Looks like I missed a good one. We had to rough it back down the coast from Santa Cruz.
Too bad there was nothing to look at!
Does anyone have a GPX track of the weekend they can send me?
Congratulation on your accomplishments.
It was nice meeting you and your wife at the Mountain Rendezvous.
Have a safe trip and enjoy.
Where in Alaska will you wind up?
I am jealous!
Don, your brakes aren't even close to being adjusted if it is a new axle.
Pull the plug from the backing plate and take a flat blade screw driver and turn the star until the drum stop turning and just barely back it off.
My brakes...
And there it goes!
Almost too nice to stick up under the trailer.
I left room above the tank for a layer of insulation.
This is the support rail at the front side
This is the back side
Fitting location inside.
This is a shot from the front. Tank hangs down 2 1/2"
Not as young as I used to...
Look what I got!
This is a gift from my stainless steel fabricator.
Almost too nice to stick under the trailer.
26 gallons. Guess what I am doing this weekend!
Life is good!
It is beaded plank paneling from Lowes. I like it because you don't see it very often and it is pre-finished.
It is through out the interior.
Thank you for the compliment. Haven't been doing very much work on the trailer recently. Doing the hospital thing again. Tired of being sick.
I should receive my stainless steel water tank for below the trailer on Wednesday and then everything should start falling into place.
I think I...
Glad to hear.
I am happy to hear that everything went ok.
Would you tell me about you water tank. As it turns out, I went the same route you did, under the trailer between the rails.
Who made your tank for you?
I could not find what I needed, so I had my stainless steel guy make me a tank to...
You lost me. You are going from DC to AC back to DC and then to what, why?
Why don't you just keep it simple. Add a second battery, any deep cycle, you choose the amp hour rating according by what you are running off of the battery for how long. Run a National Luna charge controller that...
What GoPro do you have?
You know they have very nice LCD screens now that snap on the back?
I love my GoPro. I wish I had your amount of time to use it.
They are called bar sinks. They have the small strainer so you can hook up a...
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