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  1. Jrally

    Nissan Juke

    Certainly not production type fabricating, lots of custom work to make it fit. I love it though, right up my alley... -Jon
  2. Jrally

    My '92 Subaru Loyale project car

    That panel looks amazing, very cool addition... -Jon
  3. Jrally

    Travelling to the top of Australia

    One of these days... I'll get back down under, beautiful country. -Jon
  4. Jrally

    The VehiCROSS

    Saw this one up in Flagstaff this past weekend, while driving around in the Celica. -Jon
  5. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    pics: V-Cross in Flagstaff... Great idea for recycling old equipment: broken buses, semi trailers, shipping containers, etc...
  6. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    The weekend after the race, we took the Celica on another adventure. Drove up from Phoeinx to Flagstaff to spend the night in an old hotel Monte Vista. In the morning our plans changed a bit, originally we were going to go down past Lake Mary, Mormon Lake and such, eventually heading through...
  7. Jrally

    SOAZ regional EXPO group meet and greet 10/08-09

    Great trip, looks like fun. -Jon
  8. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    Any time I'm not racing, I'll be happy to run out back... For anyone interested, please, come check out the race next year, one of the smoothest running races in the country. -Jon
  9. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    Prescott Rally 2011 I had so much fun running Course Closing last year at the Prescott Rally and then again at High Desert Trails Rally, I think the Celica has found it's part time job. I signed up to do it again this year. My budget this year really was only going to allow me to run one race...
  10. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    It's actually the other way around, the job is Course Closing, but when the flashing lights are on, the road behind me is now opened back up to public traffic. -Jon
  11. Jrally

    Expedition Celica @ work

    Some great shots of the Expedition Celica doing one of it's jobs, working rallies!! I had a blast once again working Course Closing at the Prescott Rally this past weekend... -Story to follow shortly- -Jon
  12. Jrally

    Where's the Rodeo's and Amigo's?

    Great looking Amigo rig... -Jon
  13. Jrally

    The Big Meander, Summer 2011

    Come down into Arizona.... Great pictures and stories! -Jon
  14. Jrally

    Prescott Rally prep

    Possible alternative to Photobucket... Extinguisher Mount GPS Mount
  15. Jrally

    Prescott Rally prep

    I'm sure fun will be had by all. Thanks for volunteering last year. Rallies can't happen without the, usually, 100 plus volunteers. On to my new sore point, WHY does PHOTOBUCKET all of a sudden suck, HATE me!!? I'm trying to post pictures of the mounts, but no luck at all getting Photobucket...
  16. Jrally

    Prescott Rally prep

    Yeah, I know, not a rally web site, but it will be an adventure. Once again, the Expedition Celica will be doing Course Closing (Car# 999) duty, making sure everyone makes it out safe. I've taken a que from an off road race prep company, and built what I think is a VERY cool fire extinguisher...
  17. Jrally

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    I'll be back out, running Course Closing once again at the end of this month for Prescott Rally. -Jon
  18. Jrally

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    I race with Keith Jackson, he and his brother have fantastic fabrication skills. If they don't offer the bumper you are thinking of, they can certainly make it. I'm sure there are lots of fabricators around, myself included. (and I'm in Phoenix) -Jon
  19. Jrally

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    If you'e around at the end of the month, I would love to com check it out. I'll be up in Prescott the last day of Sept. for the Prescott Rally. I'll be running the Course Closing car again, in the Celica. Friday afternoon, the race starts out of Tim's Subaru, Saturday morning out of the...
  20. Jrally

    Forester: ExPo Subaru Project

    Glad you got it running again. I've got a new interest in Subis, just bought a 2.5RS single cam engine to play around with. -Jon