Search results

  1. 86scotty

    Looking for floor ideas

    I prefer 1/2" rigid foam (4x8' sheets) from Lowes/Home Depot with 3/4" ply over it. Adds some height but also a lot of insulation and solid surface to mount cabinets/etc. to. I have put carefully cut rubber barn stall mats in a couple of vans. Super easy to clean with a wet towel, not easy to...
  2. 86scotty

    Grenadier OWNERS Thread - Answers by Owners to questions from Everyone Else!

    Wow, thanks. Typo. I'm a recovering BMW owner and fanatic, just a brainfart.
  3. 86scotty

    FOUND Vans For Sale!

    No affiliation, pretty solid deal on a 7.3 ambo van, 99k.
  4. 86scotty

    A Moment From Any Current Manufacturers or Business Minded

    Linky no worky. I just get a revolving logo of some kind.
  5. 86scotty

    Outpost Truck Campers

    Much nicer inside than I expected, especially in that price range. I don't know if I could do a cap that high though.
  6. 86scotty

    Sand Monster (Usal Beach)

    Sounds like actual overlanding. More people should try it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 86scotty

    Subarctic ambulance

    There's more info on those than you could ever need on the Ford Truck Enthusiast (FTE) forums. There's also an old Ford transmission engineer who used to frequent there who is kind of the guru on them, he's probably still hanging around. Mark Kovalski maybe?
  8. 86scotty

    Subarctic ambulance

    They are clunky old beasts but they get the job done. How many miles on yours? Seems like I remember 2-300k being normal for an e40D in something heavy (likel, say, an ambulance).
  9. 86scotty

    2017 Sportsmobile 4x4, 36k miles, Carlsbad CA

    Dang, I'm looking for one with a strong pet smell. Maybe litter box or wet dog. Do you smoke cigars, by chance? A strong cigar smell might suffice.
  10. 86scotty

    What's a good propane cooktop?

    The RV industry is dominated by whoever can supply the most in the cheapest manner. Americans get exactly what they pay for. I say this because I'm mostly familiar with garbage American RVs. Pretty much everything made abroad or custom campers made here are much better, but they still have...
  11. 86scotty

    What's a good propane cooktop?

    I'll second this. I do not believe Dometic is Chinese garbage. It's easily as good, and really better, than most built in camp stoves I've had. I am referencing the one linked above with a glass top. Camper stoves aren't going to be like Viking ranges in an expensive home, they are light and...
  12. 86scotty

    Pics of your VAN! Post up!

    I've wondered if Rim Rocker was doable in a van. It's been on my list for awhile.
  13. 86scotty

    ✅ Questions about Ford E450 w/ 6.8 Triton Gas V10…

    You'll find no shortage of V10 fans and knowledge on the Sportsmobile Forum also, and everyone there has one in a van cab which is specific to your situation. There are a couple of members who have run them up to half a million or so miles before rebuild. Question 2: It's not that hard with...
  14. 86scotty

    Somehow We Missed This Wild Celebration

    I love this! I've seen clips from the past few years. I started to watch this one a few days ago but got distracted. The addition of drones makes it really trippy to watch.
  15. 86scotty

    New RV Buyers watch out

    But people don't read. No one reads anymore. It's perfect for giant corporations, lawyers and big media.
  16. 86scotty

    Canopy vs Awning

    Completely depends on the last sentence above. Do you camp with the vehicle or off of it? Simple. You can get an awning about as cheap as a canopy that will do the job fine. I've got a $150 Amazon one on my van these days and am perfectly happy with it considering I deploy it a handful of...
  17. 86scotty

    SOLD! More Power Puller hand winch (new)

    NTANA (Now that's a new acronym)
  18. 86scotty

    Favorite Budget Tires?

    Don't skimp on tires. Find something else to go cheap on.
  19. 86scotty

    Pics of your VAN! Post up!

    Rambling around Colorado recently
  20. 86scotty

    Awning rafter/expansion pole - where to find?

    Tried calling, like 20 times in a day? Head Office / Factory South Africa Cussonia Park 3, Ridge Road, Laser Park, South Africa +27 11 794 6311 Squeaky wheel gets the grease.