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  1. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    For anyone following along, DO NOT buy steel from Lowes. Holy smokes! I didn't look up prices Saturday when I bought some. I was just trying to find some and all the steel shops were closed so it was Lowes. 300% markup over a steel vendor!! Got the rest ordered today and hopefully more progress...
  2. oPAULo

    Ace Vantura! ALLLLLLLLLLLRIGHTY then

    Saweeet! I'm loving that. One big consideration for our van is motorcycle gear . It takes up a lot of room. Lets see some on sight desert pics!
  3. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    This thing is part of the van. Rock solid. The middle vertical is set back to allow for sliding doors, which I know nothing about....nice thing about steel is i can drill and tap trim and stuff right to it.
  4. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    I was, and still am wondering if I should box in the platform to have it support the weight instead of the rivnuts and just have the rivnuts hold it in place. The bottom of this frame will be bolted to the floor and it's pretty rigid so flexing will be minimal. Plus that steel is expensive! I...
  5. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    About enough for today. This will get finished out into a reading/sitting/napping area. Top will be hinged and have a full cushion with sliding doors on the front. Ends will be wood inserts. 2 coolers plus a bunch more room for junk underneath. Bottom cross support get bolted to the floor...
  6. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    I like it! Good song right there! Let me wear it for a while and see how it fits. Noticed this today.... Super sealant in hand. Rivnuts are awesome if you have the rivet tool otherwise they're a pain in the *** and take many many turns of the open end spanner. Tool is getting ordered. It...
  7. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    I think it's a standard location for a window. Seen a bunch with one right there. It may be a little low but it works. It takes a lot of force to flex the sidewall and window but I'm going to add a bar to stiffen the structure. Opinions on welding inside the van to the van? Unhook battery...
  8. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Ever since we bought the van I was seeing black ants. Like, 1 every 3 days. Here there and yonder. I looked everywhere. Then it got colder and haven't seen one in over a week. Found them tonight tearing out the last of it. Little water damage. Yup, window leaks. Fancy sealant added to the...
  9. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Thanks so much for all the links and info guys!! Very much appreciated. I'll certainly think twice about insulation. Most of the walls and ceiling would be empty space between the support ribs anyway so may as well throw in some insulation. Was mostly thinking about where the bed will be and...
  10. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Ha! Just sitting here talking with Amy about fridges. Think I'll try to move it closer to the front burner. If I could just snag one of those Monster energy fridges with glass door and lights.
  11. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Hard to answer now that camping will be SOOOO much easier. There's no telling where we'll go and for how long. Best guess will be 3 day weekends without shore power. Thinking about a little genny to recharge if needed. I doubt that I start right off with a fridge and microwave unless ebay or...
  12. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Thanks so much!! If it's a factory battery tray bolt on and go I really might be interested in that route. Looking into it. Got a link for the RV charger fuse box combo? Thanks again!
  13. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Insulation The one night we slept in the van we used our little buddy heater. It was maybe 40-45 degrees outside. We've used this heater in a tent with great success on cold nights by throwing a tarp over the tent to hold some heat. Within a half hour it was 175 degrees inside the van. The van...
  14. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Thanks for the links Mwillians! I'll have this figured out in no time! 12 hour work days really put the chocks on working on the van but gives me lots of time to read. Hoping to hit the supply store Saturday for some building materials.
  15. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Thanks for the link. Been looking at that thread for a few days now. After looking at the price of Trojan batteries I'm realizing why people spend so much money on trick chargers. It's to make the batteries perform better and last for years and years. I think I fall into the "walmart battery"...
  16. oPAULo

    2010 Chevy AWD "VanGo"

    Let's see the bed/dinette setup so I can copy it!!!!! Looks great so far. Nice work.
  17. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Now I'm seeing that just straight charging off the alternator will take a very long time to 100% charge a half dead house battery let alone 2 so a charger it is.
  18. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    My eye and head hurt from trying to take it all in. This house battery thing is driving me nuts. SOOO many choices. I want 2 deep cycle marine batteries. Got my eye on 2 Trojan T31AGM's. Anyone know of a all in 1 unit that controls everything?? B2B charging as well as shore power charging??
  19. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    So no 12v microwaves? I have read about and seen batteries outgas as they charge and have plans for a sealed vented area for all the electronics. It will be enough room for future expansion. Here's the charger that was in there. Will this charge 2 AGM's? Will my alternator charge it all? Not the...
  20. oPAULo

    Can't think of a catchy name but I'm ALL IN now.

    Thanks! Still really undecided and a fridge. Would love one and also a small microwave but still doing research on house batteries. I have a spot planned for 2 batteries but the cost of it all bring me back to our plan of just a tent on wheels. At the same time we ARE doing at least one house...