2015 GMC Canyon


New member
Yep. waiting for Bushwacker to release their flares for the Canyon...they said early this year. My paint is chipped to heck on the rear fenders...the wheels spacers didnt help any :ylsmoke:

Just took my Colorado up to Tahoe and the Duratracs did amazing. So much better than my Impreza up there. Also did some pretty hardcore mudding/riverbed driving and had zero issues apart from being a bit slow to self clean in really sticky mud. All-in-all, I think I've found my favorite tire with the Duratracs.

I put Rally Armor universal mud flaps on and I highly recommend them if you're okay with the look of having mud flaps. I went with the cheap ones, but the rally spec thick ones are better for cold weather. They flex way more. It seems like the the only benefit from any of the flaps on the twins is keeping mud off of the door handle. They won't do much else unless you mount them low enough to drag on the damn ground.

Not sure if I missed the info earlier in the thread, but where did you source that skid plate? Seems like a great design and looks super beefy

A word of advice to anyone with a Twin- if you snag the rear bumper on the ground while approaching or departing a slope, the plastic trim gets all bent to hell. The matt plastic at the bottom is hollow and picks up rocks or mud and peels back. I think a rear bumper is my next build. Had a Marlin Crawler rear bumper on my last work truck (1996 Tacoma single cab) and really liked the design. I may try to build something similar.

Jeez, sorry for the thread jack. I just get super excited to see someone doing cool **** with these trucks. :Wow1:
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I bought the skid plate off some dude on 355nation. Message me if ya want a link.

Got a photo of the mud flaps? Might be a good interim solution until I get the flares...



New member
Heres a couple of pics. Truck was dirty before install so they don't look very "integrated", but you can get an idea...

Nothing special but an effective, quick fix.


Thanks, I don't have a mm to spare in the front wheel wells so they wont work for me. Just heard Bushwacker has delayed the flares (again)...


New member
The thickest part of the flaps is the hardware. The "basic" flaps are about as thick as a piece of card stock. The urethane flaps are about as thick as cardboard.

May be better just to wait for the flares, the universal ones do require a bit of work to install.


New member
Wow nice to see this build! Trucks looking really good and can't wait to see that bumper go on. Those are the factory wheels painted right? The only thing that looks a little goofy are the small rigids mounted there.


Ordered some Fuel Anza wheels, should be here soon. Debating which MT tire to put on them.

Rivers and lakes are finally freezing enough to begin backcountry, winter exploration. Ice is still a bit thin, hopefully another week of cold nights will finish up the freeze. I like to see 10+ inches before being confident. This river is about 8 inches thick...barely safe IMHO. For the southern folks who have no clue, driving ice requires a bit of knowledge and experience in regards to safety. Currents, knowing where thin spots are likely to be, etc....



Active member
Really nice truck! Looks great in black. I've always preferred the looks of the GMC a little bit over the Chevys.

Be careful with those squarish wheel wells though. I learned from the internet they cause cancer and other maladies. :)


Michael - Owner Wanderlust Overland
Did you do anything with the stock front bump stops? Considering the Timbren Active Fronts for mine.


Hasn't been an issue with the Icons. Almost pulled the trigger on front Timbrens as well...just not sure if they are needed. I'd be interest to hear your feedback if you get them...

Did you do anything with the stock front bump stops? Considering the Timbren Active Fronts for mine.


Any updates on the bumper?

Not yet, got side tracked with new wheels and tires. Fuel Anza with 275/65r18 Duratracs (planned on jumping up to 33 Nityo Trail Grapplers but a nearly new set of tires presented themselves at a price I couldn't resist. The difference in price will almost pay for a front bumper). Another week or so and I'll have them mounted...Bumper is the next item on the list. Still waiting on Bushwacker for a set of flares, they tell me they are a week or two away from releasing them...but they keep saying that every month or so ;)

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