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  1. Nadir_E

    onboard shower

    PM Sent I'm in line, too. :)
  2. Nadir_E

    Tuffy Super Security Trunk (fits YJ, CJ, early Bronco, & D90's)

    Hi All, I have two of these for sale. They are an older ('00-'01) model of the current "025-Super Security Trunk." Dimensionally they are the same - the only difference is the locking mechanism (see photos and compare against the Tuffy website to see what I mean). Both were once...
  3. Nadir_E

    Water Can

    PM sent
  4. Nadir_E

    Gun and Caliber Flame Wars

    Pretty funny stuff! Of course the blackness of the better rifles is essential - it goes with the owner's ninja outfit better than wood! :bike_rider: -n
  5. Nadir_E

    November Weight Loss Challenge

    Does the weather allow you to work-out outside? Even if just a run, it's FAR easier to wile away the miles if they're changing in appearance as you go by, rather than seeing the same wall/mirror/whatever in front of your treadmill at the gym. If you're interested in doing more than just...
  6. Nadir_E

    Baja Almanac

    Nice! Got one on the way - looking forward to using it for some route planning. Thanks for the link!
  7. Nadir_E

    Not a Unimog, but it is German...East German that is.

    Looks like a GAZ 66 - separated at birth?
  8. Nadir_E

    REI - Garmin Nuvi 500 $224

    I picked one up, too. Like it so far. What he's referring to is the quality of the topo maps resident in the Nuvi isn't that high. To get something like 1:24,000 USGS maps you need added memory cards. Here's one at REI for Cali/Nevada: Thinking about...
  9. Nadir_E

    show us your defender / series storage solutions

    A heads-up on the Troy Smith boxes - they only fit (as shown in the link) in those D-90's that DON'T have a horizontal section of roll cage connecting the front hoop with the rear hoop. In my '94 soft-top that wasn't the case and I had to have a big chunk cut out in a local weld shop. -N
  10. Nadir_E

    Prolonging gasket life on empty NATO cans

    I cannot say with certainty that it won't react badly with the gasoline, so try at your own risk, but one way to keep rubber products pliant is to spray them with a light coating of silicone (available in a spray-paint like can at your local hardware store). -N
  11. Nadir_E

    CA Ammo changes on the gov's desk

    Sent an e-mail asking the governor to veto the bill. Any Californian should do the same, otherwise the prices you'll pay will reflect the added expense of dealing with this BS law.
  12. Nadir_E

    School me on home-defense (gun related).

    Good on you for investing in the training, Cackalak Han. Get that first aid /trauma training next! -N
  13. Nadir_E

    School me on home-defense (gun related).

    It's not fate - it's adrenaline. In the case of the kids fooling around, much less adrenaline coursing through their system - in the case of a cop in a gun fight, tons of it. The net effect is a loss of fine motor control which means much less accuracy with the weapon. You should train for...
  14. Nadir_E

    School me on home-defense (gun related).

    Training & Education Lots of good points in this thread. Allow me to expand on Fergie's earlier post about getting trained. Simply stated, if you do not seek proper training, you are putting yourself, your family, and your neighbors at risk if you choose to own a firearm. Sure your [Dad...
  15. Nadir_E

    Qwik Grip Tire Chains

    Responded to your post on another board, Aaron. Taking a number and waiting my turn! :sombrero: -Nadir
  16. Nadir_E

    Post pictures of your Land Rover.

    That's a nice looking rig, Mark. Hoping to import a 110 of my own someday! -N
  17. Nadir_E

    Sand Ladders

    Also, you may want to consider getting some in aluminum rather than steel - much lighter that way. The set I have look like the photos in the link you gave, but testing with a magnet showed they weren't steel, so I'm sure they're out there. Unfortunately I acquired them so long ago I don't...
  18. Nadir_E

    Knife Sharpener suggestions

    Some friends swear by EdgePro, but I don't have personal experience with one. I've used a lesser version with the same idea made by Lasky that has given good results. If you've grown used to dull knives and you do get them back to factory-sharp, be sure to keep some band-aids nearby! :sombrero:
  19. Nadir_E

    Classic Rover terror

    I need some education here - why was it more effective to cut the ground wire than to switch off the engine? Electrically speaking, aren't those the same things?
  20. Nadir_E

    Sweet Hiluxes in "District 9"

    I just saw it today as well - and will echo both comments - it's a cool movie (unique take on the subject) and that's a bad-*** looking pick-up truck! I look forward to more photos of it becoming available.