick of the pacific I will cross the country toward Tampico or stay on the pacific via Mex 200. I have no desire to go anywhere near Mexico City. I can always go back.

Nov 20- Mayan exploration for 7-10 days through the Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala

Nov 30- enter Honduras at Aqua Caliente attempt to make it to Tegucigalpa, find a hotel.

Dec 2- South then East to Nicaragua

Dec 4- early AM arrive at Penas Blancas to enter Costa Rica

Costa Rica depends on whether or not Darren joins me. Time frame either a 10 -14 days in Costa Rica. One or two days on the beach, a few more in the jungle and more on the beach,

Dec 15- Panama ideally no more than 10 days in Panama to arrange shipping or transport to VZ. It would be nice to leave before Christmas but realistically it may be after the holiday.

Dec 28/29 – arrive in Puerto La Cruz or Puerto Cabello depending on shipping costs from Panama,

cruiser guy

dmc said:
Nov 16 - Mexicali to near Los Mochis via Mex 2 and 15

That's a long drive! It isn't an interstate though it isn't bad. You don't want to be driving at night. There is not much room for error on the curbs!

dmc said:
Nov 17- Route from Mazatlan may very well depend on mood. If I’m sick of the pacific I will cross the country toward Tampico or stay on the pacific via Mex 200.

Mex. 200 is NOT a fast road. Lots of traffic, lots of sharp curves. If you want fast you DON'T want Mex. 200!!

dmc said:
Nov 20- Mayan exploration for 7-10 days through the Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala

You're not wasting any time with this itinerary!

dmc said:
Nov 30- enter Honduras at Aqua Caliente attempt to make it to Tegucigalpa, find a hotel.

The road from Agua Caliente to Tegucigalpa is a gravel/dirt road for at least some of the way. They were working on it when I went through last about 2 years ago so it was rough. You'll want to allow a minimum one hour at each crossing to process temporary vehicle import papers. My worst time was 5 hours!!

I can't help south of Tegucigalpa as I haven't been there yet.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
dmc said:
...4 kids and all their gear...took them an hour to unload and load each time we moved...

Kids require amazing amounts of stuff no doubt; stuff you'd never normally even think about. We carry maybe half of that with the wee ones and take twice that long to move!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
dmc said:
Dec 28/29 – arrive in Puerto La Cruz or Puerto Cabello depending on shipping costs from Panama,


I met a guy once who travelled down with his Westfalia diesel. He actually shipped his truck from Costa Rica instead of Panama. They went down to Panama but then found out it was much cheaper to ship on a boat from Costa Rica. It's one of those Japanese super mega giant boat that carries cars. If you have ever seen one you will remember for sure, it's like a huge square floating tank. The boat drops a bunch of cars in Costa Rica before heading down to South America. He was able to put his car on it for really cheap.

I have long lost his contact, but that might be something worth looking into.

Let us know what you find.


Once again, the best of luck to you Dave! If theres anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. Am excited to see you following your dream.


Expedition Leader
Wow what a great trip this will be. Continuing to write daily will be the tough part (stay with it ;) ) We'll be reading :chowtime:

All the best to you Dave while you are traveling. Still envious over your 80 color... :shakin:



Expedition Leader
If you have any Q's regarding travelling in venezuela, gran sabana, to manaus

let me know I lived in veno land for nearly seven years and drove the whole country.

I tried old transamazonica on my own too, but turned back by Police/army and told to wait for some one else.....the last guy they's seen was 3 weeks before...

I ended up driving home and then flying to Peru and backed packed my planned route in reverse....so much for the prep.....


Joaquin Suave said:
I'm sorry if what I'm going to say sounds overly critical, but...

Your being a typical gringo kook!

Your going to explore in the land of "menana"! If you carry your "I've got an agenda & we're sticking to it" mentality into Latin America...You will be beaten down and abused until you change or something bad will happen and you'll come running home!

Latin America happens at its own pace AND that is that!!!

So rather making your detailed plans,Simply say...I'm taking a drive to South America and I'll be taking my time to enjoy the trip! If people want to meet up with you along the way, then they should understand that they will have to bend to meet your schedule! Not the other way around.

I drove to Panama and back to California twice in the 70's & early 80's while living in Central America off and on for close to 5 years. Luckily, I got my "gringo agenda" beaten out of me quickly!

I'm not trying to diss you but rather give you possibly some life saving advice!

if you knew me at all you would realize how truly conservative this agenda is for me. in 2002 i got a wild hair to swim in the arctic ocean. 11 days, 8000+ miles (round trip) and mission accomplished in dead horse alaska. coming home from my first of 7 trips to alaska in 1996 i made it 3600 miles in 4 days just to see a concert. I covered 1100 miles of dirt in Utah/AZ in 5 days. driving for me is relaxing and pleasant. the stopping part is the real challenge.

i can always go back to central america. it's not that far. this trip is far more about south america. i guess the part you didn't think to consider is if i can get to VZ by new years that gives me 8 months with no concrete agenda. no firm dates. That is what i want. i appreciate your concern for this 'gringo kook' but if forcing my way through Honduras in 3 days (however i will NOT allow myself to drive at night) gives me the chance to spend a month in the Atacama or Patagonia with absolutely nothing to do but 'be' there then i'll take it. my actual written agenda that i have in regards to what i do after I reach Ushuaia reads 'point my truck north, open a map and figure out where to wander for the next 5 months.'

i have spent time in mexico and i understand a bit of the 'latin american' attitude. the culture is a major reason for taking this trip. mother nature (winter in southern argentina) my thinly stretched bank account, and my own penchant for always taking the road less traveled and thus the far less direct route dictate that i rough out an agenda. which if i'm not mistaken uses words like 7-10 days etc. i'm building in buffers. if they aren't enough i'll make adjustments. that is why i was asking for advice on whether or not it was doable. not telling people i'm adamant about making those dates.

so if you can post up specifics like 'no way you can get into nicaragua that quickly because the border alone takes 7 hours' that would be helpful. (see cruiser guy's reply) stereotyping me as a gringo kook and all latin americans with the attitude of 'manana' doesn't help a whole lot. I have co-workers in San Jose who would be quite offended that you imply they don't understand schedules, time frames, and budgetary compromises. Trust me I'm going to listen to them for which beach and which bar I should plant myself in. But 'manana' is an attitude not a necessity.

As far as my friendships are concerned. I guess i'm willing to adjust my schedule to theirs because they have wives, kids and careers to focus on. I have a completely blank slate. perhaps putting their needs above my own so they can share in my adventure is being a bit too selfless.:oops: i need to work on that self involved thing a bit more.

I do appreciate your attempt to set me straight but your attitude and demeanor did very little in persuading me. your experience in CA is obviously extensive. if instead of calling me an idiot you can share it thoughtfully and practically i would appreciate what you have to offer.
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Expedition Leader

venezuelan translation......

Not today, some time in the near future, not necceserely tommorow

all complaints about this vague term increases the chance of manana actually
meaning next week,

and while were fixing the AC system....

1000 miles down the road you realise they stole your ABS modulator unit to fix some one elses truck.

On entering another garage down the road with the comment please can you take a look at my ABS system as it does not seem to be working....

The answer from the mechanic was....what ABS system ? your truck does not have one ?

On further investigation there was a large plug hidden down behind the loom
with a few wire links stuck in the end to fool the ECU

This is a true story.....a friend in Anaco

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