Expedition Trophy 2007

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Thanks to everyone for hosting such a an outstanding event. Good times with great people. Here are a few (much lower quality shots) but they give you a view into some of the experience. I stayed way too busy to take many shots so I will have to depend on others and beg for some copies of their great pictures.








To next year's Event! :beer:

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Ursidae69 said:
For those wanting to get a blacklight like I had at camp to find scorpions, I bought mine at this link.

Thanks. That was way too cool. I grew up up in AZ but I was amazed at how many were out and about and easy to find with the blacklight. I'm getting one for sure.

Thanks too for your very well done slide show and sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. Much apreciated. :wings:


Expedition Leader
Tucson T4R said:
Thanks. That was way too cool. I grew up up in AZ but I was amazed at how many were out and about and easy to find with the blacklight. I'm getting one for sure.

Thanks too for your very well done slide show and sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. Much apreciated. :wings:

No problem amigo, it was really a treat for me to get to talk with everyone. I felt bad afterward at the little scorpion dance that Stephanie Brady was doing. I'll bet she would have rather not known just how many were out there! :oops: :)


Great job to the event cordinators and all the sponsors!!:clapsmile
This event definitely topped last year, can't wait for next year.
Congrats to all the competitors, you all did a great job. It was good to meet new faces and see some old ones, hopefully I will be able to see you all on some trail runs before next year. I have about 450 photos to go through, so will get some up tonight. Guess thats was why my camera battery didn't last, hahaha.

Thanks again to Scott and his entire team, well done!!


aventurero, Overland Certified OC0012
Most definitely an awesome event. And it was even better getting to meet a lot of new folks. Windy had a blast too. Now she knows why I couldn't stop talking about it last year!!


It was really a great event all around, thanks everyone!
  • Catching up with long time friends and putting new faces with screen names
  • The classes were excellent! Camp really was a little Overland Society University Campus
  • I could listen all day to Chuck telling me "I don't want to scare anybody, but if you get bit/stung/attacked by this animal.....well, that's not good"
Ursidae69 said:
....I felt bad afterward at the little scorpion dance that Stephanie Brady was doing. I'll bet she would have rather not known just how many were out there! :oops: :)

Funny, kind of like Srisuda when I told her that I'd get one of those lights and how easy it was to find the little guys right next to the tent:D. Of course that won't stop me.


Expedition Leader
Thanks to all for posting up and sharing so quickly with those of us that were not able to attend this year. It looks like it was a blast. Sorry I missed out. I will be out there next year though, and hopefully with some new goodies for the Trooper.


First timer's big thanks!

What a blast!! Thanks to Scott and all the coordinators for the vision and ambition to put this together.
And what a great group of individuals you all are. All you Expedition rallyers are great!
Maybe next year we'll see more ladies, or even have a women's competition event!


windy said:
Maybe next year we'll see more ladies, or even have a women's competition event!

That is a great idea... On the way home we were thinking it would be cool to have an activity for the kids that show up too!


Ryanmb21 said:
Check out this campsite! I'm drooling and I was there!! :drool:


More detailed post and pics to follow...

Awesome Event! Great times, better people!

That camp spot/area looks very familiar. Was that south of the Bloody Basin rd just off FR24?

Ruffin' It

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Thank you so much to all the people that took an obviously substantial amount of time to put this event together. You all did a genuinely amazing job. But, also, thank you to all the people that attended. I tend to not be a "large group" sort of guy. I don't hate people, but I usually tend towards much smaller groups, partially because there is always "that one guy". You know, that one guy who acts like an ass, is too loud, trys too hard to impress everyone else, and in general acts like an idiot. That guy wasn't at the event at all. Absolultly eveyone I met was great. Nice, approachable, easy to talk to, friendly, and down to earth. I was totally impressed to not only see multiple presentations on conservation, but to hear the whole audience (most of the people there) actually cheering sincerly at the end.
In short I was blown away. Blown away by the people who put this together and blown away but the caliber of people who attended.

So, from a first timer - Thank you to everyone. It was all way above and beyond what I expected.

:wings: :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings:


Ruffin' It said:
Thank you so much to all the people that took an obviously substantial amount of time to put this event together. You all did a genuinely amazing job. But, also, thank you to all the people that attended. I tend to not be a "large group" sort of guy. I don't hate people, but I usually tend towards much smaller groups, partially because there is always "that one guy". You know, that one guy who acts like an ass, is too loud, trys too hard to impress everyone else, and in general acts like an idiot. That guy wasn't at the event at all. Absolultly eveyone I met was great. Nice, approachable, easy to talk to, friendly, and down to earth. I was totally impressed to not only see multiple presentations on conservation, but to hear the whole audience (most of the people there) actually cheering sincerly at the end.
In short I was blown away. Blown away by the people who put this together and blown away but the caliber of people who attended.

So, from a first timer - Thank you to everyone. It was all way above and beyond what I expected.

:wings: :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings:

Dang... I guess Tyler and I didn't get a chance to meet. I'm usually that guy.

I'm glad that I had a chance to happen upon the group on Friday morning. It was a great coincidence and completely unexpected. I had a blast getting to put faces to names and the like. Meeting and hanging out with old friends and new ones alike. Lucas had a BLAST and was probably dirtier than he's ever been before but didn't care at all. Thanks Chuck for the BL link, I'll be ordering two, and the awesome slide show you put together. Thanks to all of the organizers and participants who not only made this an awesome wheeling event but a social event too. It's so cool to see such a diverse group of intelligent people with a common interest. Next year will be a competition year for me for sure. There's no way I'm missing out on all that additional fun again. I'll get my pics posted to PB over the next couple days. Mostly people pics but those help set the mood too.

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